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Sunscreen: Good or Bad?

Are you really suggesting another poster is a homosexual because he won't do the "masculine" thing and let his skin be destroyed by the Sun?

Some of us here would like to get married one day. Believe it or not, most women don't want a guy that looks like he just walked out of the burn ward.
Over caring about your appearance as a man, yes is on the gay spectrum.
I see how you're trying to play on words here to totally devalue my statement. Pretty lame but I see the game. The extreme end of "walking out of the burn ward" versus my statement of caring too much about one's appearance as a man. Yeah good comparison.
What's the whitest place in my part of the country? The skin cancer clinic. Been there several times, and I've been pretty cautious the last 25+ years. Youthful sunburns do catch up though.

I'm also a fan of wide hats, long shirts, and sunscreen. My grandfather had all kinds of parts missing. He worked construction his whole life, so by the time he was 60 he had lost parts of both ears and even a bit off his nose.

FYI, hydrogen peroxide dabbed liberally onto developing spots (3x daily) has helped me stop things early a few times (developing pre-cancer spots on top of my hands and head). You have to be consistent about it, but it helped me. It also worked on a wart.
That's the opposite of what I've observed. Sunscreen is advertised everywhere, it's a 15 billion dollar industry and everyone is putting it on at the beach. Doctors act like you'll get instant skin cancer if you don't put it on.

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Sunscreen would be a 300+ billion industry if everyone wore it, I would hazard a guess. The fact is skin cancer is a top 5 leading cause of death in White nations (excluding abortion), so it's fairly obvious people aren't using sunscreen. People put it on when it's obvious they need it, such as at the beach, but other than that it is hardly used. Typically it's women who are more conscious about using it, but I see women my age who look twice my age because they don't wear it either.

It's strange how some guys think there is a conspiracy to get people to wear sunscreen when the facts are pretty clear:

- Most Whites age like crap due to sun exposure. The difference between a woman who wears sunscreen until they are 40 vs a woman who does not is huge.
- Skin cancer went up at the same rate that clothing has become more and more revealing and degenerate.
- Skin cancer is a leading cause of death, and is easily proven to be caused by ultraviolent radiation which comes from the sun. This has been known for centuries. See bottom of page 3 in this thread for proof.
- Things in our atmosphere that used to stop UV rays have been largely destroyed, the Ozone layer is most likely not the only part of the atmosphere responsible for lowering UV rays.

I agree many sunscreens are toxic and should be avoided. But the zinc ones seem legit, and hats are always an option. What exactly, is the downside to staying healthy, looking young and beautiful, other than being accused of homosexuality (lol)? By such juvenile reasoning a man should never go to the gym or eat healthy foods, otherwise they might look gay!!
I would like to add that skin cancer is likely the result of migration great distances from where people were culturally supposed to reside. For example, darker skinned people live near the equator.
Modernity/travel has caught up to us in the form of skin cancer. This can't be overlooked.

Yes. Yes. I always want to appear beautiful @Samseau. Hahaha.
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Sunscreen would be a 300+ billion industry if everyone wore it, I would hazard a guess. The fact is skin cancer is a top 5 leading cause of death in White nations (excluding abortion), so it's fairly obvious people aren't using sunscreen. People put it on when it's obvious they need it, such as at the beach, but other than that it is hardly used. Typically it's women who are more conscious about using it, but I see women my age who look twice my age because they don't wear it either.

It's strange how some guys think there is a conspiracy to get people to wear sunscreen when the facts are pretty clear:

- Most Whites age like crap due to sun exposure. The difference between a woman who wears sunscreen until they are 40 vs a woman who does not is huge.
- Skin cancer went up at the same rate that clothing has become more and more revealing and degenerate.
- Skin cancer is a leading cause of death, and is easily proven to be caused by ultraviolent radiation which comes from the sun. This has been known for centuries. See bottom of page 3 in this thread for proof.
- Things in our atmosphere that used to stop UV rays have been largely destroyed, the Ozone layer is most likely not the only part of the atmosphere responsible for lowering UV rays.

I agree many sunscreens are toxic and should be avoided. But the zinc ones seem legit, and hats are always an option. What exactly, is the downside to staying healthy, looking young and beautiful, other than being accused of homosexuality (lol)? By such juvenile reasoning a man should never go to the gym or eat healthy foods, otherwise they might look gay!!

You're not based in reality here man! Glycation and smoking is much more causal in old age wrinkly skin. Skin cancer is not even close to being a leading cause of death. CVD, dementia and cancer in general, but most die with skin cancer, not "from" it...The conventional thinking is wrong here btw, since all cancers converge on the exact same phenotype if they're "allowed" by the immune system to progress. (atavistic hypothesis) But that's a different topic. Sunlight is simply an essential nutrient for humans, and it's related to much more than vit D.

There's no evidence that people with the same skin tone age differently (skin) when they live in different geographical locations with more and less sunlight. (France vs Norway etc.) As an anecdote, I have family both in northern Norway and in sunny central France. (farmers mostly) I've visited many old aunts and uncle's etc. in both places over the years, and if anything the Norwegian one's have been more wrinkly in general. The pattern I've noticed is smoking and obesity first and foremost. I'm not against sunscreen full stop, but chronic use is probably a bad idea.

As an addendum, the San bushmen are very heavy smokers, and they end up looking much more wrinkly than other comparable dark skinned African groups without this habit...

San People Of South Africa Issue Code Of Ethics For, 51% OFF
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Sunscreen would be a 300+ billion industry if everyone wore it, I would hazard a guess. The fact is skin cancer is a top 5 leading cause of death in White nations (excluding abortion), so it's fairly obvious people aren't using sunscreen. People put it on when it's obvious they need it, such as at the beach, but other than that it is hardly used. Typically it's women who are more conscious about using it, but I see women my age who look twice my age because they don't wear it either.

It's strange how some guys think there is a conspiracy to get people to wear sunscreen when the facts are pretty clear:

- Most Whites age like crap due to sun exposure. The difference between a woman who wears sunscreen until they are 40 vs a woman who does not is huge.
- Skin cancer went up at the same rate that clothing has become more and more revealing and degenerate.
- Skin cancer is a leading cause of death, and is easily proven to be caused by ultraviolent radiation which comes from the sun. This has been known for centuries. See bottom of page 3 in this thread for proof.
- Things in our atmosphere that used to stop UV rays have been largely destroyed, the Ozone layer is most likely not the only part of the atmosphere responsible for lowering UV rays.

I agree many sunscreens are toxic and should be avoided. But the zinc ones seem legit, and hats are always an option. What exactly, is the downside to staying healthy, looking young and beautiful, other than being accused of homosexuality (lol)? By such juvenile reasoning a man should never go to the gym or eat healthy foods, otherwise they might look gay!!
The increase of revealing clothing is on a similar timeline to the replacement of nourishing animal fats with seed oils ie. margarine and crisco.

Our skin cell walls are composed of lipids, and if we eat the wrong fats (seed oils), our cell walls oxidize much easier, leading to skin cancer.

We were meant to be in the sun (within reason).
You apparently do not study much history. It would do you good. It has always been known that the sun absolutely destroys Whites, or light skin, and causes death or illness (the term cancer is a recent invention).
As bolded above shows, the entire reason for Black slavery was because of the issue of skin cancer in Whites. If Whites could have been employed on the farms, then Whites would have been enslaved to do so. Whites were tried as slaves, especially the Irish; they all died quickly to the sun from exposure (aka skin cancer).

"Whites getting skin cancer was the entire reason for black slavery" is a very broad statement that requires more proof than you have provided. I'd be willing to consider that this is partially true, but taking a single sentence from a document and extrapolating this conclusion seems like a stretch to me. I know you are a keen observer of human nature. You must be familiar with the idea that when people give a justification for an action, there is always a sizeable potential that they are not being fully truthful.

"Making assumptions on members without proof (in this case, about Samseau's love life)"

You gave me a warning for the above. As I said in my DM to you, it was not an assumption based on nothing. You made comments about your “future wife”, and then quoted a large age range. It follows that you were not speaking about a specific person, but rather a general prediction for what might happen in the future. I also found it to be distasteful that you were using an obvious hypothetical about getting younger women as some sort of flex on people in the thread rather than providing any evidence for your claims. It's your forum and you can warn whoever you want, but I’m not sure how simple deductive reasoning can be “inappropriate behavior”.
"Whites getting skin cancer was the entire reason for black slavery" is a very broad statement that requires more proof than you have provided. I'd be willing to consider that this is partially true, but taking a single sentence from a document and extrapolating this conclusion seems like a stretch to me. I know you are a keen observer of human nature. You must be familiar with the idea that when people give a justification for an action, there is always a sizeable potential that they are not being fully truthful.

I don't need to prove anything more. I've already provided more evidence than anyone else in this thread. It's your turn to give historical evidence for your claims.

You're just in denial mode and I couldn't care less what you believe. If you want to believe in lies be my guest.
You gave me a warning for the above. As I said in my DM to you, it was not an assumption based on nothing. You made comments about your “future wife”, and then quoted a large age range. It follows that you were not speaking about a specific person, but rather a general prediction for what might happen in the future. I also found it to be distasteful that you were using an obvious hypothetical about getting younger women as some sort of flex on people in the thread rather than providing any evidence for your claims. It's your forum and you can warn whoever you want, but I’m not sure how simple deductive reasoning can be “inappropriate behavior”.

Already answered you in the DM and if you keep going off-topic then I'll have to give more warnings. The mention of younger women is far from irrelevant; obviously someone living their advice, and getting tangible results, is evidence of a claim. No different than men describing their supplement routine and how it helped them.
Yes, I wonder how many people will fall for this one; add it to the list of depopulation advancement.

By the way, I think you know this, but melanoma is correlated with sun exposure, but I think like most things it is immune system regulated, and also longevity being fairly programmed. That's a different issue, but it seems that almost all things longevity I see now have been shown to be less and less about lifestyle, and more about inheritance. It is hard for any given person to discern that, or discern stress and how to change that so as to improve quality and quantity of years.
I feel that genetics sets the limit (maximum potential) of what an individual can do but their lifestyle and own actions determine if they achieve their maximum potential or not.

For example somebody might have exceptional genetics and be the rare type of person who could live until 120 if they lived healthily but maybe they end up smoking heavily and die at age 100 which is still much older than most people.

Same thing with height. Even though Asians usually genetically have less potential for height than Europeans dietary changes have narrowed somewhat the percentage height difference in the newer generation of young adults (the ese days you see a lot of tall South Korean and Chinese 20 year olds etc.