Cross post of mine from RVF in case a single mum in another country is being considered by an older guy for a relationship.
I have seen a few real-life occasions of men marrying single mums and it working out in the long run (i.e., men getting their own kids, being together for many years etc) in cases where the woman married and had a child when she was young. So I have to acknowledge that it is possible, and it does offer men perceived benefits e.g., a woman looking for reliability, who has some level of present day responsibility, etc.
However those are the few exceptions, and for very, very good reasons.
For example, if you are entertaining marriage with a single mum, consider the following:
- she is unlikely to be a Christian in heart and action
- you know it isn't her first rodeo so forget the white veil
- second marriages don't have good odds
- she has shown poor mate selection and lack of impulse control
- you are cuck-ing yourself by helping another man's lineage at the expense of your own potential
- you will have huge responsibility but little if any agency and authority
- you will never be her priority
- you may have to deal with the father
- dating a younger woman by using money and resources as the foundation of 'trade' is likely to end poorly
- in time her external beauty will fade as will your lust, which leaves what remaining?
Thus, I would say - keep investing in yourself and don't settle based on scarcity just yet, then reflect and re-evaluate your position after another two years
That said, on the internet it is very,
very easy to say 'dont settle' or give any advice really. And I can't give advice that is calibrated and accurate for your personally since I don't know your situation in depth. So I would offer the following to help guide your focus.
Some rhetorical questions to ask yourself in the meantime:
- Are you involved in regular church life and groups?
- Are you doing good deeds at church without expectation for being rewarded?
- Do you have a solid life outside of anything related to women (career, friends, etc)?
- Are you working out regularly?
- What are you doing to keep a youthful energy and are you otherwise maintaining your health?
- Are you maintaining your social skills?
- How would you rate yourself as Husband Material?
- Are you clear on your values in a woman and what trade-offs you are willing to make?
- Do you want kids and if so how much?
- How well prepared are you for being alone if you can't find a suitable candidate?
It can be very frustrating and demoralising out there. I absolutely, 100% get that. Thankfully there are solutions if you're motivated, capable, and are in a suitable location with the right opportunities. Even in a tough market you can still make it work if you put in the hard yards, stay motivated and... God Willing.
If not, monk mode may be a more realistic and better choice to consider once guys start approaching, say, late 40s and beyond.
Not every man is meant for marriage or called by God to have kids. In this case, it is important to be mentally, emotionally and spiritually prepared to focus on a meaningful life without women involved.
Yep, monk mode is always an option. I just hope physically able, young-ish guys don't use the decline of the West as an excuse to not give their best.
The courtship forum was shut and I don't want to get this thread locked so I'll leave it at that, and link to the below thread which offers some realistic tips for Christian Men seeking to navigate the modern dating market [].
I hope this has been useful.