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Search results

  1. Valentine

    Latest UK Lunacy

    Reform get 4 seats with 4.1M votes, Lib Dems get 71 with 3.5M, Conservatives get 121 with 6.8M and Labour get 412 with 9.7M. Truly sad. Wonder if this country will ever change to something like single transferable vote.
  2. Valentine

    Video Games and Gaming Technology (In A Positive Light)

    A friend recently got me Crusader Kings 3 and we played for much of the day. Wow, I should tried Grand Strategy games earlier. It's a mix of RPG (lots of decisions to be made which affects your route, sandbox storytelling etc) and strategy (many many different systems can be intertwined to...
  3. Valentine

    OpSec Lounge (Security, Privacy, etc.)

    Most laptops yes. Lots however have upgradeable components, and specific manufacturers like Framework make the entire thing modular so you'll be able to upgrade all parts for the foreseeable future.
  4. Valentine

    The War Against Christianity

    "The phrase "Christ is King" was being used as an countersemitic trope". Absolute state of the Daily Wire. Christ is King, and you're never going to stop anyone saying it!
  5. Valentine

    Web Browser Privacy

    Mullvad Browser is my preferred default browser these days, it's basically the Tor Browser (so it comes with all the extra hardening) but without Tor connectivity.
  6. Valentine

    Latest UK Lunacy

    Sunak has finally announced when the next general election is and it'll be in 6 weeks. It's such a strange thing when the rest of Europe is shifting to the right-wing parties because of mass immigration that the UK is shifting to the left because our "right-wing" government has been anything...
  7. Valentine

    Is there more to nuclear bombs than we know?

    The 9/11 discussion is way off-topic. Take that discussion to a new thread and you can link to it, but don't continue that discussion in here.
  8. Valentine

    The Linux Thread

    Have wanted to move to Fedora from Kubuntu because of the all Snap shite but they make alpha-quality software the default way too fast. I keep trying Wayland every few months for example and find so many bugs with it.
  9. Valentine

    Tommy Robinson / ZioCon Thread

    It's such a shame as he's a great source for UK news outside of his pro-Jew bias. Anybody got any other people to recommend for this?
  10. Valentine

    Gems From Heartiste

    https://heartiste.org/ is still up.
  11. Valentine

    OpSec Lounge (Security, Privacy, etc.)

  12. Valentine

    Gems From Heartiste

    I'm not entirely sure if this is the same source but I have a note with the same title and the following list:
  13. Valentine

    Video Games and Gaming Technology (In A Positive Light)

    Been having a lot of fun with HELLDIVERS 2 recently, the gameplay is great and it makes for a fun co-op game with friends or randoms (especially since it's so easy to accidentally blow each other up). They've got a great parody of American Patriotism running throughout the game as well:
  14. Valentine

    Latest UK Lunacy

    With the levels of inflation we have currently the wages offered in these sectors are completely unsustainable to live on. It's a simple matter of supply and demand - there'd be no vacancies if they simply offered a decent salary. I used to work in a care home straight out of uni and I learned...
  15. Valentine

    The Jewish Question (JQ)

    I find the Hamas-Israel conflict makes it quite easy these days. It's pretty hard to agree with thousands of children being massacred. Then lead into 109 countries, Bolshevism, etc.
  16. Valentine

    Video Games and Gaming Technology (In A Positive Light)

    Really enjoying Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty at the moment but am struggling against the Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos bosses. Might have to put this on pause until I get some more levels up and gear upgrades. Probably going to play Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader after this, though I've...
  17. Valentine

    Cosmology Debate Thread ("Space Is Fake")

    Indeed. However these studies do have detailed methodologies, and are based on technology that have many more papers which analyse their use e.g. space telescopes. In contrast I'm not seeing nearly as strong evidence on the other side for why "aetheric" planets are a more likely reasoning.
  18. Valentine

    Cosmology Debate Thread ("Space Is Fake")

    Most contrarian comments here are rather long-winded and point to multi-hour documentaries instead of establishing their own or at least summarising an argument. How about instead doing it like: Belief: Space is fake. Satellites don't exist, instead everything in the sky is a projection from...
  19. Valentine

    Irish Politics Thread

    You have a lot of interesting views, and I'd love to discuss them all but there's simply too many different topics being brought up and I don't have the time nor knowledge to respond to each of them. It's mostly off-topic, so I'd suggest creating a thread (or more accurately, multiple) in the...
  20. Valentine

    Irish Politics Thread

    I'm not really where to begin with this rant. Because there are threads about Tommy being a zio-con, Alex Jones is well-known to not name (((names))), people are pretty anti-Jordan Peterson thanks to Jordanetics and other coverage, nobody here promotes Daily Wire, etc. I'll just chalk this one...