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Balkans Daygame

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Australia Sucks

I am currently on holidays and combining sightseeing with day-gaming (and night gaming) as I want to find a long term girlfriend.

I spent 3 weeks in Kosovo exploring the country while also day gaming but had no success ultimately just a few dates to nowhere (the girls later ghosted me).

Albanian culture basically prohibits Albanian girls from dating outsiders also cockblocking is a huge thing with Albanians both with men and women doing it to you. Yes there are exceptions with girls who will date foreigners but you are talking about maybe 2 or 3 girls out of every 1000 (it’s different for Albanians living in other countries).

I have now moved on to North Macedonia. I am currently in Skopje and will visit other places in North Macedonia.

Any advice from those with experience daygaming in the Balkans?

Is north Macedonia good for daygame to try and get a girlfriend? Or are there better countries to visit in the Balkans?

So far I’m finding Skopje challenging for daygame. Culturally North Macedonians are more accepting of dating foreigners than Albanians but in general Balkans girls are hesitant to date a guy they do not know so it’s still challenging.
Ember what is your problem dude? I’m not a sex tourist. I’m trying to find a girlfriend because western girls are horrible so I got to go to another country to find a girl.
'Game' is not consistent with Christianity. If you remember, Roosh renounced game for this reason. This is a Christian forum, not a game forum, and I believe you know that, and are posting it anyway, perhaps to troll us. I notice that you have the agnostic tag.
1. Wrong forum.
2. Don't pursue girlfriends without the intent of marriage. If she's a virgin you have no right to ask for sex before marriage.
Ember what is your problem dude? I’m not a sex tourist. I’m trying to find a girlfriend because western girls are horrible so I got to go to another country to find a girl.
You're bouncing from country to country and city to city looking for a girlfriend? And then what? When you find a "girlfriend" you're going to move where she is? All the day game in the world can't help a man who follows instead of leads by putting poosy up on a pedestal.

Stay in Oz and grab yourself an Abo from northwest territory.
Offtopic but if they are not virgin it is right to ask for sex before marriage? Am I understanding correctly?

I won't judge anyone for pre-maritial sex with non-virgins. I don't recommend intercourse, at most heavy petting. However, it is ideal and righteous to marry ASAP when dating, but for reasons beyond most men's control this isn't possible.
I am currently on holidays and combining sightseeing with day-gaming (and night gaming) as I want to find a long term girlfriend.

I spent 3 weeks in Kosovo exploring the country while also day gaming but had no success ultimately just a few dates to nowhere (the girls later ghosted me).

Albanian culture basically prohibits Albanian girls from dating outsiders also cockblocking is a huge thing with Albanians both with men and women doing it to you. Yes there are exceptions with girls who will date foreigners but you are talking about maybe 2 or 3 girls out of every 1000 (it’s different for Albanians living in other countries).

I have now moved on to North Macedonia. I am currently in Skopje and will visit other places in North Macedonia.

Any advice from those with experience daygaming in the Balkans?

Is north Macedonia good for daygame to try and get a girlfriend? Or are there better countries to visit in the Balkans?

So far I’m finding Skopje challenging for daygame. Culturally North Macedonians are more accepting of dating foreigners than Albanians but in general Balkans girls are hesitant to date a guy they do not know so it’s still challenging.

These are cultures where dating is still taboo, yes they still do it but it's not paraded around in the open until it starts turning into marriage. You're a foreigner looking to pick up native women, it's not going to go well for you and I fear one that you do pick up is going to be an outcast that nobody from her own ethnicity wanted for reasons that you'll probably never realize until you're already invested. You'll be a novelty or last resort to a girl looking to rebel or didn't have another choice, that isn't exactly the best way to find a good woman.

Just my opinion from personally insight brother.
Here we have
1) a member who was banned on RVF, but is allowed here due to the low member count on CIK
2) rules that don't forbid game stuff (but flat earth "nonsense", yeah sure) on a forum that's called Christ Is King :rolleyes:
But hey, don't worry, be happy.
Here we have
1) a member who was banned on RVF, but is allowed here due to the low member count on CIK
2) rules that don't forbid game stuff (but flat earth "nonsense", yeah sure) on a forum that's called Christ Is King :rolleyes:
But hey, don't worry, be happy.
Bird, if you don't stop whining about Samseau, and various forum rules, people are going to get really fed up, and perhaps start wishing that you would migrate somewhere else.
Here we have
1) a member who was banned on RVF, but is allowed here due to the low member count on CIK
2) rules that don't forbid game stuff (but flat earth "nonsense", yeah sure) on a forum that's called Christ Is King :rolleyes:
But hey, don't worry, be happy.
I mean you could always just stop visiting if you don't like it, instead of hanging around and complaining like a woman.
Here we have
1) a member who was banned on RVF, but is allowed here due to the low member count on CIK
2) rules that don't forbid game stuff (but flat earth "nonsense", yeah sure) on a forum that's called Christ Is King :rolleyes:
But hey, don't worry, be happy.
It's well known that you should pray for your enemies, but I think a lot of people don't take this to heart. However, I recommend it.

First of all, if you pray for your enemy, God might heap burning coals on their head. That's just what you want!

Of course, you have to pray for them, which is more like praying for blessings on them. It goes against the grain when you're wanting the burning coals.

The thing is, I've found that I'm no longer upset by my enemies if I pray for them. Enemies have a way of living rent free in your head, which is a real burden. Praying for them kicks them out. It's a proven solution.
1. Wrong forum.
2. Don't pursue girlfriends without the intent of marriage. If she's a virgin you have no right to ask for sex before marriage.
1) I feel like getting a girlfriend who loves you is less sinful that fornicating with random hoes (which is what a lot of western guys are doing these days) so from that perspective I still feel it’s a Christian thing for guys like you to help the non Christians like me choose the path of lesser sin.

2) I feel pursuing girls without intent of marriage is perfectly fair if the girl is a non virgin. But if the girl is a virgin and wishes to give me her virginity and commit to me then I will treasure her and marry her. But I don’t see why I should have marry a non virgin I should be free to merely date a non virgin and keep her as my girlfriend without ever intending to marry her. That’s her fault for not being a virgin (unless she was raped).
1) I feel like getting a girlfriend who loves you is less sinful that fornicating with random hoes (which is what a lot of western guys are doing these days) so from that perspective I still feel it’s a Christian thing for guys like you to help the non Christians like me choose the path of lesser sin.

2) I feel pursuing girls without intent of marriage is perfectly fair if the girl is a non virgin. But if the girl is a virgin and wishes to give me her virginity and commit to me then I will treasure her and marry her. But I don’t see why I should have marry a non virgin I should be free to merely date a non virgin and keep her as my girlfriend without ever intending to marry her. That’s her fault for not being a virgin (unless she was raped).
This is garbage and not a Christian approach.

@Samseau shit or get off the pot here
These are cultures where dating is still taboo, yes they still do it but it's not paraded around in the open until it starts turning into marriage. You're a foreigner looking to pick up native women, it's not going to go well for you and I fear one that you do pick up is going to be an outcast that nobody from her own ethnicity wanted for reasons that you'll probably never realize until you're already invested. You'll be a novelty or last resort to a girl looking to rebel or didn't have another choice, that isn't exactly the best way to find a good woman.

Just my opinion from personally insight brother.
How would you recommend I find a good woman? It’s obviously not going to happen in a western country
1) I feel like getting a girlfriend who loves you is less sinful that fornicating with random hoes (which is what a lot of western guys are doing these days) so from that perspective I still feel it’s a Christian thing for guys like you to help the non Christians like me choose the path of lesser sin.

2) I feel pursuing girls without intent of marriage is perfectly fair if the girl is a non virgin. But if the girl is a virgin and wishes to give me her virginity and commit to me then I will treasure her and marry her. But I don’t see why I should have marry a non virgin I should be free to merely date a non virgin and keep her as my girlfriend without ever intending to marry her. That’s her fault for not being a virgin (unless she was raped).

I appreciate your honest replies, however, pursuing a LTR with no intent of marriage is a sinful activity that cannot be condoned on this forum. Fundamentally, it is against the rules for being unloving behavior not only towards her, but - especially - towards yourself. You may not understand why, but it is because you are throwing your life away with such behavior.
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