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Search results

  1. dicknixon72

    2024 Election Lounge

    Imagine locking down the black woman vote and urban overeducated woman vote in exchange for losing most of the black male vote and the white working class male D vote in its entirety.
  2. dicknixon72

    4 July - Independence Day (USA)

    This will never get old... Remember when we loved America, folks?
  3. dicknixon72

    The China Thread

    ...except when their Long March boosters scatter themselves on population centers
  4. dicknixon72

    2024 Election Lounge

  5. dicknixon72

    Electric Vehicles Thread (Bikes, Cars, Trucks, etc.)

    Teslas are suffering the 'iPhone' problem because the automotive side of Tesla is worried about the 'next big thing' instead of keeping existing nameplates relevant. When was the last meaningful refresh on the Model S? That yoke steering wheel? Another OTA FSD update that still isn't as good as...
  6. dicknixon72

    Chevron Deference

    The start/stop on conventional non-hybrid gasoline cars has become widespread because of harmonization with European-market vehicles where the auto-stop feature helps cars on EU fuel economy testing drive cycles, which differ from US/EPA testing regimen. On hybrids, this function not only makes...
  7. dicknixon72

    Donald Trump

    Tulsi needs to have a cabinet level position as well, imo
  8. dicknixon72

    Electric Vehicles Thread (Bikes, Cars, Trucks, etc.)

    Tesla quality control has been atrocious ever since legacy manufacturer veterans left the organization ~10 years ago. Once actual automakers started fielding products, Tesla didn't stand a chance. Compare Cadillac's Lyriq to a Model X/Y. No comparison. Tesla earned money by selling CAFE...
  9. dicknixon72

    Donald Trump

    Agreed. This is why I believe the Karen McDougal claims have vastly more merit than these, not that any of it is criminal or matters.
  10. dicknixon72

    The Biden-Harris Administration

    Like when the FBI was okay with the Black Panthers trashing metro downtowns as controlled agitprop right up until Fred Hampton started the Rainbow Alliance with the Young Patriots and Young Lords. Can't have blacks, whites, and Latinos realize their true enemy is the state, not each other.
  11. dicknixon72

    Memes and GIFs That Will Instantly Trigger Leftists & Normies

    Not a fan of his politics, but that's not what happened. He was telling a story about his grandmother or something...
  12. dicknixon72

    The Biden-Harris Administration

    Hard to believe that it wasn't always that way. When Harry Truman left office, him and his wife took a train home to Missouri - not the Presidential rail car, a regular scheduled train. He bought a new Chrysler New Yorker and he drove around town and on trips around the country - no secret...
  13. dicknixon72

    The Iran and Wider Middle East Thread

    In all humanitarian fairness, if even one Israeli is rustled from a peaceful sleep, then Tehran must be turned into a glass parking lot, no matter how many dead low/middle-income American sons and daughters it costs.
  14. dicknixon72

    The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

    World Central Kitchen has done work all over the world in the wake of major crises, natural and manmade. They cooked food in Haiti after the earthquakes, Texas, The Bahamas, and Puerto Rico after hurricanes, after California wildfires, and during COVID. Going to heavily disagree with your...
  15. dicknixon72

    America's Woke & Obese Military

    ^ There is no need for a large standing US Army unless you view our military as an imperial, expansionist power. After the late-1800s and the great expansion westward had concluded, the US Army should've wound down to a national defense and border patrol force. What this nation needs is a...
  16. dicknixon72

    The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

    "The soldier shall make use of his weaponry and power only for the fulfillment of the mission and solely to the extent required; he will maintain his humanity even in combat. The soldier shall not employ his weaponry and power in order to harm non-combatants or prisoners of war, and shall do all...
  17. dicknixon72

    Child Broadcaster and Gatekeeper Ben Shapiro

    The adjective that immediately comes to mind when looking at Ben Shapiro is 'smarmy.' When he opens his mouth, that adjective intensifies. He is the human personification of 'smarminess'
  18. dicknixon72

    The RFK Jr Thread

    Upper-Middle Class urban/suburban females trend to Biden, so the more RFK Jr peels off, the better.
  19. dicknixon72

    The Biden-Harris Administration

    See, if these trannies 'trannied' themselves privately, kept it to themselves and those in their circle, most people wouldn't even care. Its this sick need to shove their vanity on everyone in a six mile radius that disgusts everyone. Its this true mental illness to NEED to be seen, this thirst...
  20. dicknixon72

    The Biden-Harris Administration

    Trans Day should correctly be celebrated tomorrow, the first day of April, as all the other jokes and pranks are celebrated.