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Search results

  1. Psiman

    Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Thread

    This reminds me of Star Trek: Voyager Season 3 Episode 22 (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0708954/), in which the holographic doctor programs for himself a holographic fantasy family so he can learn more about normal life. After visiting the simulation, the half-Klingon chief engineer tells him...
  2. Psiman

    2024 Election Lounge

    Considering sundowning, that leaves the question of the strategic exchanges that led up to the scheduling of the debate. The intelligence behind the Biden Administration has thus far used the presidential spectacle to humiliate the country. I will assume this motivation central to the decisions...
  3. Psiman

    2024 Election Lounge

    You don't need to watch any of them for long to see that Biden's debate performance sits well outside the norm for his overall event posture. None of them was a complete disaster from beginning to end like the debate.
  4. Psiman

    2024 Election Lounge

    OK, I lied: I have more to say about the debate. Something smells wrong it. When Biden took the stage, he looked absolutely terrible. His speech came out weak and slurred throughout the whole affair, and he repeatedly dropped trains of thought. Why would this raise an alarm if we've seen...
  5. Psiman

    2024 Election Lounge

    My final comment on the debate and subsequent coverage:
  6. Psiman

    2024 Election Lounge

    How could so many journalists and commentators fall for cheap fakes? The entire media is literally Fox News right now!
  7. Psiman

    Cosmology Debate Thread ("Space Is Fake")

    I've seen quite a bit of presumption about "dark matter" (formerly "cold, dark matter") over the past thirty-four years. Over the decades I watched the estimate of the proportion of the dark matter mass of the universe go from 99% to 75% to 25% and joked that one day they'll conclude that dark...
  8. Psiman

    The Biden-Harris Administration

    Well, that's the last time I form an opinion on a video without hearing a tortured, post-hoc explanation from a news bimbo.
  9. Psiman

    The Biden-Harris Administration

    A better question: why did you watch it?
  10. Psiman

    The Democratic Party

    Looks like the one with the cheese has a little color on it. The dude still looks like a skeksi.
  11. Psiman

    Do you believe in “Stocastic terrorism”

    Some large media organizations practice stochastic terrorism.
  12. Psiman

    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    Where did you get the idea that he had that as a goal? The dude just wanted to get serious about illegal immigration and the news bimbos smeared him as racist, fascist, far-right extremist, etc. You don't believe the media, do you?
  13. Psiman

    The future of flying

    A search for south africa airport brawls gave me only one result involving airport brawls on the first page, and that article mentioned those occurring in the US. South Africans probably regard us as savages.
  14. Psiman

    Leary, Liddy, and Baby-Boomer Perspectives

    We didn't get what Leary or the hippy generation wanted, but the overlords definitely catered a lot of their message to them. The last exchange between Leary and Liddy in the video bared the former's idealism against the latter's warning of the threats facing the then-free world, that if the...
  15. Psiman

    Leary, Liddy, and Baby-Boomer Perspectives

    Two pre-boomers shepherding late boomers in video circa 1982. They have a dinner conversation starting around 33:40, in which Liddy's wife presents the sole voice presenting arguments in favor of traditional sexuality. It contains some background nudity between the 46 and 48 minute marks.
  16. Psiman

    The 1963 American Coup / Assassination of JFK

    Watching this a second time. At 25:38 we have a decent pronunciation of coup de grâce from back in the day, instead of the "koo duh graw" which has gained so much traction lately. More evidence of dwindling average IQ.
  17. Psiman

    Critique of evolution

    Fruit contains seed.
  18. Psiman

    COVID: The PsyOp, The Aftermath & The Future

    As of June 7, 2023, 61.37% of Russia's population had taken at least one dose of a covid vax product. Sweden 73.71%, USA 81.39%. Note that Russians took Sputnik V, an adenovirus vector vaccine, not mRNA. Source: https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations (choose "People vaccinated" for...
  19. Psiman

    COVID: The PsyOp, The Aftermath & The Future

    Runny nose, huh?
  20. Psiman

    US College protests -Israel/Palestine

    The author makes a great case for students to leave Columbia University.