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Conspiracy Theory Thread

This topic starting to get some legs online, after this shooting in Maine. I'm going to post updates to it here under "conspiracy theories".
General Mike Flynn has very belatedly poured cold water on the Q psyop.

> I'm a big fan of X22

Does he find the Q nonsense amusing? Last I checked (granted a long time ago now), X22 was pretty deep inside the Q vortex. Perhaps not as deep as "JFK Jr is still alive," but still propping up common Q optimism with tortured logic. Dave manages to straighten himself out for interviews, but I remember his monologues as unabashed Q promotion.
> I'm a big fan of X22

Does he find the Q nonsense amusing? Last I checked (granted a long time ago now), X22 was pretty deep inside the Q vortex. Perhaps not as deep as "JFK Jr is still alive," but still propping up common Q optimism with tortured logic. Dave manages to straighten himself out for interviews, but I remember his monologues as unabashed Q promotion.
I'm guessing that X22 was a huge supporter of Flynn, who then felt the need to make up for flushing Q down the pan.
The police deaths correspond to obituaries, are you certain the entire thing was a false story? If it is, these are the things that are good to know.
It was a while back that I last saw it mentioned, but I remember being convinced at the time it was a hoax. Not the only op that took place to discredit pizzagate. Do you remember the glowie that went to Comet Pizza with an assault rifle, fired one shot, and it supposedly hit and destroyed the hard drive of the PC in there?
Putin in 2008 versus Putin in 2023. Clearly, the current Putin is a body double. People here tend to think that Russia is a non-aligned pariah state that is fighting back against the West, but shady stuff is going on there too. Russia is important as a controlled opposition. Yes, the left has the initiative in the West, but that doesn't mean that the Jews won't allow conservative/right-leaning media companies to air. The atomization is important for their plan as division is useful to them as a means of control. Russia is just this but on a global scale. We're all being played big time.


  • Vladimir_Putin_4_April_2008-8.jpg
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  • Владимир_Путин_(18-06-2023)_(cropped).jpg
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Putin in 2008 versus Putin in 2023. Clearly, the current Putin is a body double. People here tend to think that Russia is a non-aligned pariah state that is fighting back against the West, but shady stuff is going on there too. Russia is important as a controlled opposition. Yes, the left has the initiative in the West, but that doesn't mean that the Jews won't allow conservative/right-leaning media companies to air. The atomization is important for their plan as division is useful to them as a means of control. Russia is just this but on a global scale. We're all being played big time.

"Clearly" how so? He's aged 15 years just like you and me.
Putin in 2008 versus Putin in 2023. Clearly, the current Putin is a body double. People here tend to think that Russia is a non-aligned pariah state that is fighting back against the West, but shady stuff is going on there too. Russia is important as a controlled opposition. Yes, the left has the initiative in the West, but that doesn't mean that the Jews won't allow conservative/right-leaning media companies to air. The atomization is important for their plan as division is useful to them as a means of control. Russia is just this but on a global scale. We're all being played big time.

You're using unreliable sources
Looks like the exact same person.

In the 2008 photo he's aged 55/56
In the 2023 photo he's aged 70/71.
A man at 70 will not look the same as when he was 55.

Is there any truth to this, or is it just lumping too many buzzwords into one cake just to get clicks?

This is correct based on my research into freemasonry. I don't know how universal this is in the history & modernity of freemasonry but some of them definitely worship the "generative principle" (the G in the square in compass... the square and compass represent a male and female having sex).
It's really weird watching people catch up to what most of us have known for the last 20 years.
Maybe in the year 2043 we'll get normies questioning if the coronavirus and vaccines were a one world government planned psyop.
I have to say that it was around 2007, I think, that I became aware of the significant problems with the official 9/11 narrative. I watched the Loose Change documentary and then did my own research to verify the claims it made. The 'smoking gun' for me was Building 7; for it to collapse in the way it did, allegedly from fire damage, just does not seem credible. Then there was all the circumstantial evidence - 'Lucky Larry' buying the estate earlier that year and 'refurbishing' the buildings; his absence on the day, when usually, by his own account, he would eat at the Windows of the World restaurant every single morning; his weekly phone calls to Netanyahu; the PNAC's desire for a 'New Pearl Harbour'; the way that 9/11 was used to foment war with Iraq; the passports found; the alleged terrorists who were still alive; the dancing Israelis; the missing footage of the Pentagon; and much more. When considering all the evidence in the round, the official narrative is clearly a blatant lie.

9/11 opened my eyes to so much that was wrong with the world and it made me wonder what other 'historical events' may have been similarly fabricated or distorted. The big questions then become: who is it who orchestrates these events? Is it a single power or are there several groups acting in concert or independently? What are their aims and objectives?

The attacks on the Christian faith, the deliberate inversion of traditional western norms and values, the clear plan for World Government and my knowledge of the Bible and biblical prophecy, all leads me to the conclusion that there is a nefarious Luciferian agenda being played out.
Then there was all the circumstantial evidence - 'Lucky Larry' buying the estate earlier that year and 'refurbishing' the buildings; his absence on the day, when usually, by his own account, he would eat at the Windows of the World restaurant every single morning; his weekly phone calls to Netanyahu;

Yes, his wife finally convinced him to go to that pesky dermatology appointment which he had been putting off forever.

Quite believable!!! ;)
Here's an oldie but a goodie for the Boomers out there. PAUL IS DEAD!! 😱
This one is gaining new steam again on the interwebz for whatever reason and it took me down a long rabbit hole too. I think there is certainly a good case to be made. These are clearly not the same voice and I can also hear a different accent from the Paul McCartney we know today.

This is the most accurate depiction of what went down on 9/11, good to see guys like Keith Woods catching up now:

Calling things correctly during the scam is what matters, not years after globohomo and NPCs have moved onto their next Current Thing. If you want to see a true hero, look at the New Jersey gym owner Ian Smith who stood up against the COVID fraudvirus scam at the most intense moments of it going on. He's someone who I will look too during the next scam, not someone who issues a call 3 years too late.