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Search results

  1. ISR92

    Offshore and Tax Minimisation Thread

    An option is to buy Bitcoin, move to a tax-free jurisdiction, and cash out there. I know back in 2019 when I was there, Vietnam had its own exchange which requires no KYC and you could sell for cash by simply meeting one of the company's representatives in person. For bigger sums, you had to go...
  2. ISR92

    Conspiracy Theory Thread

    Putin in 2008 versus Putin in 2023. Clearly, the current Putin is a body double. People here tend to think that Russia is a non-aligned pariah state that is fighting back against the West, but shady stuff is going on there too. Russia is important as a controlled opposition. Yes, the left has...
  3. ISR92

    The Jewish Question (JQ)

  4. ISR92

    Pros and Cons of Anglosphere Countries

    Also this recent popular one:
  5. ISR92

    Finding a traditional wife abroad

    While this is a good idea, if you're a white man, try your best to date a white woman. We need to protect our race, we are only 10% of the world's population right now, and that number is going to shrink massively over the next century as a result of white-on-white wars cooked up by the...
  6. ISR92

    Conspiracy Theory Thread

    The Harold E Holt naval communications base in Australia clearly has the star of David in the alignment of its structures when viewed from above in Google Earth. I also noticed that the large clock tower in my city has the Star of David...
  7. ISR92

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    Doubtful. You can't easily confiscate something which you can store in your head, outside of duress. If the government wants to shut down the crypto rodeo, the way forward is to ban it, ban transacting with it, ban exchanges, and ban the sale of mining equipment. There would still be residual...