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Search results

  1. Iacobus

    Weird Things You've Noticed Recently

    I'm sure some of y'all have noticed this before. Recently for various reasons I've been using cash a lot more than normal. I'd say 80% of the time when I hand over cash I'm met with a confused, glazed stare and about 30 seconds longer than it should take fumbling around with coins and bills to...
  2. Iacobus

    Ortho Lounge

    With your whole heart!
  3. Iacobus

    Orthodox books you have read or currently reading, reviews.

    Does anyone have a recommendation for best book(s) on the Great Schism? I've read the first two books by John Strickland on Church history and they were quite good but also a bit focused on his pet theses rather than aiming to be comprehensive.
  4. Iacobus

    A list of dissident films

    I think black pilled might have analyzed this one too. He's great on film analysis. American Beauty is interesting because it's kind of like purple pilled PUA type stuff... he is disillusioned with his life not being fulfilling despite following society's blueprint, yet his breakthrough only...
  5. Iacobus

    Friendly GOC or based ROCOR?

    First, I wouldn't judge them too much based on their website. It could be that when you show up at the ROCOR parish they are inviting and the GOC is cold. Maybe not, but you don't know until you get there. I would 100% encourage you to visit both as an inquirer. Nothing substitutes for boots on...
  6. Iacobus

    The Real World (Andrew Tate)

    Few things are more profitable than selling dreams.
  7. Iacobus

    The Off-Topic and Random Thoughts Thread(Anything Goes!)

    "Nothing good" seem a bit extreme but it only makes sense that as we become closer to God and stronger spiritually, that our trials and temptations will grow. These struggles are how we grow even stronger in faith and spirit, just like how in the gym, as soon as a weight becomes easy to lift, we...
  8. Iacobus

    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    To extend your analogy it's more like picking a street fight with the MMA heavyweight champ who outmatches you... as he's in the process of coming to murder your family and they are trying to make a break for escape. It's the right decision to buy them some time even if the odds aren't pretty...
  9. Iacobus

    Millennials - The Dying Children

    Analogy: you are a father who enjoys shooting. Your young son sees you packing your gun to go to the ran and asks to shoot with you, but you sit him down and explain that guns are very dangerous and for adults, and that he must never touch your gun, but when he's older you'll teach him how to...
  10. Iacobus

    The rapture

    OSB Revelation 20:2-10 commentary on the thousand years, emphasis in original:
  11. Iacobus


    How do you verify that they are at the same altitude? I am trying to systematize my observations of con/chemtrails into a more cohesive theory of what's actually going on. If chemtrails are being sprayed, are they covert attachments onto aircraft on unrelated flights/missions? Or are they...
  12. Iacobus

    The rapture

    It's a word-concept thing. As played out earlier in the topic, in common parlance, "Rapture = [taking of the righteous pre-tribulation/second coming]", so then we would say we don't believe in the Rapture. Then folks might say "So you don't believe [Bible verses concerning people being taken]"...
  13. Iacobus

    The rapture

    OSB interpretation of "one shall be taken and the other left": Looking for more info but this is what I have handy. So it certainly will be like Christ described/prophesied. From what I can tell other users have already zoned in on what seems to be the key difference, Orthodox do not believe...
  14. Iacobus

    10 Lost Tribes (We Wuz Kangs Bruh)

    This absolute trashcan of a garbled, incoherent response is more disrespectful than me calling you a heretic.
  15. Iacobus

    Career And Job Advice Q&A

    I have around a month in front of me with little commitments and a good amount of free time. After that month my time will be spoken for so I'm trying to figure out how to best earn money in the meantime. My previous trade is off the table as it requires longer term commitment. Currently all I...
  16. Iacobus

    10 Lost Tribes (We Wuz Kangs Bruh)

    Took a look at this video and felt my IQ dropping rapidly with each (attempted) point made. Without even starting to go point by point into the mindnumbing fallacies being used, they completely misunderstand the meaning of Israel. St. Paul explicitly says that those who accept Christ are the...
  17. Iacobus

    Ortho Lounge

    I feel a bit uncomfortable about this whole situation. OP who is clearly in a somewhat distressed state of mind posted his intention to apostatize, and then invited people to talk him out of it but refused to give his actual reasons for deciding to do so because it would be "scandalizing"? It...
  18. Iacobus

    Protestantism: Critique and Debate Thread

    Scripture itself tells us that we require instruction in interpretation. The Ethiopian Eunuch is presented as a model convert. He is highly educated for his day, both possessing Scripture & able to read it. He humbly understands that he cannot interpret Scripture himself, and St. Philip doesn't...
  19. Iacobus

    Protestantism: Critique and Debate Thread

    No Orthodox would ever say that Tradition is "over" Scripture. They harmonize. St. Paul in 2 Thessalonians says to hold fast to the traditions they (the Apostles) passed on in word and in letter. The logical conclusion is that not all traditions are Holy and correct, but that does mean that no...
  20. Iacobus

    Protestantism: Critique and Debate Thread

    I don't have the chance to check Fr. Josiah's video at present but broadly speaking your point brings us back again to Holy Tradition. Scripture, according to itself, does not contain the entirety of Christ's teachings. Scripture, according to itself (and also according to common sense), does...