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HIV-AIDS origins...


Other Christian
This is something that I've been researching for decades on and off. Let's just say that I would bet my life that the HIV-AIDS pandemic came about as a result mainly of the oral polio vaccine (OPV) program in the Belgian Congo (now DRC) between 1957-1959. The evidence is quite overwhelming after all these years! I also have to say that it's unfortunate that the; HIV doesn't exist/House of Numbers/Peter Duesberg et. al. stuff have overshadowed the likely reality of the situation...

Primer article; http://www.aidsorigins.com/the-origins-of-the-aids-pandemic/

Intermediate; watch the documentary; The origin of HIV/AIDS documentary; Youtube

Advanced, read "the River" by Ed Hooper, the best pop-science book ever written IMO;

Original paperback on Amazon etc. Revised edition available online, but very long read;
Back in the mid-80s, when the AIDS panic was at its peak, it was common for black people to think the virus had been engineered to target blacks in Africa, and to target the black population in the US, since these groups were disproportionally hit. At the time I thought this was absurd.

Now I believe Covid was engineered, so it makes me wonder about what happened with AIDS. I don't believe they had the ability to engineer viruses in the late 70s to early 80s or whenever the AIDS virus first emerged into human populations. I will look over the links you posted, but I feel like I'm not in a position to evaluate their accuracy. They might make a convincing argument, and still be false. So much in life is like this nowadays.

The one thing that I can be certain of is that the official story is full of lies, and that it's entirely believable that it could have been created and released on purpose.
As an addendum, the two highest profile researchers that developed the OPV vaccine where members of the tribe;

And the man primarily involved in the cover-up is also Jewish...(Robin Weiss)

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Back in the mid-80s, when the AIDS panic was at its peak, it was common for black people to think the virus had been engineered to target blacks in Africa, and to target the black population in the US, since these groups were disproportionally hit. At the time I thought this was absurd.

I have heard they were disproportionately affected. If so, I guess there could be two prevailing theories. 1) that it was an intentional spread in urban, low income areas. Or 2) that it just happened that way for a similar reason it spread among gays - natural infection through lifestyle choices. My understanding is that the reason it affects gays more than straights is because anal sex is more prone to transmission than vaginal. So black people were either having anal sex more than white people, or not using condoms as much, or both.

Of course, this is more about the spread, not the origin, but still relevant to possibly figuring out the latter.
I've been fascinated by HIV as it was such a huge, frightening thing back in the 1980s.

I watched a documentary, a couple of years back, about HIV in Edinburgh, which was then the AIDS capital of Europe, thanks mostly to the local authorities' very tough stand on needles. Unlike Glasgow, the Edinburgh council and police basically thought if they confiscated all the needles, then folk couldn't take drugs intravenously. This resulted in shooting galleries where one blunt needle was being used by everyone!

A few general observations, some of which is conjecture on my part, but I think is interesting:

1) The virus appears to be much weaker nowadays. In the recent documentary, there was talk about how the AIDS death was 'Biblical' and very unpleasant. Folk also seemed to develop AIDS rapidly.

2) A heterosexual man is very unlikely to contract HIV through normal intercourse. I'm pretty sure I read it was something like a 1 in 10,000 chance! Hence why it disproportionately affected drug users, gay men and haemophiliacs.

3) I think that in Africa it's more likely to spread because men appear to be more promiscuous and other STDs are perhaps not treated, increasing the chance of infection. There have been ritualistic beliefs where if an HIV infected man has sex with a young virgin he will be cured and then there are other ritualistic beliefs, such as female circumcision, where the same bladed is used.

As for the origins - I am a 'conspiracy theorist' and believe that many of the allegedly benevolent programmes designed to helps Africans have probably had an ulterior motive. It would not surprise me if the 'vaccine' was designed to curb population growth. As a child I was told that it was people having sex with infected monkeys that spread the disease, though I think this may have been debunked now.
It doesn't exist the way we've been told it does. Like all diseases, it is an imbalance and abundance of toxins in the body, encompassing organs, lymph nodes, and blood cells. However when it comes to something like this, I believe that too much sin, especially dangerous sin like homosexual acts, brings about a spiritual death that corrupts the flesh for such a grievous offence in the eyes of God. The majority of gay men die of colon or rectal cancer, even some who were gay and converted their soul and body to the Lord have died of causes related to a former active gay "life"style. Similar flesh-rotting consequences afflict the intravenous drug addicts, albeit differently. We are the image of our own corruption.

There is a huge consequence, physically, mentally, and spiritually, for putting anything in the rectum and treating it like anything other than what it is: an avenue for waste disposal.

The "origins" of this phenomena is likely the beginning of several of the elitists plans to begin using scare tactics on a massive scale to start testing out the reaction of large populations to such heinous propaganda. I remember it. The news was saying to get tested if you had had sex and keep getting tested because it could show up later in life. People everywhere thought it was a death sentence. According to the narrative, one time having sex could make you have it later in life. If someone turned up "positive" then they were put on AZT. Most who went on it died. That was AIDS. Basically the first iteration of the Corona/MRNA vaxx scare via problem-reaction-solution already drafted up. For as much as they promote faggotry and prop up the homosexual as a paragon of both a victim and a model citizen, they will still kill them all. As a matter of fact the promotion of faggotry is intended to promote more dying off of humans via scams like this.

"Prior to Fake Sars-Cov-2 there was the fake HIV virus"

A longer take on its origin from a Biochemist:

"Kary Mullis - PCR Inventor and Nobel Prize Winner - The Fake HIV/AIDS Story 1996"

All people are really suffering from are too many toxins in the body, too many toxins in the food supply, too many toxins being put into them, and too many radio frequencies. all the towers they keep putting out, that's what people are suffering from. That and a lack of God.
I've been fascinated by HIV as it was such a huge, frightening thing back in the 1980s.

I watched a documentary, a couple of years back, about HIV in Edinburgh, which was then the AIDS capital of Europe, thanks mostly to the local authorities' very tough stand on needles. Unlike Glasgow, the Edinburgh council and police basically thought if they confiscated all the needles, then folk couldn't take drugs intravenously. This resulted in shooting galleries where one blunt needle was being used by everyone!

A few general observations, some of which is conjecture on my part, but I think is interesting:

1) The virus appears to be much weaker nowadays. In the recent documentary, there was talk about how the AIDS death was 'Biblical' and very unpleasant. Folk also seemed to develop AIDS rapidly.

2) A heterosexual man is very unlikely to contract HIV through normal intercourse. I'm pretty sure I read it was something like a 1 in 10,000 chance! Hence why it disproportionately affected drug users, gay men and haemophiliacs.

3) I think that in Africa it's more likely to spread because men appear to be more promiscuous and other STDs are perhaps not treated, increasing the chance of infection. There have been ritualistic beliefs where if an HIV infected man has sex with a young virgin he will be cured and then there are other ritualistic beliefs, such as female circumcision, where the same bladed is used.

As for the origins - I am a 'conspiracy theorist' and believe that many of the allegedly benevolent programmes designed to helps Africans have probably had an ulterior motive. It would not surprise me if the 'vaccine' was designed to curb population growth. As a child I was told that it was people having sex with infected monkeys that spread the disease, though I think this may have been debunked now.

I agree with your 3 points. I think the virus has changed towards reduced virulence, which is usually what happens. There was and is a conspiracy here, but it's involving greed and ambition I think...and also just covering up that they used chimp kidney's which caused chimp SIV's to spread to humans, and not any secret plan of depopulation. That's part one...of which I'm very confident is correct!

You also have to explain why there was a 20 year lag between the first AIDS cases in Africa (1959) and the global pandemic from around 1979. I think that might have to do with the western gay liberation somehow! Maybe the HIV's (10+ types) in Africa where contained by more conservative sexual practices there at the time? And then only when western gays went nuts in the late 70's did it by chance spread, possibly via a male flight attendant having gay sex in Africa, and from there the possibilities branches out a bit. Did the relevant HIV virus evolve further in western gays, due to their extreme sexual and drug use practices, making it super-lethal? They died in weeks in some cases after diagnosis, unlike earlier cases. It's one possibility.
It doesn't exist the way we've been told it does. Like all diseases, it is an imbalance and abundance of toxins in the body, encompassing organs, lymph nodes, and blood cells. However when it comes to something like this, I believe that too much sin, especially dangerous sin like homosexual acts, brings about a spiritual death that corrupts the flesh for such a grievous offence in the eyes of God. The majority of gay men die of colon or rectal cancer, even some who were gay and converted their soul and body to the Lord have died of causes related to a former active gay "life"style. Similar flesh-rotting consequences afflict the intravenous drug addicts, albeit differently. We are the image of our own corruption.

There is a huge consequence, physically, mentally, and spiritually, for putting anything in the rectum and treating it like anything other than what it is: an avenue for waste disposal.

The "origins" of this phenomena is likely the beginning of several of the elitists plans to begin using scare tactics on a massive scale to start testing out the reaction of large populations to such heinous propaganda. I remember it. The news was saying to get tested if you had had sex and keep getting tested because it could show up later in life. People everywhere thought it was a death sentence. According to the narrative, one time having sex could make you have it later in life. If someone turned up "positive" then they were put on AZT. Most who went on it died. That was AIDS. Basically the first iteration of the Corona/MRNA vaxx scare via problem-reaction-solution already drafted up. For as much as they promote faggotry and prop up the homosexual as a paragon of both a victim and a model citizen, they will still kill them all. As a matter of fact the promotion of faggotry is intended to promote more dying off of humans via scams like this.

"Prior to Fake Sars-Cov-2 there was the fake HIV virus"

A longer take on its origin from a Biochemist:

"Kary Mullis - PCR Inventor and Nobel Prize Winner - The Fake HIV/AIDS Story 1996"

All people are really suffering from are too many toxins in the body, too many toxins in the food supply, too many toxins being put into them, and too many radio frequencies. all the towers they keep putting out, that's what people are suffering from. That and a lack of God.

I'm not a fan of those ideas, and it makes it easy for the enemies of real science to create strawman arguments, putting those who are serious and have evidence in the "crazy" group.
One of my first big redpills was reading about Patient Zero and the early days of the AIDS scare. Totally flipped my view of gay people upside down. It made me feel absolutely sick. The level of degeneracy taking place, and then protesting guidelines that homosexuals should consider abstaining from orgies with strangers as “an infringement of their human rights.”
There is a video of a white apartheid guy from South Africa who admits on camera that they used to inject the aids virus to black people through vaccines, it might not be the origin of the virus but people definatley used it as a weapon
There is a video of a white apartheid guy from South Africa who admits on camera that they used to inject the aids virus to black people through vaccines, it might not be the origin of the virus but people definatley used it as a weapon

If that was the original intent, they didn't do a very good job.
These are all propaganda campaigns, for various reasons. The fact remains (and by the way this proves the propaganda because as a doctor if you tell other doctors this reality, which is easily verifiable, they'll react like all butthurt leftists do), if you are not gay, an IV drug user, or of a very low socioeconomic class (read: black) you have almost zero chance of ever getting AIDS.

The main reason gays were pretty much the only people that got that disease was because they are way more promiscuous and drug induced than any other group, and it's like 1000 fold, just insane, and the bleeding and immune function of where they put their members drastically in crease transmission as well.
I never really had a place for my theory until this thread, so here goes.

There are two facts that people to varying degrees know about. The first one, which most don't know about but seems obvious on reflection, is that male reproductive fluids contain an immune suppressant in order to impregnate women without their destroying the sperm. The second is that the colon is highly absorbent, much more than even the stomach (consider people dying of alcohol poisoning via "butt chugging" because they absorb alcohol too rapidly). Now combine those two facts in the context of unprotected gay sex, and you have gay men absorbing an immune suppressant, thus an Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Add in PCR tests (PCR stands for Pretty Crappy Results) and AZT that killed cancer patients more than it helped, and there you go. No virus needed.

As for non-gays getting it, well, it's conceivable that women could get that condition the same way, but since they have much less anal sex the numbers are correspondingly lower. And IV drug users or Africans getting it, as was said before me, poor immune systems are likely part and parcel for those groups, so they present similar symptoms and some people will fail the PCR test by bad luck, which is probably all it ever was to begin with.

Just a theory, but in light of the trust I no longer have in the scientific community, it seems like a plausible explanation.
One of my first big redpills was reading about Patient Zero and the early days of the AIDS scare. Totally flipped my view of gay people upside down. It made me feel absolutely sick. The level of degeneracy taking place, and then protesting guidelines that homosexuals should consider abstaining from orgies with strangers as “an infringement of their human rights.”
Same. It was before my time so I didn't hear about the depravity, degeneracy, and promiscuity of bathhouses and such until encountering "redpill" content on the web. My generation got Obama speeches about "tolerance" and Glee instead. Honestly, the mass media memory holing the gays' responsibility in spreading the virus, instead twisting it into a story of their victimhood, was a pretty neat trick to pull off. They don't seem to have similar plans for sex abuse allegations in the Catholic Church, however: new movies, TV programs, and reports abound.