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Search results

  1. P

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    Gambling, not building anything tangible (housing, solar power systems, etc.), not developing real world skill sets (carpentry, auto mechanics, farming) and instead investing large amounts of your energy into a computer screen video game time-suck blackhole in hopes of "getting rich" on another...
  2. P

    Candace Owens

    ^ Candace is really spitting heavy JQ truth bombs in above vid posted by JCS. Not sure what the controversy is over her? She seems legit. If she is, hopefully she doesn't get whacked. Not usually into black girls but WM (Would Marry).
  3. P

    2024 Election Lounge

    We've got another "username doesn't check out." Names please? Move your repetitive bullshit over to the Trump criticism and debate thread. We've been over this one billion times.
  4. P

    Balkans Daygame

    You're bouncing from country to country and city to city looking for a girlfriend? And then what? When you find a "girlfriend" you're going to move where she is? All the day game in the world can't help a man who follows instead of leads by putting poosy up on a pedestal. Stay in Oz and grab...
  5. P

    2024 Election Lounge

    I'm sticking with this post from March 6th:
  6. P

    2024 Election Lounge

    The real problem I see here is that people have been covering for Biden knowing full well that he is incapable of the complex, multi-layered thought required to effectively govern and manage the US. People like Jill Biden and Karine Jean-Pierre in particular may be committing crimes against the...
  7. P

    2024 Election Lounge

    Biden's numbers: "400,000 I mean 4 million... $8,000 pell grant to give them $15,000 off their tuition... 158, 159, I don't know the exact number of presidential historians... I'm a 6 handicap, I'm an 8 handicap..."
  8. P

    2024 Election Lounge

    Hopefully more people will see tonight that there is no way that Biden could be running this country and begin to ask themselves the question, "If Biden isn't cognitively capable of running the US government, then who exactly is running the US government?"
  9. P

    2024 Election Lounge

    Trump got off a good one: "I don't understand what he said at the end of that last sentence... I don't even think he understood what he said."
  10. P

    Julian Assange

    Again, there is nothing to "trust" as even average IQ people know that they are being robbed and spied upon at every juncture of this life. Assange didn't tell us anything we don't already know that he couldn't have told us anonymously without needlessly destroying his own life. What is...
  11. P

    Julian Assange

    Assange and I are around the same age and so I feel that we socially evolved in the same era. In the 1980's I was a naive liberal who lost a lot of friends because I was so passionately political and philosophical at such a young age. I was probably the only person in my high school reading...
  12. P

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    👍 Exactly. One needs to be entirely off-grid very soon and have multiple small black market cash businesses (selling eggs at farmers markets and/or antiques/collectibles at flea markets, etc.). Money as we currently know it may one day tank in all forms (BTC included) and only those who own...
  13. P

    Hitler versus Rothschild: the Logistics and Background of World War Two

    @magoo Hitler good with great stache. Very stylish khaki look. Flag design impecable indeliably burned into Jungian collective world unconsciousness for eternity because of Litler's great fail artist background. German engineering and metalturgy top of races because of God chosen arian supreme...
  14. P

    Decline of Functioning Society

    To be fair, I like movies and music (especially pre-1990's) even though I know they're basically not good for me. I guess you could say I'm addicted to 1970's independent films. However, even with this acknowledged flaw, I'm not watching porn or listening to songs with clear anti-Christian...
  15. P

    Is fast food as a business doing well or is fast food dying out, how about vs the chipotle model.

    In-N'-Out and Chik-fil-A are good for awhile. Mainly because they are owned and operated by Christians and the price point to quality and service ratios are very good. Very rarely do these two chains mess up your order, the kids working there are always pleasant and professional, and they almost...
  16. P

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    I love how you're so addicted to gambling that you'll even hedge your bets against criticism and being wrong: But then there's this gobblygook... Dude, get a hobby. Build log cabins, invest in 8-cylinder CAT diesel generators and backhoes, heck, learn to drive and restore old John Deere...
  17. P

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    Exactly. These guys keep telling some of us that we're too dumb and too old to understand bitcoin and that we're just jealous because they have more money than we do... "If you'd just spend 50 hours reading about bitcoin you wouldn't be so ignorant on the subject!"... Yeah, and if you'd read...
  18. P

    Alternate History Debate Thread

    Great question. Al Gore is a weak, effeminate "man" who doesn't have the balls for war. I'm pretty sure his responses to 911 would have been vastly different to that of Dumbya's. Rumsfeld's and Wolfowitz's Jewish Project For A New American Century would have been dead on arrival under a Gore...
  19. P

    Alternate History Debate Thread

    I doubt Gore would have invaded Iraq to catch the Talmuds in Jew York.
  20. P

    2024 Election Lounge

    They claim this publicly but I'd bet that privately they sing a different tune. A thief doesn't like to call the cops on another thief because it brings attention to the scenes of both their crimes. Similarly, corrupt politicians (which they all are) don't like to go too hard on the...