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Search results

  1. C

    Decline of Functioning Society

    I was at a graduation ceremony today for an Ivy League school. There were hawkers outside with flowers, candy, teddy bears, bottled water, etc. This place used to have several booths set up where people could purchase those items last minute and the money was used to support the school. Now...
  2. C

    80s thread - The best of the 1980s

    Where can I buy that tshirt?
  3. C

    Property / Real Estate As An Investment

    Anecdotal example: The house right next door to the one I grew up in recently sold. My sister keeps in touch with a neighborhood busybody who asked a local realtor what the house sold for -$860,000. This house was listed a year ago for $1.2 million. To be fair, they put a legit second floor...
  4. C

    Clown World Thread

    L et G od B urn T hem Q uickly
  5. C

    Funny and Cool Pics and Vids

    They need to use some of that...
  6. C

    Elon Musk Thread

    Fire and EMS usually carry window punch tools. A dive team may not have one but the assist companies on scene most definitely will.
  7. C

    Testosterone Replacement Therapy

    G2C, Thanks for the quick reply. Have you worked with Marek Health before? I paid $255 for the Basic Package and $50 for the pregnenolone testing. That was suggested to me by Mike Mahler whose supplements I used for months. I looked at the comprehensive package but it was $200 more and then...
  8. C

    Testosterone Replacement Therapy

    I got the results of my first blood draw after being on TRT for three months. My testosterone went from 417 to 794. I spoke with the doctor over the phone and he was concerned that my hemoglobin was too high(18.6). He wants me to go for a weekly therapeutic blood draw until I get it under...
  9. C

    The Off-Topic and Random Thoughts Thread(Anything Goes!)

    I had a vivid dream Tuesday night that has bothered me all week. I dreamt that I was exiting an industrial building through the basement. The basement had concrete floors and walls covered by faded and chipping paint. It was dimly lit and slightly damp and musty. It was uncluttered but had...
  10. C

    The Fat People Thread

    I used to look down on fat people with disdain. When I would see a morbidly obese person I immediately felt that that person had no discipline and no self respect. My thoughts on that have softened because I am now very overweight. I grew up in the Arnie and Stallone era and got into weight...
  11. C

    Thoughts on suicide

    Sometimes I think it is more nuanced. I remember John Wayne telling cowboys to save one for themselves (a bullet) as they faced down an onslaught from Indians who they knew would torture them to death. Does that get one a one way ticket to hell? When my daughter was dying, I tried making...
  12. C

    Testosterone Replacement Therapy

    I started TRT on December 11, 2023. I'm a hair over 6'2" and weigh 263 lbs. I am 52 years old. Before I started TRT my numbers were as follows: Testosterone - 417. They were at 343 before I took T supplements for three months. Free Direct Testosterone - 12.5 Glucose - 124 Prediabetic...
  13. C

    Resisting The Sirens of The Modern World

    I had a very weird experience today. I gave into temptation and went along to a "gentleman's club" this afternoon. One of the dancers who went by the name of Ariel came and sat near me talking to me asking me if I wanted a dance. She put her leg over mine and was touching me while she was...
  14. C

    The Normalization of Bestiality & Furries

    Nearly 30 years ago I remember a guy telling me about an exchange student in one of his classes who talked about raping goats and sheep. Apparently the trick was to toss their back legs over a fence so they couldn't get away. Now I need to go shower as well. :sick:
  15. C

    Investing in US Treasuries

    I probably should have titled this "Has anyone invested in US Treasuries (directly)." I am closing on the sale of my condo in a blue city next week. I have held the property for over four years and have done extensive renovations. I will net a little over $100,000 USD. Considering interest...
  16. C

    Moving Abroad Before the Collapse

    Careful! Little Dark's thread didn't go in the direction he was hoping.
  17. C

    Heritage Request Thread
