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Search results

  1. BillMcNeal

    HIV-AIDS origins...

    I never really had a place for my theory until this thread, so here goes. There are two facts that people to varying degrees know about. The first one, which most don't know about but seems obvious on reflection, is that male reproductive fluids contain an immune suppressant in order to...
  2. BillMcNeal

    Memes and GIFs That Will Instantly Trigger Leftists & Normies

    I know Japan used to be even more harsh. There's a term called "Christmas Cake" for women over 25. As in, no one wants you after the 25th. I think it's fallen a bit out of favor as things keep getting worse between men and women over there, but it's still in there.
  3. BillMcNeal

    Memes and GIFs That Will Instantly Trigger Leftists & Normies

    Ah, the classic YTMND meme
  4. BillMcNeal

    The Dr. E. Michael Jones (EMJ) Thread

    Here's the full interview (already pulled from Youtube of course), and while anyone who watches EMJ has heard it all before, watching it on a "mainstream" show is just classic:
  5. BillMcNeal

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    Unchained looks very interesting, in that you keep your own keys. Other crypto IRAs function more like, say, Vanguard, where they have custody of everything. The fees though, are generally incredibly high for any company you go with. iTrust Capital does seem to have the lowest fees I'm ware of...
  6. BillMcNeal

    The Jewish Question (JQ)

    This is the most practical sort of thing that separates evangelicals from those in Apostolic faiths (making it that much harder to deal with the JQ): https://voxday.net/2023/10/16/the-height-of-judeochristianity/
  7. BillMcNeal

    Memes and GIFs That Will Instantly Trigger Leftists & Normies

    I miss the Godly memes thread (forget the actual name but that's as good as any) that was closed on the old forum a while back. Those memes always ended up here but their own thread is really nice.