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Search results

  1. Maddox

    Moving Abroad Before the Collapse

    Ever seen The Quiet American? If you like intimate Michael Caine films, it's well worth checking out...especially for you since you lived over there. Caine is an ex-pat reporter living overseas in Vietnam and caught in the middle of a war and a love triangle. I'd give it a 7.5/10 primarily for...
  2. Maddox

    The Off-Topic and Random Thoughts Thread(Anything Goes!)

    You usually don't see guys with that breed. Did you inherit him from an ex? Or did you buy him to meet girls?
  3. Maddox

    Wife hunting in Europe

    What difference does it make if he wants to find a girlfriend right now instead of a wife? As long as the thread isn't about casual sex and FNLs (first-night lays), the purpose is the same: a long-term commitment that will hopefully lead to marriage.
  4. Maddox

    Dress Shirts

    I always figured you as a "meat and potatoes" guy. I would've never guessed you were so particular with your clothing choices.
  5. Maddox

    The Off-Topic and Random Thoughts Thread(Anything Goes!)

    Have you ever noticed that music sounds different when your environment changes? I just moved to another state in the US, and I've realized that some songs on my playlist seem to fit better with a new geographic background. I wish I had a better way of putting that, but you get the point.
  6. Maddox

    What Would You Do In This Situation?

    I'm in a situation where a client has just hired another company that could threaten my job, or at least cut into billable hours. Doing some digging into their work, I just realized that the new company is doing something shady to make themselves look better at the company's expense. So, do I...
  7. Maddox

    US Military Draft

    I would hate it if there is a draft for women. The number of attractive, single women is already at an all-time low. Can you imagine how bad it will be if all of those under 25 year old females are sent away to fight a war? It would be awful here for single men. If that happens, I will be on...
  8. Maddox

    The Barbarian Invasion of Europe

    One who is more interested in getting free stuff over anything else.
  9. Maddox

    Digital nomad jobs

    This would be an idea situation, if the airlines don't completely shut down. That's what worries me. I feel like I need to either decide to stay here in the US in a red area and be happy making good money but with bad marriage prospects. Or I deal with the hassle of moving overseas and running...
  10. Maddox

    The Movie Thread

    So I watched this the other night and although I really wanted to like it, I felt it was a bit of a let down. Andrew McCarthy got most of the Brat Pack to sit down with him and talk about that article that came out in the 80s which branded these young actors together, but the interviews were...
  11. Maddox

    Digital nomad jobs

    Does your background allow you to advise others in your field? If so, maybe you could start a YouTube channel. Or can you sell products related to your field online? If the answer is yes, you could start an e-commerce store and run it from another country.
  12. Maddox

    Digital nomad jobs

    Good Lord...what a horrible neighbor. I'd mention her actions to the other neighbors on your street. Pretty soon, no one will want anything to do with her.
  13. Maddox

    The Off-Topic and Random Thoughts Thread(Anything Goes!)

    Every time I go to the car wash I'm amazed that I can expertly steer the left two wheels of my car onto that slim, little ramp so the automated system can take over. Not once have I messed it up. And I always feel so proud as I think to myself, "Yup, nailed it again." And yet, everyone else...
  14. Maddox

    The Off-Topic and Random Thoughts Thread(Anything Goes!)

    Oh man, don't even get me started on city parks. What I see are large areas of grass without any of the other things that make a park a park. Like you said, there is no shade because there are very few trees at parks. I've seen dozens of parks like this. There are also no longer flowers or...
  15. Maddox

    The Off-Topic and Random Thoughts Thread(Anything Goes!)

    The biggest problem with these suburbs is the lack of greenery. There is barely any front yard at all with the houses set so close to the street. The lack of trees, especially mature trees, cannot make up for this. These houses would also look much better with some bushes or flowers. But these...
  16. Maddox

    Making friends

    What ticks me off is that the churches don't seem to wanna help, even though they know there is a loneliness epidemic right now in the US and elsewhere. There is one single church where I live that offers a consistent men's group. Just one. And they have hundreds of guys who show up every week...
  17. Maddox

    The Movie Thread

    Finally, a war movie where I can root for the white guys and not be made to feel guilty about it.
  18. Maddox

    The Movie Thread

    Emilio Estevez still looks pretty young, not to mention Rob Lowe who will probably still be able to attract women when he's 80.
  19. Maddox

    The Off-Topic and Random Thoughts Thread(Anything Goes!)

    I hate vocal fry too and I blame the Globalist twats who used Kim K and other puppets to get women to start imitating their speech patterns. As a man, it's a total turn-off to listen to girls who talk in that lower register. What I found interesting in the video is at 20:19, he states that a...
  20. Maddox

    The Off-Topic and Random Thoughts Thread(Anything Goes!)

    There was a time when people had the decency to get back to others when they couldn't make a date or an appointment. But dating apps ruined that. Now it's perfectly normal to ghost others, even in business like you mentioned. That's what always surprised me; that this has carried over into the...