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Search results

  1. SpyofMoses

    2024 Election Lounge

    Biden was more alert and articulate than I expected him to be. He still wasn't coherent the entire time, but the fact that he stood the entire time and spoke without pooping his pants is already enough to amaze me. A buddy speculated that he was on Adderall and liquid cocaine. How long can Biden...
  2. SpyofMoses

    How can you you enjoy adulthood as much as childhood?

    One thing video touches on very well is that expectations often take a lot of excitement out of life. The older one gets the more expectations one has because you've been through more. But children have less expectations about the present moment because they haven't been through much. A key...
  3. SpyofMoses

    Weird Things You've Noticed Recently

    Now that's first I've ever heard of that! OK, I think I get it now. 😆
  4. SpyofMoses

    Good States to Live in the United States

    Although I do see some humor in that, I'm almost embarrassed to have the Protestant badge upon hearing it. I don't know how I feel about kissing a painting with everyone in Church sometimes, but for such a young denomination to say that about Orthodoxy shows a little ignorance about...
  5. SpyofMoses

    Weird Things You've Noticed Recently

    A recent post in the meme section got me thinking..... isn't it odd how the "hawk tuah" meme gained so much traction? Morality aside, the original wasn't really even that funny. It was kinda gross what she suggested, really. And yet there seem to be so many of them. Are we in a slow meme cycle...
  6. SpyofMoses

    Positivity Lounge

    Something I ponder quite often as my morning routine is to include watching the sunrise as often as I can:
  7. SpyofMoses

    Funny and Cool Pics and Vids

  8. SpyofMoses

    The Biden-Harris Administration

    Apparently the debate is in ten days. Biden is obviously so out of it that it's hard to imagine him debating much of anything at all. If they have a body double or doubles of Biden to do the debate for him, why haven't they just brought out a double for almost everything instead of letting him...
  9. SpyofMoses

    Memes and GIFs That Will Instantly Trigger Leftists & Normies

    Attaboy, son. 😄