The Jewish Question (JQ)

I won't transcribe this, since it's of little value outside of the posters notoriety and popularity. Abbreviated, he just says noticing is body and is secretly a conspiracy that just appeared out of nowhere yesterday. Please mock him for being a conspiracy theorist when every social media platform that every existed censors noticing. just censors it slightly less than usual, and Gab or Telegram make it look like a small child playing around in comparison.


See. It's really simple for a high IQ alpha chad who is used to the cameras being on him to calmy go after Israel and the elite talmudic jews that are primarily pulling the strings on American politics without seeming crazy or getting himself arrested for free speech.

Do Trump and Vance know of the JQ problem and are too scared to say anything? If so, then they are the most cowardly of men. Do they not really know about the eight tentacled globohomo talmudic JQ because they are too low IQ to "get it"? Have they ever heard of the talmud, much less read it (if not, then as global leaders who we rely on to understand global power dynamics they are guilty of a dereliction of duty)? Or, and this is the worst case scenerio, do they know of the JQ and accept them as an unshakable power and therefore embrace the philosophy of "if you can't beat them, join them"?
See. It's really simple for a high IQ alpha chad who is used to the cameras being on him to calmy go after Israel and the elite talmudic jews that are primarily pulling the strings on American politics without seeming crazy or getting himself arrested for free speech.

Do Trump and Vance know of the JQ problem and are too scared to say anything? If so, then they are the most cowardly of men. Do they not really know about the eight tentacled globohomo talmudic JQ because they are too low IQ to "get it"? Have they ever heard of the talmud, much less read it (if not, then as global leaders who we rely on to understand global power dynamics they are guilty of a dereliction of duty)? Or, and this is the worst case scenerio, do they know of the JQ and accept them as an unshakable power and therefore embrace the philosophy of "if you can't beat them, join them"?
Who do you think they work for?

It's a big club and they are all in it.