Signs of Escalation Into A World War

Germany's effort against Russia in WW2 was substantially greater than the effort Ukraine and NATO have brought in the current effort.

How are you measuring this? Germany was mostly infantry in WW2, NATO is all mechanized with drones, tanks, guided missiles, javelins, etc. Ukraine's army would completely smash Hitler's army, it is stronger in every way. Technology has come a long way since the 1940s, so I know this comparison isn't fair, but that's my point. Ukraine's army is much stronger than previous armies Russia has faced in the past.

Likewise, Russia is also stronger, but the USSR in WW2 was receiving billions in foreign aid, while today, it's choked off from half the world economy. So was it easier then or now? Also, there were massive winters that stopped both Napoleon and Hitler's armies, while no such cold occurred in the past 3 years of fighting.

So "effort" is a rather subjective measurement, I prefer to look at hard numbers and absolute stats. The money, size, and scope, of the latest Ukrainian war effort is greater than anything else Russia has faced in the past. While I suppose you could argue Germany's "effort" was greater in that they utilized a total mobilization, and sent in millions of men all at once, it was not as expensive or deadly as NATO's effort today.
I don't register stupid points.
You previously said Ukraine has drafted 7-8 million men. You now say it's 4 million. At this point you are just trolling.

No, I said they had available manpower of 7-8 million men. I estimate they've probably rotated around half of their population through the front by now (4 mil). Before calling others stupid you should read more carefully.
You have shown yourself to be inept in history and military matters. Comparing the Ukrainian Army with armies of the past in raw power is beyond stupid. If I showed up in 500 B.C. Sparta with an MG-34, I would conquer it. Does that make me a bigger threat to present day Iran than Sparta was in 500 B.C?
Except we're comparing the same country against the same scenario, over successive generations, so it's not apples to oranges. This is the 4th time in 4 centuries Russia has faced a large invasion from Europe, with each century's attack becoming larger and more powerful than the one before. That's a pattern and definitely worth comparing.
These are crazy numbers but what is even more crazy is the fact that I can't seem to find a way to keep my physical address off the internet (though I do by not telling anyone including the DMV my real address, and so my fake address shows up in google searches instead), they can read a tire track in the desert from space and tell you the model number, a sniper can almost get to Trump, and Big Brother has cameras on every corner in every city in the world yet no one knows if its 400K or 800K Ukranian men killed in Ukraine (a huge margin of error), and not one reporter can find out? I don't believe that for one second.

And if there were a reporter like that they'll most likely end up like Gonzo, RIP.

@Samseau Russia is technically (and especially culturally speaking) Europe. The battlefield is literally over Europe or what's next to come.
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This is the 4th time in 4 centuries Russia has faced a large invasion from Europe.
This is JQ propaganda from inside the Kremlin. Nobody was "invading" Russia. That's proposterous (and impossible in the 21st Century as Russia is armed to the teeth with nukes). Prior to Putin's dumb decision to cross into Ukraine, not one soldier from Europe crossed the line into Russia. Having a dumb-ass toothless globohomo NATO putting a few symbolic nukes near Russia's border with Finland or Ukraine (or wherever) is not an invasion. It's a toothless paper tiger "threat" that Putin should have completely ignored.

This war was completely unnecessary. It was a war of choice. And what a poor choice it has turned out to be, and possibly one of the biggest military blunders in modern history. Though I postulate that this was by design. I can think of a million better ways to have dealt with Ukraine. Namely, employing Sun Tzu Art of War tactics and not announcing the attack with a 300K troop build up on Ukraine's border for all the world to see from space. Putin could have been much more effective by stealthily decapitating the head of the snake by using his KGB training and tactics to identify when and where Zelensky and his parliment were in session and without notice wipe the whole building off the face of the earth killing hundreds of people instantly instead of a million white Christian men over a period of years. An unannounced, devastating blow like this would have immediately sent the Ukrainian government into chaos and forced them to the bargaining table. A simeltaneous, coordinated 911-style "terrorist" attack on Ukranian government officials and military leaders would have had a much more profound and debilitating effect than this shit show of a ground invasion that has unnecessarily cost hundreds of thousands of white Christian men their lives.
This is JQ propaganda from inside the Kremlin. Nobody was "invading" Russia. That's proposterous (and impossible in the 21st Century as Russia is armed to the teeth with nukes). Prior to Putin's dumb decision to cross into Ukraine, not one soldier from Europe crossed the line into Russia. Having a dumb-ass toothless globohomo NATO putting a few symbolic nukes near Russia's border with Finland or Ukraine (or wherever) is not an invasion. It's a toothless paper tiger "threat" that Putin should have completely ignored.

Really, you fall for the Talmudic lies?

Ukraine is a Russian country and was the birthplace of Russia for 1000 years. It only became "Ukraine" 40 years ago in 1989. Ukraine is Russian for 'borderlands'. So saying the borderlands of Russia is not part of Russia is just absurd, first of all.

Second, it's about a 5 hour drive from Eastern Ukraine to Moscow. Obviously the political risk of having an enemy force stationed so close to your capital is completely unacceptable to any serious political entity that wants to survive.

Third, the millions of Russians living in Eastern Donbass revolted against the corrupt Ukrainian leadership after the 2014 Maiden coup, in which the rightfully elected leader of Ukraine was deposed by the CIA. This same CIA backed government then builds up a huge military and marched against the millions of Russians living in the Donbass region. That is an invasion. They were shelling civilians in Donbass for over 7 years before Russia counter-attacked, and thousands of civilians had been murdered at that point.

Russia didn't ask for this war, NATO didn't need to expand into Ukraine overthrow the elected leader, nor did they need to send a genocidal military force against the Russians in eastern Ukraine. The Russians living in eastern Ukraine WANTED mother Russia to help them, they were begging for it for years since 2014, however, Putin tried to avoid war as much as possible and sought a diplomatic solution.

However, no diplomatic solution was forthcoming, since the (((West))) is controlled by Reform Jews, who never compromise and want absolute domination over Earth.

Russia had no choice but to defend itself, just like it had no choice against Hitler, Napoleon, or King Karl. Sitting by idly while a massive military genocides millions of Russians 5-hours from their capital would have been suicide.

. An unannounced, devastating blow like this would have immediately sent the Ukrainian government into chaos and forced them to the bargaining table.

Nonsense, Zelensky is a puppet and killing him wouldn't have changed a thing. Easily replaced.
Really, you fall for the Talmudic lies?

Ukraine is a Russian country and was the birthplace of Russia for 1000 years. It only became "Ukraine" 40 years ago in 1989. Ukraine is Russian for 'borderlands'. So saying the borderlands of Russia is not part of Russia is just absurd, first of all.

Kyivan Rus’ is not modern “Russia.” The Rus’ were a Norse-Slavic polity centered in Kyiv, not Moscow. Moscow didn’t even exist when Kyiv was the dominant power. Modern Russia is a political bloc, not a monolithic nation anymore. It is now the bastardized Mongoloid mutation of that original Kyivan state, soaked in the blood of its assimilated subject peoples.

Moscow was a minor outpost and was not even relevant until the 14th century. After the Mongol invasion in the 13th century Russia and Ukraine developed separately with Moscow falling under Mongol-Tatar rule and Kyiv being part of Lithuania and later the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Ukraine has had a distinct identity for centuries and even during Russian imperial rule and Soviet occupation there were constant Ukrainian national movements resisting foreign domination.

The word "Ukraine" does mean "borderland" but that doesn’t mean it was part of Russia, just like the Balkans being a "crossroads" of Europe doesn’t mean they belong to Austria or Turkey. By that logic, “Germany” comes from the Latin Germania, so I guess modern Germany belongs to Italy?

The name “Ukraine” also predates modern Russia. It was used in medieval sources to describe the independent lands of the Cossacks, long before Muscovy started claiming to be the “Third Rome.”

Second, it's about a 5 hour drive from Eastern Ukraine to Moscow. Obviously the political risk of having an enemy force stationed so close to your capital is completely unacceptable to any serious political entity that wants to survive.

If being “close” to another country makes it a threat, then Belarus is even closer to Poland’s capital than Ukraine is to Moscow. Should Poland invade Belarus? Helsinki is only 200 miles from St. Petersburg. By this logic Russia should invade Finland at any moment because it’s "too close."

In modern warfare distance is irrelevant. Missiles, drones, and cyberattacks don’t care about a 5-hour drive.

Third, the millions of Russians living in Eastern Donbass revolted against the corrupt Ukrainian leadership after the 2014 Maiden coup, in which the rightfully elected leader of Ukraine was deposed by the CIA. This same CIA backed government then builds up a huge military and marched against the millions of Russians living in the Donbass region. That is an invasion. They were shelling civilians in Donbass for over 7 years before Russia counter-attacked, and thousands of civilians had been murdered at that point.

Russia didn't ask for this war, NATO didn't need to expand into Ukraine overthrow the elected leader, nor did they need to send a genocidal military force against the Russians in eastern Ukraine. The Russians living in eastern Ukraine WANTED mother Russia to help them, they were begging for it for years since 2014, however, Putin tried to avoid war as much as possible and sought a diplomatic solution.

However, no diplomatic solution was forthcoming, since the (((West))) is controlled by Reform Jews, who never compromise and want absolute domination over Earth.

All of this is theater, other than Slavic concerns. You are focusing on recent sensationalism but the roots of this conflict that the jews on both sides are exploiting go back centuries. None of these Washington or Kremlin mouthpieces will talk about this.

Ukraine was never truly part of Russia until the late 17th century when it became a protectorate of the Russian Tsar. Ukrainians have long fought to preserve their distinct identity, language, and culture, though it is not much different than Russians on the surface.

From the time of the Cossack Hetmanate in the 17th century Ukrainians were keenly aware of the distinction between themselves and the Russian Empire. The Cossacks fought fiercely to maintain their autonomy but the Treaty of Pereyaslav (1654) and subsequent Russian imperial expansion gradually subordinated Ukrainian autonomy to Moscow.

Despite this the regional differences between the two were significant. Over the centuries the Russian Empire and later the Soviet Union eroded the Ukrainian language, traditions, and political independence in a systematic effort to assimilate Ukraine into its imperial fold.

By the time of the Ukrainian independence movement in the early 20th century ethnic Ukrainians were already deeply attuned to the risks of cultural assimilation and suppression. The creation of the Ukrainian People's Republic in 1917 was met with fierce opposition from Soviet Russia, culminating in the Red Army’s invasion and the subsequent forced incorporation of Ukraine into the USSR.

Under Stalin’s rule the enforced policies of Russification and collectivization led to mass starvation in the Holodomor, a deliberate attempt to eliminate Ukrainian nationalism and resistance to Soviet rule (but you know this already). The Soviet government saw Ukraine as an obstacle to its imperial vision and sought to break its national spirit.

Ukraine’s independence in 1991 was the culmination of a long-standing desire for autonomy. The Orange Revolution of 2004 and the Maidan Revolution were expressions of a deeply ingrained national identity that refuses to be subsumed by external powers, even if the glowies in DC were attempting to corral it for their own ends. The Maidan movement was rooted in the Ukrainian people’s desire to forge a future that was not under Moscow’s shadow but rather as an independent sovereign state. I have no doubt that the tensions have escalated to kinetic war because of provocateurs on both sides, but that still doesn't invalidate the desire for an ethnicity of a race to have unblemished posterity.

From the Ukrainian perspective, particularly those who have been fighting to preserve their sovereignty and cultural identity, it’s hard to ignore the complicated web of influences that have brought them to this point. Yes the Ukrainian government like many post-Soviet states, has been corrupted by oligarchs, trafficking, and Western influence, but that doesn’t negate the ethnic Ukrainian’s right to self-determination and independence. The Ukrainian people especially those in the western regions have a long history of resisting both Russian and Western imperialism. And as much as the West has meddled in Ukrainian affairs, Russia’s heavy-handed approach has been far more destructive in its attempts to rein in Ukraine’s independence and annex it back into the Russian sphere.

Western elites have exploited Ukrainian instability for their own purposes as the situation with BlackRock, Nuland, and the ulterior role of NATO in Ukraine’s internal politics is troubling. For the average Ukrainian however, the corruption of their government doesn’t invalidate their desire for freedom. The point here is that the Ukrainian people have fought for independence for centuries and they don’t want to be a puppet of Washington, no more than they want to be one of Moscow.

From the Ukrainian perspective, not the Washington talking points, one of the most glaring dangers of being absorbed into the Russian Federation is the death of Ukrainian nationalism. Under Putin’s Russia, Slavic nationalism is anathema. There is a systematic suppression of ethnic identity and Slavic autonomy within Russia itself. We saw it with ethnic Russian nationalism, and we see it with the marginalization of nationalists within Russia, they are either oppressed or outright criminalized. A strong Russian Federation doesn’t tolerate Slavic national identities or independence movements that would resist multipolarity.

For ethnic Ukrainians this is an existential concern not a theoretical one. The Russian state does not respect the autonomy of Slavic groups outside its direct control, even within Russia. Here are the laws once again within mother Russia:

-Federal Law No. 129-FZ on Public Associations (1996)
-Federal Law No. 25-FZ on the Protection of the Rights of National Minorities (1996)
-Federal Law No. 114-FZ on Extremist Activity (2002)
-Federal Law No. 31-FZ on the Fight Against Extremist Activity (2002)
-Article 280 of the Russian Criminal Code (Public Calls for Extremism)
-Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Article 282)
-Federal Law No. 149-FZ of 2009 (Glorification of "Nazism" meaning any European nationalism even Slavic Russian)
-Article 354.1 of the Russian Criminal Code (Denial of the USSR's Role in WWII)
-The Law on Information, Information Technologies, and Information Protection (2011) (used to shutdown any Nationalist websites)
-Federal Law No. 121-FZ on "Foreign Agents" (2012)
-Federal Law No. 150-FZ (2013) on "Hate Speech" and Nationalism
-Federal Law No. 303-FZ (2014) on "Historical Lies" and Criticisms of WWII (it's a verified fact that the Red Army raped and murdered millions of innocent women and children and elderly civilian non-combatants but a crime to state this in modern Russia)

These laws may mean nothing to you, but you're not a Slav and you live in America, so there you go. I am not sticking up for jew zelensky, he needs to go of course, and so do his backers, but only Europeans care for the cause of the Ukrainians themselves. Whether under NATO blackrock taxes or CSTO Eurasian occupation, the Ukrainians are caught between a rock and a hard place.

Russia had no choice but to defend itself, just like it had no choice against Hitler, Napoleon, or King Karl. Sitting by idly while a massive military genocides millions of Russians 5-hours from their capital would have been suicide.

What simpleton history books are you reading?

You still believe this jew nonsense that Germany was the instigator and aggressor in World War II. It didn't invade Russia, there was no more "Russia" it ceased to exist the second the Red Bolsheviks defeated the White Russian Army.

The German invasion of the then USSR, not Russia, was preemptive due to Stalin's violations of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact and his offensive buildup on the Reich border, a buildup of the largest attack force in human history that was preparing to invade Europe.

Wind the clocks back a bit more.

Napoleon didn’t invade Imperial Russia just because he felt like it, Tsar Alexander I forced his hand by violating an agreement that was crucial to France’s survival.

After Napoleon defeated Russia at Friedland Alexander I agreed to align with France in The Treaty of Tilsit (1807). A major part of this was the Continental System, a massive embargo meant to economically strangle Britain by forbidding European nations from trading with it. Britain depended on trade, without European markets, its economy would collapse.

By 1810, Alexander secretly resumed trade with Britain effectively undermining Napoleon’s entire strategy. If Russia could ignore the Continental System, so could others meaning the whole plan would collapse and Britain could continue financing anti-French coalitions.

At the same time, Russia was rearming and feared Napoleon’s influence over Poland (the Duchy of Warsaw). Alexander worried Napoleon might restore an independent Poland, which would threaten Russian territory.

Napoleon tried negotiating but Alexander refused to return to the Continental System. France couldn’t afford a major power openly defying it as it would encourage Britain, Austria, and Prussia to unite against Napoleon again (at it later did).

With no diplomatic solution in sight Napoleon launched a preemptive campaign to force Russia back into compliance in 1812. He expected a quick victory but Russia’s scorched-earth tactics and brutal winter turned it into a catastrophe.

So Russia wasn’t some innocent victim, Alexander broke a legally binding treaty, sabotaged Napoleon’s war against Britain, and built up his military while plotting against France. Napoleon responded as any ruler would when faced with a treacherous ally becoming a threat.

Let's go back to King Karl now.

The Great Northern War Begins in 1700 where Russia along with Denmark-Norway and Saxony-Poland attacked Sweden first. Peter the Great wanted access to the Baltic Sea and saw Sweden as the main obstacle. Sweden was under the young but brilliant King Charles XII (Karl XII) and was the dominant Baltic power then.

Instead of crumbling Karl XII attacked all three of his enemies. He defeated Denmark quickly, then defeated a much larger Russian force at Narva (1700) humiliating Peter. After that he turned to Poland and forced Augustus II to abdicate.

Karl didn’t just randomly decide to invade Russia, Peter refused to surrender and kept rebuilding his army. Meanwhile Russia harassed Swedish supply lines and supported resistance in Poland. Karl saw this as betrayal and marched to Moscow to force Peter to end the war (1707-1708).

Russia avoided direct battle using scorched-earth tactics to starve and exhaust the Swedes. By the time Karl reached Poltava, his army was too weak. Russia defeated Sweden’s forces, turning the tide of the war. At this point Sweden went from a great European power to a secondary state and Russia became the new dominant power in Eastern Europe.

So in this case as well Russia wasn’t just “defending itself," it started the war, Karl XII retaliated, and Russia used underhanded tactics to bleed the Swedes dry over two decades.

In every example you use, Imperial Russia, or the USSR has always been the aggressor. In almost every war it fights is dressed up in the language of “defense” while it grabs land and exterminates its enemies. You could have mentioned the Sino-Russian wars, but these were also primarily Russian expansionism that caused them, or the Russo-Japanese war, which was imperial competition between two rising powers in the context of global rivalry. Only Russia lost that one and that didn't help with strengthening Tsarism against the rising Bolshevism.

That's what empires do, not that I blame them for that, but this kvetching and claiming victimhood is very jewish and not Slavic at all, no wonder given how many jews there are in Russia writing their history books the last hundred years just like they've been doing in America and occupied Europe.
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^ Amazing propaganda you post, I really have to wonder, where do you find the time to post walls of text essays nonstop on this forum? Do you have a job?

Regardless you've posted a mountain of lies, like you typically do, either intentionally or unintentionally, I cannot be sure, but your propaganda is word for word lies regurgitation by the Reform Jews running the (((West))).

I'm not going to argue about the Ukrainian vs. Russian thing, which is total lies easily debunked by any cursory examination of DNA or history. At most, you can say the Slavs in Eastern Ukraine are Polish.

Much more revealing is your ridiculous justification for the Ukrainian war and "independence," which is morally bankrupt.

The Maidan movement was rooted in the Ukrainian people’s desire to forge a future that was not under Moscow’s shadow but rather as an independent sovereign state.

Okay, let's assume the "Ukrainians" (i.e. Russians mixed with Poles) wanted independence and it is right for them to have it.

So why can't the Russians trapped in the east of Ukraine, want independence from Ukraine? Why is one independence justified and not another? Why didn't they let the eastern Ukrainian provinces succeed? Why did they march on them with a large army shelling cities?

There is no moral justification as to why one succession is justified but not another. If it is okay for "Ukrainians" to overthrow a democratically elected leader in 2014, then it is also justified for the Russians living in Ukraine to reject the coup as well.

Had they let those Russians form their own independent states, then there would be no war. If this war is indeed rooted in ethnic conflict, then the morally righteous move is to let people across a balkanized country have their own states and live separately. But instead "Ukraine" (i.e. a puppet Reform Jew state with zero money or power outside of their Jew owners) marches on these smaller states with a large army and starts blowing up women and children at bus stops in the Donbass.

For you to simply dress this over, with a single sentence, while you bury the forum in your worthless walls of lies, shows you are either:

1. Severely confused.
2. Liar under the take.

I will be charitable and assume the former. Your White idolatry blinds you to reality.

Case in point:

You still believe this jew nonsense that Germany was the instigator and aggressor in World War II. It didn't invade Russia, there was no more "Russia" it ceased to exist the second the Red Bolsheviks defeated the White Russian Army.

I never said whether or not Germany's invasion of Russia was justified or not. I don't care for the purposes of this discussion, it's irrelevant. But for you to respond with a wall of text instead of focusing on the issues at hand matches your usual tactics of obfuscation and off-topic sidetracks designed to derail the conversation away from the morally important conclusions, because you are so committed to your Neo-Nazi ideology.

Germany was the invader - they broke the non-aggression pact and attacked Russia. Whether or you not call it USSR is irrelevant as well. It's the same people culturally and (mostly) genetically.

Russia has defended itself successfully 3 times in 3 centuries against European aggression - who is right or wrong is irrelevant. The pattern is what is remarkable and relevant to the discussion of signs pointing to a larger world war. This is the 4th time Russia is being invaded, and, it looks like they will pull off a successful defense again.
Really, you fall for the Talmudic lies?
I haven't fallen for anything. I just believe from my own analysis of the situation that jews primarily run Russia and that any war thus far in the 21st Century has been a complete waste of time shit show that achieves nothing except making the (((rich))) richer. That's it, prove me wrong. Furthermore, not one pro-Putin'er will explain in detail why Mr. Twinkle Toes Putin so delicately dances around the JQ. It was the Tucker interview that sent me over the edge on Putin. I had my popcorn ready just knowing Putin was going to go balistic on the (((root causes))) behind the globohomo west and NATO expansionism and so I looked forward to him calling out how the jews (and Israel) are controlling America. And what did he do? He went on to claim the jews are "victims." Unexcusible, and unacceptable. He's smarter than that. In other words, he was/is covering for the jews. Why? Because (((they))) own his ass. Nobody gets 200 million plus dollars in their personal coffers while working a "public service" government job their entire life without going through and kissing the ring of the talmuds. Samseau, I love you brother, but on the issue of Putin you've been had.
I haven't fallen for anything. I just believe from my own analysis of the situation that jews primarily run Russia and that any war thus far in the 21st Century has been a complete waste of time shit show that achieves nothing except making the (((rich))) richer. That's it, prove me wrong. Furthermore, not one pro-Putin'er will explain in detail why Mr. Twinkle Toes Putin so delicately dances around the JQ. It was the Tucker interview that sent me over the edge on Putin. I had my popcorn ready just knowing Putin was going to go balistic on the (((root causes))) behind the globohomo west and NATO expansionism and so I looked forward to him calling out how the jews (and Israel) are controlling America. And what did he do? He went on to claim the jews are "victims." Unexcusible, and unacceptable. He's smarter than that. In other words, he was/is covering for the jews. Why? Because (((they))) own his ass. Nobody gets 200 million plus dollars in their personal coffers while working a "public service" government job their entire life without going through and kissing the ring of the talmuds. Samseau, I love you brother, but on the issue of Putin you've been had.

You don't see the whole picture, Russia is only partially controlled by Zionists, who have a degree of influence and funding to Russia, but not Reform Jews. Reform Jews are locked out of Russia, so they wage war against them. That's why Israel votes against Ukraine in the UN:

America is neck deep in Talmudic groups of all stripes but Russia is just Zionist at the moment. Ukraine is 100% Reform. Ukraine vs. Russia is a proxy war between Zionism and Reformism.

1/5 of Isreal's population are Russian Jews, so the remaining Jews in Russia proper are Zionist. The Reform Jews were kicked out by Stalin about 60 years ago and went to America, the rest left for Israel. There are very few Talmuds left in Russia but they probably get money from their cousins in Israel and use their influence in Russia to promote Israel and other business projects through magnates like Abramovich.

It wasn't the Zionists in Russia that wanted war with Ukraine because it doesn't serve Zionist interests. It only serves Reform interests. That's why Trump, who is a Zionist and anti-Reform, wants peace with Russia on behalf of Israel so efforts can be shifted to Iran and China.

Thus Ukraine invaded Russia, driven by Talmudic Reform interests, nothing to do with the Zionists working with Putin.
^ Amazing propaganda you post, I really have to wonder, where do you find the time to post walls of text essays nonstop on this forum? Do you have a job?

Yes, I do work. I also write a great deal because I read a great deal.

Regardless you've posted a mountain of lies, like you typically do, either intentionally or unintentionally, I cannot be sure, but your propaganda is word for word lies regurgitation by the Reform Jews running the (((West))).

You must have used the phrase "mountain of lies" innumerable times because it is designed to shut the flock off from reading me. The jews mask the truth with their own agenda. Washington will come up with any kind of smear tactic against Moscow just like Moscow does against the Washington. The overt globohomo idiocy makes it easier to rip on the west, but for those with eyes to see and ears to listen, they would know that both are false hope.

It is also not "reform" yids but a Kabbalistic Lubavitcher hierarchy that runs all the major players, including the east. These liberal whining jews are just a front.

I'm not going to argue about the Ukrainian vs. Russian thing, which is total lies easily debunked by any cursory examination of DNA or history. At most, you can say the Slavs in Eastern Ukraine are Polish.

Much more revealing is your ridiculous justification for the Ukrainian war and "independence," which is morally bankrupt.

Okay, let's assume the "Ukrainians" (i.e. Russians mixed with Poles) wanted independence and it is right for them to have it.

So why can't the Russians trapped in the east of Ukraine, want independence from Ukraine? Why is one independence justified and not another? Why didn't they let the eastern Ukrainian provinces succeed? Why did they march on them with a large army shelling cities?

You bring up a "moral justification" for why Ukrainians can seek independence, but Russians in Ukraine cannot. This is a false equivalence. The core issue is self-determination and the right of people to govern themselves. Ukrainians have a right to preserve their territorial integrity, especially considering their historical experience of being dominated by foreign powers, including Russia. The notion that one people can seek independence while denying the same to others is precisely what breeds conflict. But the situation in Eastern Ukraine is not a simple case of secession it is part of an enduring geopolitical struggle exacerbated by foreign intervention (both Western and Russian).

I don't justify this war. It never should have happened.

There are two official narratives that dominate the discourse surrounding the Ukraine crisis, both heavily influenced by foreign agendas. On the one hand, Washington portrays the Ukrainian government's actions post-2014 as a defense of sovereignty against external Russian aggression, particularly following the annexation of Crimea and the rise of separatist movements in Donbas. According to this narrative the Ukrainian military’s actions were not acts of aggression but rather defensive measures to preserve the territorial integrity of Ukraine. This version parrots the interests of NATO and the American-led global order painting Russia as the sole aggressor intent on dismantling Ukraine’s independence in the name of expansionist imperialism.

On the other hand, the Russian perspective, amplified by the Kremlin and its allies within the CSTO and Eurasian circles, frames the events of 2014 as a Western-backed coup, a subversion of Ukraine’s sovereignty orchestrated by external forces. From this view the overthrow of Yanukovych represented not a democratic uprising but a western-globalist-inspired takeover, part of a wider plot to draw Ukraine into the NATO sphere and to encircle Russia militarily and geopolitically. Russia's subsequent intervention in Crimea and support for separatist movements in Donbas is presented as a defense of ethnic Russians and Russian speakers under threat from a newly installed, hostile Ukrainian government. (You see, I can write in your language too if I choose to.)

However there is a more accurate truth that is often buried beneath layers of geopolitics and sensationalistic dichotomic rhetoric. The real issue is that both sides, both the West and Russia, are heavily compromised by the influence of Kabbalistic elites and foreign intervention making it impossible for the people of Europe to truly achieve national sovereignty in the modern world order. The situation in Ukraine is not simply about East versus West nor is it merely about ethnic Russians versus Ukrainians. It is a tragedy perpetuated by foreign actors who have used the peoples of Ukraine and Russia as pawns in their larger, geopolitical game. The West and Russia both seek to exert hegemonic control over Europe but neither side represents the will of the European people.

There is no moral justification as to why one succession is justified but not another. If it is okay for "Ukrainians" to overthrow a democratically elected leader in 2014, then it is also justified for the Russians living in Ukraine to reject the coup as well.

The events of 2014 leading to the overthrow of Yanukovych and the subsequent escalation of conflict in Ukraine were orchestrated by external agents provocateurs both Western and Russian. While the Ukrainian Maidan Revolution certainly reflected genuine popular dissatisfaction with corruption and authoritarianism, it was also engineered by Western-backed entities including NGOs, Western diplomats, and American intelligence agencies. These forces sought to destabilize Ukraine in order to pull it into the NATO orbit undermining Russia’s influence in the region.

Simultaneously the Kremlin in a bid to protect its strategic interests amplified the conflict and used it as an opportunity to extend its sphere of influence under the guise of defending Russian speakers. Yet the reality is that Russia’s actions while framed as protective also served the Kremlin’s own imperial ambitions in the region. Russia’s support for the separatist movements in Donbas as well as its annexation of Crimea was not purely humanitarian, it was driven by strategic considerations of maintaining control over its so-called near abroad and preventing the further spread of Western influence.

Both sides of the conflict, then, are compromised. The West uses Ukraine to weaken Russia, while Russia seeks to use Ukraine’s ethnic divisions and historical ties to further its own imperial project. But what is most important is that both sides exploit the European peoples in this case, the Ukrainians, Russians, and other ethnic Slavs as pawns in their larger geopolitical game. Neither Washington nor Moscow is concerned with the true sovereignty or well-being of the peoples living within these borders.

The proper solution to avoid this is the same for every other country in Europe, rising up against the ZOG occupiers facing great hardship and martyrdom, which is the only way to break free from this imprisonment. For the people of Ukraine this would mean the right to self-determination not through the lens of either NATO expansion or Russian imperialism, but through the restoration of Ukrainian national pride and ethnic cohesion founded on the principles of volkisch nationalism.

Had they let those Russians form their own independent states, then there would be no war. If this war is indeed rooted in ethnic conflict, then the morally righteous move is to let people across a balkanized country have their own states and live separately. But instead "Ukraine" (i.e. a puppet Reform Jew state with zero money or power outside of their Jew owners) marches on these smaller states with a large army and starts blowing up women and children at bus stops in the Donbass.

From the Western perspective, the Ukrainian government's military actions are framed as a defense of its sovereignty against Russian interference. The West prioritizes territorial integrity over ethnic separatism viewing Donbas and Luhansk as part of Ukraine's internationally recognized borders. The West argues that the self-determination of these regions cannot override the principle of maintaining a sovereign state and allowing such secession could encourage instability in other parts of the world. The astroturfed Ukrainian response is seen as a legitimate defense against Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the support for separatist movements that undermine Ukraine’s unity.

From Russia’s point of view the situation in Donbas and Luhansk is a direct result of Ukraine's refusal to respect the rights of Russian-speaking populations. Russia broadcasts its intervention as a humanitarian mission to protect ethnic Russians and Russian speakers in regions where they face discrimination and violent repression. For Russia the Ukrainian government’s alignment with NATO and the West post-2014 represented an existential threat to ethnic Russians justifying secession for these regions and military support to secure their autonomy. Russia frames the conflict as a defense of its people’s right to self-determination against an increasingly hostile Ukrainian regime. (I can keep writing your talking points, but it is merely taken directly from Kremlin propaganda).

However, this conflict is manipulated by both Western and Russian imperialism using Ukraine as a geopolitical battleground. The idea of secession in Donbas and Luhansk should not be viewed through the lens of ethnic conflict but as a consequence of external forces exploiting regional divisions. The true solution lies in grassroots European nationalism that rejects both Eastern and Western imperialist control advocating for a Europe where all European peoples including Ukrainians and Russians can determine their own future independently from foreign powers. The focus should be on European unity rejecting the balkanization of the continent, and creating a sovereign and cooperative Europe free from external manipulation. No mainstream source advocates this, proving that we Europeans are prisoners and at the mercy of the jewish pendulum.

For you to simply dress this over, with a single sentence, while you bury the forum in your worthless walls of lies, shows you are either:

1. Severely confused.
2. Liar under the take.

I will be charitable and assume the former. Your White idolatry blinds you to reality.

It is shameful to accuse someone of "racial idolatry" because they acknowledge the importance of identity and heritage of all things, especially when the very basis of human society is an understanding of these aspects.

But I suppose when one has nothing to stand on but abstract, flimsy accusations, resorting to slander is the only refuge left. Identity is not idolatry, and it certainly doesn't require a person to abandon their principles in favor of baseless and misinformed ad hominem attacks. Perhaps you should reconsider the value of critical thinking and understanding context rather than rushing to label those you don’t understand, whilst I freely defend truth, logic, and the very dignity of heritage that seems to trouble you so much.

I never said whether or not Germany's invasion of Russia was justified or not. I don't care for the purposes of this discussion, it's irrelevant. But for you to respond with a wall of text instead of focusing on the issues at hand matches your usual tactics of obfuscation and off-topic sidetracks designed to derail the conversation away from the morally important conclusions, because you are so committed to your Neo-Nazi ideology.

I don't believe in "neo" ideology. There is National Socialism and Fascism which is an extension of natural law as a temporal worldview in terms of government and economics, not the hereafter or one's creed.

One might almost pity the mind that finds such things as "walls of text" so taxing. Haven't you ever read a book? Every single page in every single book is literally a "wall of text".

But, of course it’s easier to dismiss complexity when one’s understanding is rooted in surface-level platitudes and the comforting simplicity of ignorance. Real intellectual engagement requires the patience to wade through nuance, to untangle the lies that breed in oversimplification. But then again reductionism is the weapon of those who cannot or perhaps will not distinguish thought from noise. If you're exhausted by the effort of reading, perhaps it’s because you’ve never truly read anything at all. A true mind seeks understanding, not convenience.

Therefore true engagement with history and with any issue of real substance requires more than surface-level scratching and reductive sloganeering. If I have strayed into the intricate web of context it is only because understanding requires nuance. You however seem quite comfortable with simplicity. Perhaps because it frees you from the burden of thought. But rest assured when one is so fixated on 'morally important conclusions' without a full grasp of the facts those conclusions are nothing more than a pretense for ignorance.

Germany was the invader - they broke the non-aggression pact and attacked Russia. Whether or you not call it USSR is irrelevant as well. It's the same people culturally and (mostly) genetically.

Russia has defended itself successfully 3 times in 3 centuries against European aggression - who is right or wrong is irrelevant. The pattern is what is remarkable and relevant to the discussion of signs pointing to a larger world war. This is the 4th time Russia is being invaded, and, it looks like they will pull off a successful defense again.
If who is right or wrong is irrelevant, you wouldn't be moralizing this false history of "Russian defense against European Aggression". I literally just told you how each time was not "European aggression." How do you fail to see this?

-Peter attacked Karl's Sweden first.
-Alexander broke a legally binding treaty that did not harm Russia, traded with the British, funded resistance to Napoleonic French rule, and refused to negotiate, resulting in war.
-Stalin violated the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact first, many many times, on top of building up an invasion force:


"Stalin did not sign a peace treaty for the purpose of peace. He signed to let Europe destroy itself in a war of attrition while giving him the time he needed to build up his military strength. Stalin's real intent is revealed in the minutes of the Soviet High Command, also in my possession. Stalin states his intent to come into the war the moment Hitler and the Western powers have annihilated each other. Stalin had great interest in marking time and letting others fight first. I have read his military plans and I have seen how they were achieved. By 1941 Stalin's ten thousand tanks had increased to 17,999, the next year they would have been 32,000, ten times more than Germany's. The air force would also have been 10 to 1 in Stalin's favor. The very week Stalin signed the peace treaty with Hitler he gave orders to build 96 air fields on the Western Soviet border, 180 were planned for the following year. His strategy was constant: "The more the Western powers fight it out the weaker they will be. The longer I wait the stronger I get." It was under these appalling circumstances that World War Two started. A war which was offered to the Soviets on a silver platter. Aware of Stalin's preparations Hitler knew he would have to face communism sooner rather than later. And to fight communism he had to rely on totally loyal men" - Leon Degrelle, The Epic Story of the Waffen-SS.
Finland, and Poland also, are learning the hard way about American lack of interest in such wars:

Ugly as it is, Trump has to send a clear message to all these countries. They've been cajoled and snow jobbed by US officials for too long. Time for them to make peace with their big ugly neighbor, no matter what horrible history exists, lest they be the next Ukraine.

Bottom line: an ugly ethnic fight deep in EE just isn't in the US' interest. No matter how hard you drag up old history, Americans are NOT game for war with Russia, no matter what our elite's say. So tread lightly and expect that sweet-talking Americans that encourage you to such wars are never going to be there at the end for you. This is advice I gave to a Ukrainian 6 years ago. It hasn't changed.
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Yes, I do work. I also write a great deal because I read a great deal.

You must have used the phrase "mountain of lies" innumerable times because it is designed to shut the flock off from reading me. The jews mask the truth with their own agenda. Washington will come up with any kind of smear tactic against Moscow just like Moscow does against the Washington. The overt globohomo idiocy makes it easier to rip on the west, but for those with eyes to see and ears to listen, they would know that both are false hope.

It is also not "reform" yids but a Kabbalistic Lubavitcher hierarchy that runs all the major players, including the east. These liberal whining jews are just a front.

You bring up a "moral justification" for why Ukrainians can seek independence, but Russians in Ukraine cannot. This is a false equivalence. The core issue is self-determination and the right of people to govern themselves. Ukrainians have a right to preserve their territorial integrity, especially considering their historical experience of being dominated by foreign powers, including Russia. The notion that one people can seek independence while denying the same to others is precisely what breeds conflict. But the situation in Eastern Ukraine is not a simple case of secession it is part of an enduring geopolitical struggle exacerbated by foreign intervention (both Western and Russian).

I don't justify this war. It never should have happened.

There are two official narratives that dominate the discourse surrounding the Ukraine crisis, both heavily influenced by foreign agendas. On the one hand, Washington portrays the Ukrainian government's actions post-2014 as a defense of sovereignty against external Russian aggression, particularly following the annexation of Crimea and the rise of separatist movements in Donbas. According to this narrative the Ukrainian military’s actions were not acts of aggression but rather defensive measures to preserve the territorial integrity of Ukraine. This version parrots the interests of NATO and the American-led global order painting Russia as the sole aggressor intent on dismantling Ukraine’s independence in the name of expansionist imperialism.

On the other hand, the Russian perspective, amplified by the Kremlin and its allies within the CSTO and Eurasian circles, frames the events of 2014 as a Western-backed coup, a subversion of Ukraine’s sovereignty orchestrated by external forces. From this view the overthrow of Yanukovych represented not a democratic uprising but a western-globalist-inspired takeover, part of a wider plot to draw Ukraine into the NATO sphere and to encircle Russia militarily and geopolitically. Russia's subsequent intervention in Crimea and support for separatist movements in Donbas is presented as a defense of ethnic Russians and Russian speakers under threat from a newly installed, hostile Ukrainian government. (You see, I can write in your language too if I choose to.)

However there is a more accurate truth that is often buried beneath layers of geopolitics and sensationalistic dichotomic rhetoric. The real issue is that both sides, both the West and Russia, are heavily compromised by the influence of Kabbalistic elites and foreign intervention making it impossible for the people of Europe to truly achieve national sovereignty in the modern world order. The situation in Ukraine is not simply about East versus West nor is it merely about ethnic Russians versus Ukrainians. It is a tragedy perpetuated by foreign actors who have used the peoples of Ukraine and Russia as pawns in their larger, geopolitical game. The West and Russia both seek to exert hegemonic control over Europe but neither side represents the will of the European people.

The events of 2014 leading to the overthrow of Yanukovych and the subsequent escalation of conflict in Ukraine were orchestrated by external agents provocateurs both Western and Russian. While the Ukrainian Maidan Revolution certainly reflected genuine popular dissatisfaction with corruption and authoritarianism, it was also engineered by Western-backed entities including NGOs, Western diplomats, and American intelligence agencies. These forces sought to destabilize Ukraine in order to pull it into the NATO orbit undermining Russia’s influence in the region.

Simultaneously the Kremlin in a bid to protect its strategic interests amplified the conflict and used it as an opportunity to extend its sphere of influence under the guise of defending Russian speakers. Yet the reality is that Russia’s actions while framed as protective also served the Kremlin’s own imperial ambitions in the region. Russia’s support for the separatist movements in Donbas as well as its annexation of Crimea was not purely humanitarian, it was driven by strategic considerations of maintaining control over its so-called near abroad and preventing the further spread of Western influence.

Both sides of the conflict, then, are compromised. The West uses Ukraine to weaken Russia, while Russia seeks to use Ukraine’s ethnic divisions and historical ties to further its own imperial project. But what is most important is that both sides exploit the European peoples in this case, the Ukrainians, Russians, and other ethnic Slavs as pawns in their larger geopolitical game. Neither Washington nor Moscow is concerned with the true sovereignty or well-being of the peoples living within these borders.

The proper solution to avoid this is the same for every other country in Europe, rising up against the ZOG occupiers facing great hardship and martyrdom, which is the only way to break free from this imprisonment. For the people of Ukraine this would mean the right to self-determination not through the lens of either NATO expansion or Russian imperialism, but through the restoration of Ukrainian national pride and ethnic cohesion founded on the principles of volkisch nationalism.

From the Western perspective, the Ukrainian government's military actions are framed as a defense of its sovereignty against Russian interference. The West prioritizes territorial integrity over ethnic separatism viewing Donbas and Luhansk as part of Ukraine's internationally recognized borders. The West argues that the self-determination of these regions cannot override the principle of maintaining a sovereign state and allowing such secession could encourage instability in other parts of the world. The astroturfed Ukrainian response is seen as a legitimate defense against Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the support for separatist movements that undermine Ukraine’s unity.

From Russia’s point of view the situation in Donbas and Luhansk is a direct result of Ukraine's refusal to respect the rights of Russian-speaking populations. Russia broadcasts its intervention as a humanitarian mission to protect ethnic Russians and Russian speakers in regions where they face discrimination and violent repression. For Russia the Ukrainian government’s alignment with NATO and the West post-2014 represented an existential threat to ethnic Russians justifying secession for these regions and military support to secure their autonomy. Russia frames the conflict as a defense of its people’s right to self-determination against an increasingly hostile Ukrainian regime. (I can keep writing your talking points, but it is merely taken directly from Kremlin propaganda).

However, this conflict is manipulated by both Western and Russian imperialism using Ukraine as a geopolitical battleground. The idea of secession in Donbas and Luhansk should not be viewed through the lens of ethnic conflict but as a consequence of external forces exploiting regional divisions. The true solution lies in grassroots European nationalism that rejects both Eastern and Western imperialist control advocating for a Europe where all European peoples including Ukrainians and Russians can determine their own future independently from foreign powers. The focus should be on European unity rejecting the balkanization of the continent, and creating a sovereign and cooperative Europe free from external manipulation. No mainstream source advocates this, proving that we Europeans are prisoners and at the mercy of the jewish pendulum.

It is shameful to accuse someone of "racial idolatry" because they acknowledge the importance of identity and heritage of all things, especially when the very basis of human society is an understanding of these aspects.

But I suppose when one has nothing to stand on but abstract, flimsy accusations, resorting to slander is the only refuge left. Identity is not idolatry, and it certainly doesn't require a person to abandon their principles in favor of baseless and misinformed ad hominem attacks. Perhaps you should reconsider the value of critical thinking and understanding context rather than rushing to label those you don’t understand, whilst I freely defend truth, logic, and the very dignity of heritage that seems to trouble you so much.

I don't believe in "neo" ideology. There is National Socialism and Fascism which is an extension of natural law as a temporal worldview in terms of government and economics, not the hereafter or one's creed.

One might almost pity the mind that finds such things as "walls of text" so taxing. Haven't you ever read a book? Every single page in every single book is literally a "wall of text".

But, of course it’s easier to dismiss complexity when one’s understanding is rooted in surface-level platitudes and the comforting simplicity of ignorance. Real intellectual engagement requires the patience to wade through nuance, to untangle the lies that breed in oversimplification. But then again reductionism is the weapon of those who cannot or perhaps will not distinguish thought from noise. If you're exhausted by the effort of reading, perhaps it’s because you’ve never truly read anything at all. A true mind seeks understanding, not convenience.

Therefore true engagement with history and with any issue of real substance requires more than surface-level scratching and reductive sloganeering. If I have strayed into the intricate web of context it is only because understanding requires nuance. You however seem quite comfortable with simplicity. Perhaps because it frees you from the burden of thought. But rest assured when one is so fixated on 'morally important conclusions' without a full grasp of the facts those conclusions are nothing more than a pretense for ignorance.

If who is right or wrong is irrelevant, you wouldn't be moralizing this false history of "Russian defense against European Aggression". I literally just told you how each time was not "European aggression." How do you fail to see this?

-Peter attacked Karl's Sweden first.
-Alexander broke a legally binding treaty that did not harm Russia, traded with the British, funded resistance to Napoleonic French rule, and refused to negotiate, resulting in war.
-Stalin violated the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact first, many many times, on top of building up an invasion force:

View attachment 18966

"Stalin did not sign a peace treaty for the purpose of peace. He signed to let Europe destroy itself in a war of attrition while giving him the time he needed to build up his military strength. Stalin's real intent is revealed in the minutes of the Soviet High Command, also in my possession. Stalin states his intent to come into the war the moment Hitler and the Western powers have annihilated each other. Stalin had great interest in marking time and letting others fight first. I have read his military plans and I have seen how they were achieved. By 1941 Stalin's ten thousand tanks had increased to 17,999, the next year they would have been 32,000, ten times more than Germany's. The air force would also have been 10 to 1 in Stalin's favor. The very week Stalin signed the peace treaty with Hitler he gave orders to build 96 air fields on the Western Soviet border, 180 were planned for the following year. His strategy was constant: "The more the Western powers fight it out the weaker they will be. The longer I wait the stronger I get." It was under these appalling circumstances that World War Two started. A war which was offered to the Soviets on a silver platter. Aware of Stalin's preparations Hitler knew he would have to face communism sooner rather than later. And to fight communism he had to rely on totally loyal men" - Leon Degrelle, The Epic Story of the Waffen-SS.
Nervous Pet GIF by Bibi.Pet
Yes, I do work. I also write a great deal because I read a great deal.

You must have used the phrase "mountain of lies" innumerable times because it is designed to shut the flock off from reading me. The jews mask the truth with their own agenda. Washington will come up with any kind of smear tactic against Moscow just like Moscow does against the Washington. The overt globohomo idiocy makes it easier to rip on the west, but for those with eyes to see and ears to listen, they would know that both are false hope.

It is also not "reform" yids but a Kabbalistic Lubavitcher hierarchy that runs all the major players, including the east. These liberal whining jews are just a front.

You bring up a "moral justification" for why Ukrainians can seek independence, but Russians in Ukraine cannot. This is a false equivalence. The core issue is self-determination and the right of people to govern themselves. Ukrainians have a right to preserve their territorial integrity, especially considering their historical experience of being dominated by foreign powers, including Russia. The notion that one people can seek independence while denying the same to others is precisely what breeds conflict. But the situation in Eastern Ukraine is not a simple case of secession it is part of an enduring geopolitical struggle exacerbated by foreign intervention (both Western and Russian).

I don't justify this war. It never should have happened.

There are two official narratives that dominate the discourse surrounding the Ukraine crisis, both heavily influenced by foreign agendas. On the one hand, Washington portrays the Ukrainian government's actions post-2014 as a defense of sovereignty against external Russian aggression, particularly following the annexation of Crimea and the rise of separatist movements in Donbas. According to this narrative the Ukrainian military’s actions were not acts of aggression but rather defensive measures to preserve the territorial integrity of Ukraine. This version parrots the interests of NATO and the American-led global order painting Russia as the sole aggressor intent on dismantling Ukraine’s independence in the name of expansionist imperialism.

On the other hand, the Russian perspective, amplified by the Kremlin and its allies within the CSTO and Eurasian circles, frames the events of 2014 as a Western-backed coup, a subversion of Ukraine’s sovereignty orchestrated by external forces. From this view the overthrow of Yanukovych represented not a democratic uprising but a western-globalist-inspired takeover, part of a wider plot to draw Ukraine into the NATO sphere and to encircle Russia militarily and geopolitically. Russia's subsequent intervention in Crimea and support for separatist movements in Donbas is presented as a defense of ethnic Russians and Russian speakers under threat from a newly installed, hostile Ukrainian government. (You see, I can write in your language too if I choose to.)

However there is a more accurate truth that is often buried beneath layers of geopolitics and sensationalistic dichotomic rhetoric. The real issue is that both sides, both the West and Russia, are heavily compromised by the influence of Kabbalistic elites and foreign intervention making it impossible for the people of Europe to truly achieve national sovereignty in the modern world order. The situation in Ukraine is not simply about East versus West nor is it merely about ethnic Russians versus Ukrainians. It is a tragedy perpetuated by foreign actors who have used the peoples of Ukraine and Russia as pawns in their larger, geopolitical game. The West and Russia both seek to exert hegemonic control over Europe but neither side represents the will of the European people.

The events of 2014 leading to the overthrow of Yanukovych and the subsequent escalation of conflict in Ukraine were orchestrated by external agents provocateurs both Western and Russian. While the Ukrainian Maidan Revolution certainly reflected genuine popular dissatisfaction with corruption and authoritarianism, it was also engineered by Western-backed entities including NGOs, Western diplomats, and American intelligence agencies. These forces sought to destabilize Ukraine in order to pull it into the NATO orbit undermining Russia’s influence in the region.

Simultaneously the Kremlin in a bid to protect its strategic interests amplified the conflict and used it as an opportunity to extend its sphere of influence under the guise of defending Russian speakers. Yet the reality is that Russia’s actions while framed as protective also served the Kremlin’s own imperial ambitions in the region. Russia’s support for the separatist movements in Donbas as well as its annexation of Crimea was not purely humanitarian, it was driven by strategic considerations of maintaining control over its so-called near abroad and preventing the further spread of Western influence.

Both sides of the conflict, then, are compromised. The West uses Ukraine to weaken Russia, while Russia seeks to use Ukraine’s ethnic divisions and historical ties to further its own imperial project. But what is most important is that both sides exploit the European peoples in this case, the Ukrainians, Russians, and other ethnic Slavs as pawns in their larger geopolitical game. Neither Washington nor Moscow is concerned with the true sovereignty or well-being of the peoples living within these borders.

The proper solution to avoid this is the same for every other country in Europe, rising up against the ZOG occupiers facing great hardship and martyrdom, which is the only way to break free from this imprisonment. For the people of Ukraine this would mean the right to self-determination not through the lens of either NATO expansion or Russian imperialism, but through the restoration of Ukrainian national pride and ethnic cohesion founded on the principles of volkisch nationalism.

From the Western perspective, the Ukrainian government's military actions are framed as a defense of its sovereignty against Russian interference. The West prioritizes territorial integrity over ethnic separatism viewing Donbas and Luhansk as part of Ukraine's internationally recognized borders. The West argues that the self-determination of these regions cannot override the principle of maintaining a sovereign state and allowing such secession could encourage instability in other parts of the world. The astroturfed Ukrainian response is seen as a legitimate defense against Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the support for separatist movements that undermine Ukraine’s unity.

From Russia’s point of view the situation in Donbas and Luhansk is a direct result of Ukraine's refusal to respect the rights of Russian-speaking populations. Russia broadcasts its intervention as a humanitarian mission to protect ethnic Russians and Russian speakers in regions where they face discrimination and violent repression. For Russia the Ukrainian government’s alignment with NATO and the West post-2014 represented an existential threat to ethnic Russians justifying secession for these regions and military support to secure their autonomy. Russia frames the conflict as a defense of its people’s right to self-determination against an increasingly hostile Ukrainian regime. (I can keep writing your talking points, but it is merely taken directly from Kremlin propaganda).

However, this conflict is manipulated by both Western and Russian imperialism using Ukraine as a geopolitical battleground. The idea of secession in Donbas and Luhansk should not be viewed through the lens of ethnic conflict but as a consequence of external forces exploiting regional divisions. The true solution lies in grassroots European nationalism that rejects both Eastern and Western imperialist control advocating for a Europe where all European peoples including Ukrainians and Russians can determine their own future independently from foreign powers. The focus should be on European unity rejecting the balkanization of the continent, and creating a sovereign and cooperative Europe free from external manipulation. No mainstream source advocates this, proving that we Europeans are prisoners and at the mercy of the jewish pendulum.

It is shameful to accuse someone of "racial idolatry" because they acknowledge the importance of identity and heritage of all things, especially when the very basis of human society is an understanding of these aspects.

But I suppose when one has nothing to stand on but abstract, flimsy accusations, resorting to slander is the only refuge left. Identity is not idolatry, and it certainly doesn't require a person to abandon their principles in favor of baseless and misinformed ad hominem attacks. Perhaps you should reconsider the value of critical thinking and understanding context rather than rushing to label those you don’t understand, whilst I freely defend truth, logic, and the very dignity of heritage that seems to trouble you so much.

I don't believe in "neo" ideology. There is National Socialism and Fascism which is an extension of natural law as a temporal worldview in terms of government and economics, not the hereafter or one's creed.

One might almost pity the mind that finds such things as "walls of text" so taxing. Haven't you ever read a book? Every single page in every single book is literally a "wall of text".

But, of course it’s easier to dismiss complexity when one’s understanding is rooted in surface-level platitudes and the comforting simplicity of ignorance. Real intellectual engagement requires the patience to wade through nuance, to untangle the lies that breed in oversimplification. But then again reductionism is the weapon of those who cannot or perhaps will not distinguish thought from noise. If you're exhausted by the effort of reading, perhaps it’s because you’ve never truly read anything at all. A true mind seeks understanding, not convenience.

Therefore true engagement with history and with any issue of real substance requires more than surface-level scratching and reductive sloganeering. If I have strayed into the intricate web of context it is only because understanding requires nuance. You however seem quite comfortable with simplicity. Perhaps because it frees you from the burden of thought. But rest assured when one is so fixated on 'morally important conclusions' without a full grasp of the facts those conclusions are nothing more than a pretense for ignorance.

If who is right or wrong is irrelevant, you wouldn't be moralizing this false history of "Russian defense against European Aggression". I literally just told you how each time was not "European aggression." How do you fail to see this?

-Peter attacked Karl's Sweden first.
-Alexander broke a legally binding treaty that did not harm Russia, traded with the British, funded resistance to Napoleonic French rule, and refused to negotiate, resulting in war.
-Stalin violated the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact first, many many times, on top of building up an invasion force:

View attachment 18966

"Stalin did not sign a peace treaty for the purpose of peace. He signed to let Europe destroy itself in a war of attrition while giving him the time he needed to build up his military strength. Stalin's real intent is revealed in the minutes of the Soviet High Command, also in my possession. Stalin states his intent to come into the war the moment Hitler and the Western powers have annihilated each other. Stalin had great interest in marking time and letting others fight first. I have read his military plans and I have seen how they were achieved. By 1941 Stalin's ten thousand tanks had increased to 17,999, the next year they would have been 32,000, ten times more than Germany's. The air force would also have been 10 to 1 in Stalin's favor. The very week Stalin signed the peace treaty with Hitler he gave orders to build 96 air fields on the Western Soviet border, 180 were planned for the following year. His strategy was constant: "The more the Western powers fight it out the weaker they will be. The longer I wait the stronger I get." It was under these appalling circumstances that World War Two started. A war which was offered to the Soviets on a silver platter. Aware of Stalin's preparations Hitler knew he would have to face communism sooner rather than later. And to fight communism he had to rely on totally loyal men" - Leon Degrelle, The Epic Story of the Waffen-SS.
