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Search results

  1. SeekingTruth

    2024 Election Lounge

    Right. Especially those living in blue states. Do you think your life will really change that much? I get putting your vote in and checking out unless you can fix local politics. Take care of your families. Subsidiarity is what matters.
  2. SeekingTruth

    2024 Election Lounge

    What a snooze fest.
  3. SeekingTruth

    Favorite Bible verses

    "Amen, amen I say to you..." It's used many times and I absolutely love it.
  4. SeekingTruth

    Marriage: Virgins vs Non-virgins

    The point was don't act like you deserve a virgin if you yourself aren't one. There should be the same element of rejection from female virgins.
  5. SeekingTruth

    Marriage: Virgins vs Non-virgins

    As @scorpion suggested. Do not holdout for a virgin. You're only asking for more pain later by delaying marriage (potentially never marrying) and risk not being able to have children. The question is also, are you a virgin?
  6. SeekingTruth


    $25 plus tip. It's all about how well someone can blend. I have thick hair so it's often a challenge. I don't like it too trendy close but I also don't like to see lines in my hair. I'm getting better results at salons with "scissor over comb" method instead of clippers. I had a guy cut my...
  7. SeekingTruth

    The Destruction of Modern Women

    Christian forum. Complete garbage. Money shouldn't come before family. That's clown world material.
  8. SeekingTruth

    COVID: The PsyOp, The Aftermath & The Future

    I think "mandated jabs" is such a funny statement. I mean it's not like they held people down. Just leave your job. Ridiculous.
  9. SeekingTruth

    Harrison Butker

    I am shocked this hasn't been commented on here yet. Backstory is that he's the KC Chiefs kicker, a Trad Catholic, and he just did the commencement speech at Benedictine College. Liberal voices bashing him for his take on women in the household. Told the women graduates they should strive to be...
  10. SeekingTruth

    Kanye West & His Troubles With The Tribe

    In what way is this good?
  11. SeekingTruth

    Kanye West & His Troubles With The Tribe

    https://www.tmz.com/2024/05/15/kanye-west-parts-ways-yeezy-chief-of-staff-mass-exodus-employees/ Straight up mental illness.
  12. SeekingTruth

    COVID: The PsyOp, The Aftermath & The Future

    https://slaynews.com/news/bill-gates-insider-blows-whistle-coming-wave-unprecedented-deaths-among-vaxxed/ Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche Interesting article
  13. SeekingTruth

    CAT scan yes or no?

    Well my statement is based on what we do know at this point in time. And it's pretty clear that most think MRI is less harmful in terms of potential cancers. I also think the ordering of a CT scan for an injury is a bit strange. Normally an X-ray is ordered and maybe MRI if in doubt. CT scans...
  14. SeekingTruth

    CAT scan yes or no?

    Yes it has radiation. No one probably knows the true risks like a lot of other things we are told. I'm sure data exists somewhere. They have comparisons of one CT to so many X-rays and it's not negligible. Has he considered MRI? If you can afford the difference (possibly insurance issue?) why...
  15. SeekingTruth

    Sunscreen: Good or Bad?

    I would like to add that skin cancer is likely the result of migration great distances from where people were culturally supposed to reside. For example, darker skinned people live near the equator. Modernity/travel has caught up to us in the form of skin cancer. This can't be overlooked. Yes...
  16. SeekingTruth

    Sunscreen: Good or Bad?

    Every. Pretty strong word. I'm gonna have to see some evidence here.
  17. SeekingTruth

    Sunscreen: Good or Bad?

    Over caring about your appearance as a man, yes is on the gay spectrum. I see how you're trying to play on words here to totally devalue my statement. Pretty lame but I see the game. The extreme end of "walking out of the burn ward" versus my statement of caring too much about one's appearance...
  18. SeekingTruth

    Sunscreen: Good or Bad?

    No I think it's effeminate. I used to care too much about my appearance and looking back it was very bizarre. Especially considering girls don't care about this stuff as much as men. Maybe if you're gay? We all know girls don't care as much about appearances and it's true. So no I don't care...
  19. SeekingTruth

    Sunscreen: Good or Bad?

    I'm often told the same thing but, as a married man (or man in general), I'm really starting to wonder why this even matters. So I look young. So what?
  20. SeekingTruth

    Vaccination in The Sports World

    Bells Palsy was actually very common even before COVID. I would blow this off as being anything related to a shot at this point. It's just filler like that crap put in processed food. Leaves you hungry for more. Stick to the big guns.