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The Democratic Party

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december 2023.jpg

The Feds broke the SBF case into two main themes: fraud and bribery. Fraud charges carry on, allowing enough press cover to drop the bribery counts quietly.

Democrat recipients safe, SBF pass thrus from Ukraine, etc., also safe.

SBF will do a little time. If he keeps quiet, then it'll all be over in a snap.
(((He))) deleted this tweet because (((he))) got ratio'd and roasted badly. Picture was clearly staged to make (((him))) look good for his "daughter and her wife" on Father's Day during Pride month. Pay attention to the grill. What is the first thing you immediately notice?


All of the burgers are raw and uncooked on a gas grill - remember the Democrats' talking point about gas stove? Note the cheese on an uncooked raw burger in this fake retarded photo op.



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(((He))) deleted this tweet because (((he))) got ratio'd and roasted badly. Picture was clearly staged to make (((him))) look good for his "daughter and her wife" on Father's Day during Pride month. Pay attention to the grill. What is the first thing you immediately notice?


All of the burgers are raw and uncooked on a gas grill - remember the Democrats' talking point about gas stove? Note the cheese on an uncooked and raw burger in this fake retarded photo op.



Like we're supposed to believe a Jew did that kind of manual labor?
Jerry Seinfeld Agree GIF
(((He))) deleted this tweet because (((he))) got ratio'd and roasted badly. Picture was clearly staged to make (((him))) look good for his "daughter and her wife" on Father's Day during Pride month. Pay attention to the grill. What is the first thing you immediately notice?

All of the burgers are raw and uncooked on a gas grill - remember the Democrats' talking point about gas stove? Note the cheese on an uncooked raw burger in this fake retarded photo op.
schumer BBQ.JPG
(((He))) deleted this tweet because (((he))) got ratio'd and roasted badly. Picture was clearly staged to make (((him))) look good for his "daughter and her wife" on Father's Day during Pride month. Pay attention to the grill. What is the first thing you immediately notice?


All of the burgers are raw and uncooked on a gas grill - remember the Democrats' talking point about gas stove? Note the cheese on an uncooked raw burger in this fake retarded photo op.



Looks like the one with the cheese has a little color on it.

The dude still looks like a skeksi.