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Search results

  1. Robin Williams

    The Great Soy Boy Debate: Which Side Will You Choose?

    What a son of Charles Manson would have ended up like, on soy:
  2. Robin Williams

    The Great Soy Boy Debate: Which Side Will You Choose?

    From @Brebelle3: https://herculeanstrength.com/infants-soy-formula-estrogen-birth-control/ My boy has been breastfeeding for a year and a half with plans to continue until he turns at least 2. I make sure my wife eats plenty of grass-fed beef, free range eggs, and sustainable fish. She's...
  3. Robin Williams

    The Great Soy Boy Debate: Which Side Will You Choose?

    By @Johnnyvee: Refined carbs elevate blood glucose and insulin, which in turn lead to obesity. Aromatase, the enzyme that aromatizes (reduces) Testosterone (T) to estradiol resides in the adipose tissue.(fat cells) Also, the ratio of carbs to fat, particularly saturated fat, you consume will...
  4. Robin Williams

    The Great Soy Boy Debate: Which Side Will You Choose?

    By former user: My degree is in Research Biology with an emphasis in Human Genetics. I do not believe that soy is a contributing factor. Estradiol and Androgen receptors are different. So an increase in Estrogen will not prevent the effects of Testosterone. So, here is the thing people don't...
  5. Robin Williams

    The Great Soy Boy Debate: Which Side Will You Choose?

    Further research material.
  6. Robin Williams

    The Great Soy Boy Debate: Which Side Will You Choose?

    Some reference material.
  7. Robin Williams

    The Great Soy Boy Debate: Which Side Will You Choose?

    Re-posting a 2017 vintage by @Uncle Cr33pin. Exhibit A: Paul Joseph Watson If you skip to the three minute mark you can skip past his twitter evidence and get to his sciencey stuff. Exhibit B: Vegan Gains, The Buff Fairy Uncle Cr33pin's views on the matter: After watching the PJW video...
  8. Robin Williams

    Former Soviet Union Expat & Travel Thread

    Someone is off to the former Soviet Union. So I, Robin Williams, has been called on to re-post some top advice from the archives. May 2022. I just arrived in Russia. Most of the people on the flight were Russians. It seems all/most people who were from non-friendly countries were taken...
  9. Robin Williams

    Offshore and Tax Minimisation Thread

    Can you sumerise the setup? UAE has been forced to institute a corporate tax due to a proclamation from teleprompter reader Biden. It's still not clear what this tax is, but it's 9%. What are the get outs and thresholds - I don't know. I think I can probably get out of it, particularly as I...
  10. Robin Williams

    Cold Showers - Their Worldly and Spiritual Benefits

    Any testimonials on this topic?
  11. Robin Williams

    Good States to Live in the United States

    From Coja Petrus Uscan: Wyoming is the most conservative state hands down. Most solid Republican state, 68% Trump, several counties in excess of 80% Trump: https://www.nytimes.com/elections/2016/results/president I think they have the most homeschooled kids, but can't see good data on that...
  12. Robin Williams

    Good States to Live in the United States

    Re-boot, from @Knight.of.Logos: Once I finish graduate school, I plan on relocating. Fortunately, I picked a career with pretty high job prospects so I will be able to move to basically any state. I currently live in New Jersey with my family, and it is sad how much this state has fallen. There...
  13. Robin Williams

    User Ban Notices

    User: @A Simp Visitor Reason: a request for a possibly very mild personal critique be removed was rejected; the user then thumbed down all of another users posts and began up voting other users' - to a total of 971; then registered another account; user then proceeded to try to attack the forum...
  14. Robin Williams

    Offshore and Tax Minimisation Thread

    An overview for United Arab Emirates (UAE). This is the go-to country for paying zero tax, owing to it being financially connected. If you are incorporated or based in a country like The Bahamas or Panama, you may find your cards are declined, bank transfers are blocked or companies refuse to...
  15. Robin Williams

    Famous Protestants

    @Robin Williams is the administrative test account to check the setup for male users. Since the female test account is @Mrs. Doubtfire, Robin Williams seemed appropriate for the male test account. But I suspected Robin Williams would be some type of new atheist. But, to my surprise, he was a...
  16. Robin Williams

    Famous Protestants

    Who are some famous Protestants? One very famous Protestant is I, Robin Williams. https://www.godreports.com/2014/08/robin-williams-grew-closer-to-god-during-rehab/