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Search results

  1. MooseBass

    Introductions Thread

    Hello all! Long time lurker on RVF and decided I want to contribute to the new forum. I'm extremely thankful for the wisdom I've gained from you all over the years as it played a big role in my spiritual development. I also appreciate the mods for taking on the challenge of continuing the forum...
  2. MooseBass

    The Cashless Society & CBDCs

    Curious to hear people's thoughts on the timeline they would try to roll this out (other than in China but we expected that). My guess is it will start in the EU due to a manufactured crisis at some point. Their biggest roadblock is that huge swaths of the third world and poor areas of the...
  3. MooseBass

    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    The bar has been set so low that even talking about doing these things is considered an upgrade from the vast majority of worthless Republicans. We got a huge win on the Supreme Court but beyond that it's been mostly rhetoric. A Trump win in '24 is a moral victory at best. I could take him...