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Search results

  1. JoeChill

    Coronavirus Lounge

    The Hal Turner (yes I know he's a federal informant) radio show mentioned a Portuguese appellate court ruling that the PCR test isn't a good diagnostic tool 🤡. From the court's ruling: "In view of current scientific evidence, this test shows itself to be unable to determine beyond reasonable...
  2. JoeChill

    Christian Memes Thread

  3. JoeChill

    Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

    Well, like I said, I don't know when that document was dated. It looks like it was produced via a typewriter, so I'm assuming that it was drafted in the 70s/80s. Informants probably get a bit more money these days, but not much. I remember reading articles about how KKK informants were living in...
  4. JoeChill

    Christian Memes Thread

  5. JoeChill

    Coronavirus Lounge

    Tyson Foods lost a court case. A magistrate judge will decide on the plaintiffs' damages. You may read the decision here...
  6. JoeChill

    Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

    To the surprise of no one, it's now confirmed that the National Socialist Movement (NSM) was crawling with federal informants. Apparently, federal informants received (the date of the document is unclear) $150/month for services and up to $100/month for expenses. Cliff Herrington, one of the...
  7. JoeChill

    Germany was set up in World War 2 to fail by the international financiers

    Thank you for this thread and the article link. This part of the article sent shivers down my spine: "The Treaty of Versailles was not what it appeared to be. While on its face the Treaty was ruinous for Germany, demanding a level of reparations that could not be paid back (especially after...
  8. JoeChill

    2024 Election Lounge

  9. JoeChill

    How Christianity Built Western Civilization

    Sociologist Rodney Stark noted that Christianity helped change attitudes about childrearing that were once commonplace in the ancient world.
  10. JoeChill

    Coronavirus Lounge

    Oxford Professor Carl Heneghan has enumerated the main points from Kansas Attorney General's lawsuit against Pfizer: 1. Pfizer used its confidentiality agreements with the U.S. Government and others to conceal, suppress, and omit material facts relating to Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, including...
  11. JoeChill

    How Christianity Built Western Civilization

    Chateau Heartiste introduced me to the work of Harvard anthropologist, Joseph Henrich. Henrich claims that the early church's ban on incest and first-cousin marriage helped the West by developing traits like individualism and non-conformity among Westerners. September 506 A.D. was the date when...
  12. JoeChill

    Hitler versus Rothschild: the Logistics and Background of World War Two

    I understand and appreciate that, but banter should be kept to other threads. People should be discussing the merits/demerits of the NS regime in Germany ITT.
  13. JoeChill

    How Christianity Built Western Civilization

    I've searched the Christianity (General) category for a thread exploring this topic and haven't found one. If I missed it, please delete this thread. This thread should be a place for people to post information about how Christianity built the Western civilization. Please keep the discussion...
  14. JoeChill

    Hitler versus Rothschild: the Logistics and Background of World War Two

    Can people please stop heaping abuse on people of German descent? Calling them "devils", "cancer", "dumb", and "enemies of Europe" is completely inappropriate. Dr. E. Michael Jones is part German and he's a great defender of the Roman Catholic Church and Christianity. Pope Benedict XVI was...
  15. JoeChill

    Video Games and Gaming Technology (In A Positive Light)

    I'm wondering if anyone knows how to get Age of Empires 2 to work on computers running the latest version of Windows. Inb4 "buy the new release." I'd rather not, I still have the old cd-roms and don't want to spend more shekels. Can it be done?
  16. JoeChill

    Video Games and Gaming Technology (In A Positive Light)

    I'm partial to the old sidescrollers myself. Two hidden gems that I enjoyed as a lad were Felix The Cat and Tiny Toon Adventures for the NES. I still remember how happy I was when I got the last Tiny Toon cartridge available at the store. Felix: Tiny Toon Adventures Which Baldur's Gate 2 girl...
  17. JoeChill

    Christian Memes Thread

  18. JoeChill

    Coronavirus Lounge

    Another win! According to Stand4Thee.com, an Ontario Court of Justice issued a ruling concerning the legitimacy of an order which was used to ticket people for refusing the PCR test! The following is a summary from the website. The less fearful people are, the more likely they are to use their...
  19. JoeChill

    Funny and Cute Animal Videos Thread!

    This was hilarious!