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Search results

  1. PaulC

    The US Income Tax system might be voluntary and most Americans may not actually be liable to pay income tax

    We are free-range humans on a tax farm. Don't pay up and you will wind up on the chopping block eventually.
  2. PaulC


    Wouldn't contrails dissipate instead of spreading out and blocking the sky hours later?
  3. PaulC

    Reading for Orthodox Catechumen & Inquirers

    I just realized that I put my last book post in the Intro thread by mistake. Sorry about that. Feel free to move it here if you like. I just ordered some items from Jordanville. They included a nice laminated card of the Theotokos.
  4. PaulC

    Intro Thread for Orthodox Catechumens

    Finally picked up an Allan bible. They don't make many Longprimer 63 editions. Snagged it as soon as I saw it on the site. This is easily the finest made bible I've held. Highland Goatskin cover, triple-sewn binding, three ribbons, full yap, 38GSM paper. The shipping from England was free...
  5. PaulC


    Biotin is supposedly helpful for beard growth.
  6. PaulC

    Reading for Orthodox Catechumen & Inquirers

    Thanks for the reminder on The Bible and The Holy Fathers for Orthodoxy. I've been meaning to get another copy. I gifted mine to Roosh when I met him in 2019.
  7. PaulC

    Reading for Orthodox Catechumen & Inquirers

    I was perusing recommended book lists for inquirers and these seemed to make most lists. I already had the Orthodox Study Bible, Jordanville Prayer Book, and several of the intro to Orthodoxy type books (The Orthodox Church, The Orthodox Way, etc.). Any suggestions beyond these?