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Search results

  1. Cobra

    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    This is important..... BUT This is the reality! Here is the problem. America is a VERY liberal country as compared to other countries in the East, culturally speaking. We have not only anointed women with more and more rights, we have also pedestalized them to the point of almost no return...
  2. Cobra

    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    JD is sharp. Even without tons of makeup.
  3. Cobra

    Forum rules discussion thread

    Fair point. I have a teenager, and another one getting there soon. I just recognize the patterns and am constantly calling them out to prevent the next mishap. As a father it's wired in me. So, it wasn't my intention to offend. This member just happens to be similarly cavalier and goes off the...
  4. Cobra

    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    Your arguments consistently lack substance. I find myself searching for it and come across an emotional source rather than logical. Those have been combated by many people here who have in fact provided substance over the years. That said, there is no combat to TDS. It's just an addiction and...
  5. Cobra

    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    TDS means discarding reality and then taking that mentality and applying it universally to everything Trump related. Again, this is the same reality you believe in : group xyz has power and they control everything, yet you expect Trump to take control away from that group. Trump comes in from...
  6. Cobra

    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    Pardon me, but is this post meant to be comic relief? I was definitely amused.
  7. Cobra

    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    You may be missing the forest from the Trees. Trump is in fact being destroyed and it's obvious to even a 12 year old. That said, they are trying to destroy what he symbolizes, which is the plight of American cultural identity and crisis. If they can, in fact, destroy that, then Trump doesn't...
  8. Cobra

    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    Maybe you missed my point, and it's an important one. A good politician can separate ideology (e.g. communism, America first), from the "connection" factor. Likeability is a huge component of this and Obama had it, regardless of what he represented. Most voters in his area are too low...
  9. Cobra

    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    Or ban you... Which Roosh would have definitely done. Obama also had the entire media and deep state establishment on his side, not to mention a stronger infrastructure. Don't forget his strong political history in one of the most corrupt states ever - Illinois. Obama started out there as a...
  10. Cobra

    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    Yes, I do. I also know that the swamp is that much deeper, which I otherwise would not, because Trump was there. You later on (below) go on to say a president has done very little for the last few decades. If person x should be no where near, then no person should be any where near, according...
  11. Cobra

    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    Member: The system is broken and we can't fix it. Me: It sure is. Member: Trump didn't do enough. Me: But you said system is broken. Member: But muh Trump ... He did Zero, nothing ... etc.. So either Trump didn't do anything, the system is broken, or both, but the latter isn't factually...
  12. Cobra

    Donald Trump

    Ramaswamy! It's funny that people will post things like this and ignore him hard because of identity politics but won't come up with legitimate criticisms. He's likely one of the smartest people we can have in politics.
  13. Cobra

    Donald Trump

    Welcome to the USSA!
  14. Cobra

    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    In these parts, I'm not known to speak on matters beyond my expertise. Peruse my past posts, and you'll see my deep involvement at the local level. Without revealing personal details, I can share that I've led a government body as it's top official, navigated several local races with varying...
  15. Cobra

    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    Not that simple. You're giving too much credit to the political intuition of the American voter, which has declined significantly over the last few decades. A big reason for that is media propaganda. That said, alternate sources do emerge, albeit slowly, and consequently, voters slowly start...
  16. Cobra

    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    Sure, but we may be at the point where economic dread and apprehension may prove to be a larger driver of voter turnout, or simply more relevant than cultural dread and apprehension (e.g. oh my god that looks to be racist).
  17. Cobra

    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    In an ideal, fantasy world, politics gets us nowhere. Again, it's best to come out of that world. Welcome to reality where politics, with its numerous problems, idiots and betrayals, actually matters. Navigating it is not for the faint of heart and it's no longer a game for idealists. Deals are...
  18. Cobra

    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    I've always wondered how someone can even make posts like this, and then also realized that we gave these types of "off planet" comments a platform in this thread. Furthermore, I finally realize that some folks don't even live in the US and likely don't even understand the actual on the ground...
  19. Cobra

    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    You don't. The question isn't about him being out of touch. The question is about us being out of touch. You are thinking that it's actually possible to defy the establishment, with honor, AND live to tell the tale. You're living in a fantasy. It's not possible. You already know that from...
  20. Cobra

    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    Your post is evidence that you don't understand politics. Don't take it the wrong way. My point is that in order to win a political race, you absolutely cannot alienate people in your party, regardless of past behavior. Optics themselves are terrible. It's a surefire way to lose. Making...