Is "Zionist Christianity" another PsyOp?


Wasn't sure where to post this, since it covers both military, social, financial, and religious spheres. By now, most attentive people know that the USA has long been under persistent Zionist manipulation and financial takeover. From the heretical "Scofield Reference Bible" to the Federal Reserve, to deliberate wars for Zionism, the last 100 years has seen the USA on a downward trend. Is the war in the Holy Land going to escalate into a global Zionist-Christian fantasy that culminates in forcing God's hand to send Christ again? I think this deserves it's own thread.

Is there an alternate link to the media, or would you be able to share it with a dash added somewhere in the URL? For some reason I'm unable to unmute the video and the various ways I'm interacting with the post to troubleshoot aren't working.
I'm not sure I understand the issue you're having. For me, on a computer, the video has a volume button, and the audio works. Here is the alternate link to the video:

I think there is no explanation other than psyop for this phenomenon of Christians elevating and supporting a distinctly different religious group who explicitly deny Christ's Godhood... it's too insane to be a natural development.

On the other hand recent events have been a great opportunity to redpill Christians on this topic of Zionism, some folks who would've balked and called me an anti-semite after one sentence in the past, have now come to see eye to eye.
It could well be the greatest psy-op of our time. It is one thing being told that one is a granny killer and unworthy to hold public employment for refusing experimental mRNA injections, it is something else being told that one is the modern day Molech worshipping Canaanites or Nephilim, which opposed Joshua's conquest and that God will curse those who curse Israel like He did to Balaam. I imagine that there are assemblies that would excommunicate or disfellowship members who saw national Israel as an anti-Christ type.

Zionist zealots are close to those who chose the guerrilla Barabbas over Jesus. At the very least they choose modern Israel over Christian Palestinians despite the Christian population of the Middle East collapsing after 9/11.
What does Bibi, the oftentimes leader and one of the heads of this modern "state" of "Israel" think of the Christian ZIonists?


These Khazarians laugh at every one of these millions of heretical evangelicals who worship that little patch of desert like a heathen idol.

Yes to everyone reading this thread, it is a psy-op, it always was since the zionist movements began in the 1890s, and it always will be until its long-awaited death throes.

Every Christian, or nary I should say, every follower of Christ who allegedly believes in His divinity and His messianic status needs to deprogram themselves of the "non-denominational" lies. They need to research church history, council history, the history of the books of the Bible, all the books of the Bible, and they need to get uncomfortable and research racial and genetic histories and lineages.

"Tyranny of Stealth: Christian Zionists"

"The zionists return from Versailles with a dual triumph." If no one understands this historical event then they don't know much.

I would show this video to all Christian Zionists to see their cognitive dissonance break down in real time. They really are poisoning the flourishing of the flock by following these monsters.
WARNING: talmudic blasphemy to the highest, I suggest muting the audio even if you want to read the despicable subtitles.
"Christian Zionists unity with Babylonian Talmudists - There is no greater delusion"

Oh and here is more. Here is a segment where a seemingly un-zogged reporter goes over the financial details of all their plutocratic infiltration in the USA. All the greedy false preachers who accept shekels to teach their flocks to support "Israel" are one of its most powerful public lobbyers of this rogue bandit state.

So reiterating, not only is "Zionist Christianity" a psy-op, it's also a pyramid scheme, a racketeering outfit, and an illegal operation of sending money both ways. Figuring out how to disrupt such a juggernaut of blasphemy in the west (aka cleaning house) should be one of our goals as true Christians of the Apostolic Churches.

"John Hagee's "Citizen's United for Israel" (also known as CUFI) received over 1.3 million dollars from the Israeli government in 2019 to organize, and mobilize Christian Zionists in AMerican Evangelical churches to pressure state and federal legislators in government agencies to support Israel's foreign policy agendas."

starts around 4 minute mark:
"Evangelicals for Hire: Israel paid U.S. Christian Zionists to push propaganda"
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What does Bibi, the oftentimes leader and one of the heads of this modern "state" of "Israel" think of the Christian ZIonists?

View attachment 251

These Khazarians laugh at every one of these millions of heretical evangelicals who worship that little patch of desert like a heathen idol.

Yes to everyone reading this thread, it is a psy-op, it always was since the zionist movements began in the 1890s, and it always will be until its long-awaited death throes.

Every Christian, or nary I should say, every follower of Christ who allegedly believes in His divinity and His messianic status needs to deprogram themselves of the "non-denominational" lies. They need to research church history, council history, the history of the books of the Bible, all the books of the Bible, and they need to get uncomfortable and research racial and genetic histories and lineages.

"Tyranny of Stealth: Christian Zionists"

"The zionists return from Versailles with a dual triumph." If no one understands this historical event then they don't know much.

I would show this video to all Christian Zionists to see their cognitive dissonance break down in real time. They really are poisoning the flourishing of the flock by following these monsters.
WARNING: talmudic blasphemy to the highest, I suggest muting the audio even if you want to read the despicable subtitles.
"Christian Zionists unity with Babylonian Talmudists - There is no greater delusion"

Oh and here is more. Here is a segment where a seemingly un-zogged reporter goes over the financial details of all their plutocratic infiltration in the USA. All the greedy false preachers who accept shekels to teach their flocks to support "Israel" are one of its most powerful public lobbyers of this rogue bandit state.

So reiterating, not only is "Zionist Christianity" a psy-op, it's also a pyramid scheme, a racketeering outfit, and an illegal operation of sending money both ways. Figuring out how to disrupt such a juggernaut of blasphemy in the west (aka cleaning house) should be one of our goals as true Christians of the Apostolic Churches.

"John Hagee's "Citizen's United for Israel" (also known as CUFI) received over 1.3 million dollars from the Israeli government in 2019 to organize, and mobilize Christian Zionists in AMerican Evangelical churches to pressure state and federal legislators in government agencies to support Israel's foreign policy agendas."

starts around 4 minute mark:
"Evangelicals for Hire: Israel paid U.S. Christian Zionists to push propaganda"

I can't help but notice that the Rabbi talking about Christ boiling in excrement, gesticulates and shouts very much like so many modern evangelical preachers, particularly ones who rant on and on about supporting Israel. They really do share the same "spiritual DNA" in a sense. One thing that I've been impressed by in going to Divine Liturgy lately, is the calmness and straightforwardness of the priest. No need for wild mannerisms or shouting -- no provoking emotional responses. It's been a refreshing change from what I've been through in the last 20+ years. That kind of calmness is something I've noticed in Orthodox Literature as well.
I can't help but notice that the Rabbi talking about Christ boiling in excrement, gesticulates and shouts very much like so many modern evangelical preachers, particularly ones who rant on and on about supporting Israel. They really do share the same "spiritual DNA" in a sense. One thing that I've been impressed by in going to Divine Liturgy lately, is the calmness and straightforwardness of the priest. No need for wild mannerisms or shouting -- no provoking emotional responses. It's been a refreshing change from what I've been through in the last 20+ years. That kind of calmness is something I've noticed in Orthodox Literature as well.
That has been my experience as well. I've been to two churches where, during the closing prayer, the pastor begins to tear up or get a little emotional but by the time the prayer has concluded, they're fine. I know we have many Protestants on the forum and I genuinely don't intend to be inflammatory, so I'll save my anecdotes for the Orthodox subforum, but yes, my entire "church life" conditioned me to believe that, if a service got an emotional response our of me, then it must have been a good one! So the calmness and how straight-to-the-point the Divine Liturgy is, same thing with the homily, was a refreshingly profound change.

Back on topic; those same places also preached Zionism, although I wouldn't have able to identify it at the time, but after a while I began to question why we were practically worshiping these people, or putting them just a notch below Jesus, when they outright reject Him? Once I started being honest with myself and asking those types questions, then the cracks began to show. How can these be "God's chosen people" when they deny His Son? The more people talk about it, especially in videos like this that aren't accusatory, the more I think Evangelicals might be a little more comfortable with asking some questions themselves. Well, hopefully.
I was just considering where to post this video, but it is, at least in part, relevant to this thread. Go to 39 mins in:
