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Search results

  1. C

    Traditional Catholic Sermons

    Should have placed it in a new Protestants-who-like-to-dress-up-as-Catholics sub-forum.
  2. C

    Traditional Catholic Sermons

    Go away and rot Sede.
  3. C

    Catholic Grifters

    Patrick Coffin... "He Went There"... And it doesn't look like he's coming back...
  4. C

    LGBT Agenda

    I watched this movie today based purely on your post (what else is there to do on December 29th?...). A very good movie. I share your admiration of Mikkelsen. He's someone whose work I have never sought out but who has cropped up in so many movies and TV shows across a number of years and he is...
  5. C

    LGBT Agenda

    Sounds like your a couple of mojitos away from "hey, let's cut our dicks off!"
  6. C

    Discussing Hell and Eternal Damnation

    Also you'll believe when you get there.
  7. C

    Discussing Hell and Eternal Damnation

    Immediately after death the souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin descend into hell, where they suffer the punishments of hell, “eternal fire.” The chief punishment of hell is eternal separation from God, in whom alone man can possess the life and happiness for which he was created and...
  8. C

    The Douglas Murray Thread

    I agree. Strange Death of Europe was very good. He's also clearly partisan on the issue of Zionism but where his partisanship clouds his views of all things Jewish/Israeli, I find him quite circumspect on Islam and to that end he's been quite a commendable voice. There's a bizarre passage in...
  9. C

    The Barbarian Invasion of Europe

    Three children stabbed. One remains critical in hospital. 6 year olds I read.
  10. C

    Resisting The Sirens of The Modern World

    Like a gold ring in a swine’s snout is a beautiful woman without discretion Proverbs 11:22
  11. C

    Lifter's Lounge

    Yeah you mean HIT? I did this exclusively, apart from BJJ, for about 18 months before I got married. There's a lot of debate about the veracity of the claims but for me it worked and I got stronger and bigger. I was a total novice at that time and also younger so I had those factors on my side...
  12. C

    Public Figures that converted to Catholicism

    Blessed John Henry Newman and Peter Kreeft were both converts. To save us from drifting too far into the world of literary candidates let me toss in Shia LeBouf. Didn't he convert when preparing to play Padre Pio?
  13. C

    Public Figures that converted to Catholicism

    Oscar Wilde, Alec Guinness and Mortimer J Adler are three who spring to mind.
  14. C

    Heritage Request Thread

    https://www.rooshvforum.com/members/francis.18252/#about Good to be here.