USA is converting to Orthodox Christianity by the millions.

It's certainly going to be difficult. Anything worth doing is difficult. The real question is if it's easier or harder than finding a decent woman in the West. And I think we all have an idea of that.
Agreed. Ultimately God knows what He's doing. If the problem of suitable women is to be solved then God will solve it, if not then there is a greater purpose at work. Whatever the case, it doesn't mean things will be easy for any of us.
I do think the big question Christ is going to be asking every convert is: Are you still going to worship Me if I don't give you want you want?

I think that will determine who stays versus who doesn't
We all have to know we will be tested and there will be tribulations. But also trust God that He will never give us anything beyond our ability to handle.
We all have to know we will be tested and there will be tribulations. But also trust God that He will never give us anything beyond our ability to handle.
For sure, but not everyone is going to want to handle it

I think the threshold of what we can handle is a lot different to what we want to handle. Most people say this in a context of "don't worry if you can't handle never having sex again, Christ will sort you out a woman"

Most of us could handle it if push comes to shove. We just don't want to.
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The Orthodox Church is indeed masculine, but it is the home of traditional feminity as well. And we really need to find a way to bring more young women into the Church or all these men will have no one to marry and raise Orthodox children with. That's the only way this growth will be sustainable.

People keep crying about this, but everything I've ever seen tells me not to worry. Where ever the men go, women will follow. Geeks playing vidya games in the 80's has now morphed into the world's most popular pastime that includes millions of women.

It may take a few decades, but the women will catch up. As for the older guys who will miss out on a wife or children, that is the cross the Lord has blessed for you to bear, so that you may perfect your faith.

But the Church will be fine. The women will come, if the men, especially the young men, are converting.
It's great that this is happening, but I am wary that it might not be the golden age we are all hoping for. The media putting the spotlight on it could be the first step in a campaign of persecution.

Rejoice brothers, but lets brace ourselves too

Glory to God for all things
It's great that this is happening, but I am wary that it might not be the golden age we are all hoping for. The media putting the spotlight on it could be the first step in a campaign of persecution.

Rejoice brothers, but lets brace ourselves too

Glory to God for all things

Persecution would make the Orthodox Church grow larger than ever, if it occurs under Talmudic rule. If there is freedom of religion, and other Christian churches are left alone, but Orthodox Churches are being shut down, then everyone knows which one is the true Church.
Anyone know about this guy? He goes by "Apostate Prophet" and has just recently converted to Orthodoxy from atheism.

The conversion has predictably upset Muslims and atheists. His name sounds Turkish. I've seen clips of him a few times where he was debating and collaborating with a Protestant influencer (Inspiring Philosophy). He seemed to hold strong Zionist leanings, too, so I'm rather surprised he went Orthodox.