The 1963 American Coup / Assassination of JFK

Jack Rubenstein was also an architect of the CIA's Project MKULTRA.
Edit: I think I read the tweet wrong. The policeman who interrogated Lee Harvey Oswald, not Ruby, was the MKULTRA architect.
The tweet lists several Israelis involved in the aftermath of the assassination...
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Jack Rubenstein was also an architect of the CIA's Project MKULTRA.
Edit: I think I read the tweet wrong. The policeman who interrogated Lee Harvey Oswald, not Ruby, was the MKULTRA architect.
The tweet lists several Israelis involved in the aftermath of the assassination...

I read the book “Chaos: The Truth behind the Manson Murders” which covers this. It’s a very interesting angle since the book received rave reviews from some mainstream publications.

Jolyon West was explicitly experimenting on whether he could alter people’s memories and implant false ones and he was given over an hour alone with Ruby.

He was also undercover as a hippy at the Ashbury Heights where he conducted experiments, and was associated with The Family. Where did Manson learn all his mind control techniques?
This is the best account of the event, and the perps, I believe is from Laurent Guyenot, one of the better researchers on JFK.

Watching this a second time. At 25:38 we have a decent pronunciation of coup de grâce from back in the day, instead of the "koo duh graw" which has gained so much traction lately. More evidence of dwindling average IQ.
Why has no one here mentioned Executive Order 11110? I've posted extensively about this. It was the prima causa for his murder. Everything else with Israel, the Mob, the USSR, and Cuba are secondary to this. He upset the Rothschilds just like Hitler did, and he had to go for circulating debt-free US Treasury silver-backed currency into the US monetary system that would have eventually made the Federal Reserve notes worthless. It took them several years to reacquire it all and get it out of circulation, but they started immediately after his death.

A short summary from a longer explanation on it:

"Certainly it's obvious that President Kennedy knew that the Federal Reserve Notes being circulated as "legal currency" were contrary to the Constitution of the United States, which calls for issuance of "United States Notes" as interest-free and debt-free currency backed by silver reserves in the U.S. Treasury. Comparing a "Federal Reserve Note" issued from the private central bank of the United States (i.e., the Federal Reserve Bank a/k/a Federal Reserve System), with a "United States Note" from the U.S. Treasury (as issued by President Kennedy's Executive Order), the two almost look alike, except one says "Federal Reserve Note" on the top while the other says "United States Note". In addition, the Federal Reserve Note has a green seal and serial number while the United States Note has a red seal and serial number. Following President Kennedy's assassination on November 22, 1963, the United States Notes he had issued were immediately taken out of circulation, and Federal Reserve Notes continued to serve as the "legal currency" of the nation.

Kennedy knew that if the silver-backed United States Notes were widely circulated, they would eliminated the demand for Federal Reserve Notes. This is a simple matter of economics. USNs were backed by silver and FRNs were (still are) backed by nothing of intrinsic value. As a result of Executive Order 11110, the national debt would have prevented from reaching its current level (almost all of the $9 trillion in federal debt has been created since 1963). Executive Order 11110 also granted the U.S. Government the power to repay past debt without further borrowing from the privately owned Federal Reserve which charged both principle and interest and all new "money" it "created." Finally, Executive Order 11110 gave the U.S.A. the ability to create its own money backed by silver, again giving money real value."

Here is an example of one with the red seal on it:

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I don't know how to upload the video, so hopefully the link will work for you.

Did LBJ order JFK hit?

Newly released audio suggests Lyndon Johnson ordered the hit on his predecessor - who had been trying to reclassify the AIPAC as a foreign agent at the time of his death.

Trump promised to release the remaining docs on the case, so we’ll soon find out.


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The secret service agent who jumped on the back of the limousine when Kennedy was shot has coincidentally (conveniently ??) just died at age 93.
He was the last person still living, of the overall 7 people, who were in the presidential limousine when it arrived at the Dallas hospital.
