
Coconut oil is a gift for beards, it is the only thing I put in mine (some pomade in my moustache at times) - no need for beard oils etc.

If you are growing one out, apply liberally, and allow it to soften the hair in the itchy phase. After it gets a little longer, a beard is very comfortable.
Definitely. I use either coconut oil or olive oil for both my beard and hair. Both are very dry and coarse and only those 2 things help. The only issue with coconut oil is that is goes into your skin and causes an oil slick. I find olive oil is not so greasy or at least absorbs better. It may just be my personal hair type. Mileage may vary. I also like African Pride Olive Miracle leave in conditioner as an alternative.
I partly started this thread for my own encouragement, as I often grow out my beard and get discouraged and then trim it very short.

It's not the thickest beard in the world, but I think it is good for me to overcome my vanity and keep growing it out. I've been growing since August and its getting to the length where I start to feel scruffy and unkempt. Gonna soldier on this time though!
I partly started this thread for my own encouragement, as I often grow out my beard and get discouraged and then trim it very short.

It's not the thickest beard in the world, but I think it is good for me to overcome my vanity and keep growing it out. I've been growing since August and its getting to the length where I start to feel scruffy and unkempt. Gonna soldier on this time though!
While some of it is genetic, some of it is age, as well. My beard didn't start getting thick until I hit about 40. Now, despite being in my mid-50s, when I grow my beard long in the colder months, I look 75 years old, because my beard is pale silver-to-white. Some people have had good luck using OTC Minoxidil on the face to help grow their beard. If you don't like the idea of chemicals, you can try rosemary, oregano, and lavender oils in a mild carrier oil to put on your skin, instead.
The band "ZZ Top" know a thing or two about beards...

I partly started this thread for my own encouragement, as I often grow out my beard and get discouraged and then trim it very short.

It's not the thickest beard in the world, but I think it is good for me to overcome my vanity and keep growing it out. I've been growing since August and its getting to the length where I start to feel scruffy and unkempt. Gonna soldier on this time though!
I understand where you're coming from. Mine is..... ok but patchy in the cheeks, which makes me self conscious, then I too end up trimming it down. It tends to look more like a goatee than a beard. I'm getting older, my hair is thinning more, and the beard I do have is showing some grey, so at this rate, are patchy cheeks really that much of an issue? :)

In other words; grow it out fellas. Enjoy the hair ya have cuz ya ain't gettin any younger!
I didn't shave for 6 months during the COVID period. Too bad my beard didn't look decent.

Many are concerned about how thick the cheeks looks. My problem was my chin didn't come close to filling in. And terrible mustache growing ability to counter it. I really would have needed a massive beard to pull it off. Not anything like my brother who has dark, thick hair and can grow an awesome 1/2 inch beard in 4 weeks.

Oh well, on the bright side I do have to sell to corporate people and older women at times so at least I don't look as intimidating.

Agree with the general rule of thumb that if you want a beard, don't shave for 12 weeks. That's only when you know what you're capable of.

If my hair on top ever completely goes though and/or I decide to buzz it down, then I'll have no choice but to rock the big beard.
...If my hair on top ever completely goes though and/or I decide to buzz it down, then I'll have no choice but to rock the big beard.
I like the combo of big beard with Marine Corps "high&tight" haircut. It shows purpose, rather than just looking like you don't care.

Coming up on a year since i quit trimming my beard, except for a few hairs that always try to curve around and go into my mouth. Those are terminated with extreme prejudice.

Most of my beard hair is quite curly, and tends to tangle quickly. So I comb it out both mornings and evenings. This is best done in the shower - the water makes untangling with the comb much easier.
We have the videos of ZZ Top. Here is one from a religious:

He makes an interesting point. The main reason I shave my beard off is because I am vain. I become concerned with female attention, noting that generally I get more if I am not bearded and I cave in.

However the kind of woman I would want to attract would not care about external appearance. So in a way keeping a beard is a good way to keep a check on my vanity and to keep away those who are only concerned with superficial appearance.
I partly started this thread for my own encouragement, as I often grow out my beard and get discouraged and then trim it very short.

It's not the thickest beard in the world, but I think it is good for me to overcome my vanity and keep growing it out. I've been growing since August and its getting to the length where I start to feel scruffy and unkempt. Gonna soldier on this time though!
If Fr. Peter Heers is not ashamed of his beard, no one has any reason to be. lol
I have heard that mint oil, applied to the face, makes the beard grow in thicker where it used to be patchy.
My bread is already thick, so I don't need to do anything to it except remove the food that's left over.
It's growing like crazy and I wish my skull hair would thrive in the same way, but it doesn't. Maybe I should try rubbing some food on my skull and see if that works.
My bread is already thick, so I don't need to do anything to it except remove the food that's left over.
It's growing like crazy and I wish my skull hair would thrive in the same way, but it doesn't. Maybe I should try rubbing some food on my skull and see if that works.
If a moustache is called a "flavor saver", then a beard should be called a "snacks for later saver".
I do think there is something fundamentally wrong with shaving your face. It is like starting an ongoing, futile feud with how God created you. It has no practical benefit unlike trimming your fingernails, its just pure worldliness and vanity. I get some people can't grow much of a beard, but I do think as one of the major defining masculine characteristics, having a beard is the correct thing to do as a man.