It doesn't matter who the "true villains" are, your polemics are pointless as they are tiring. You still haven't answered the central objection I've posed, that Hitler was a trashcan commander, who picked a fight with no strategy to win. Simply "acting on rigtheousness" doesn't count for anything in politics. You either win or you lose, and Hitler lost huge, Europe would have been better off without Hitler his loss was so complete.
Hitler should have evacuated citizens out of Danzig if he didn't have a plan to take on the enemies that would result from invading Poland. It's as simple as that, his strategy sucked, and he lost as a result. Anything less than this conclusion shows extreme bias and not the mentality of a military commander who understands what victory means.
Perhaps it is tiring to you because you tend to think along these reductionist modes, but not to many others who want to know the truth and do not compartmentalize the same. It does indeed matter who the liars and deceivers are. They are still lying and deceiving people today with much more sinister agendas.
You cannot reduce a grand historical hypothetical to something like "Europe would have been better off without Hitler." This is a fallacy when you look at the historical trajectories of what was going on in every country in Europe at the time. Could anyone else have undone Weimar? Could any other force have built up such a bulwark of anti-communist strength in firepower and manpower to the hordes of the East? Could any other force have destroyed so much of the Red Army that did indeed invade and destroy many other European nations, with or without Hitler? The answer to that is simple, no one else would have.
If Hitler had not come on the scene, this is what would have continued, which were movements that his actions put a stop to:
-German communist uprisings such as the Spartacist Revolt in 1919 and the Hamburg Uprising in 1923 demonstrated revolutionary violence and instability. Any one of these communist regimes in Germany would have immediately aligned with their backers in the Soviet Union.
-General Franco would never had Luftwaffe support to establish an initial base in the south and then drive out the Reds from Spain (who were mostly French and Russian communists fighting Spaniards). There was significant Soviet backing on the "Republican" side of that conflict. With a Communist Spain all but ensured, this would have changed much for Europe for the worst.
-The Austrian communist party (Kommunistische Partei Österreichs, KPO) was a suborganization of Comintern. If it were not for the NSDAP and the influence they had on the Austrian government and paramilitary groups like Heimwehr, then Austria would have been lost to the east as well.
You're not considering the immense threat of Soviet expansionism and the specter of communist revolution that loomed large over Europe during the interwar period. Get hypothetical here if you can, but I have and I've found no other alternative that would have stemmed the avalanche of violence from the east except for a Hitlerian figure. Mussolini, though he came to power in 1922, would not have been a strong enough presence by himself without Hitler to deter the entire red East and any red-turned nation around him.
Romania was the only other nation that had enough guts and steel to throw down with the communists. Their nationalists helped destroy Bela Kun's Hungarian mini-USSR state in 1919, but ultimately they too were overpowered with the overwhelming odds from the east.
Greece's instability, as seen from the Greek civil war which happened in 1946 almost immediately after WW2 had stopped, was the result of too many communists in Greece. Metaxas regime was Fascist yes, but many of his supporters allied with the Germans and became Greek Waffen-SS security details, who then served on the monarchist side in the civil war against the communists.
In just about every European country you look you will see impact of Germany's strength in anti-communist measures affecting their timeline. You don't even have to like the Germans, but you cannot ignore how much of a push they gave back against the satanic forces of Bolshevism. When you consider all of these, with a complete bigger picture in mind, and then evaluate, without Hitler and the offense he pursued, Europe would have been much worse with much more death and destruction in places where it never happened post-WW2 (France, England, Spain, Portugal, Ireland perhaps). The 20th century was when they were supposed to take over Europe and put everyone into a slave system, they only partially were able to do it because of the setback of National Socialist Germany's push in the opposite direction. America was supposed to be subjugated by this system as well much earlier than what we are experiencing now.
As to your central objection of him being a bad military commander, this is even less reduceable to good leader / bad leader outcomes because of how complex the circumstances of 20th century Europe were.
I don't know your experience and your background, and I won't make assumptions, but I do know that if you have ever been in a military and either had been in a commanding position or taken orders from one in such a demanding role you would have a bit more of a nuanced outlook on this factor, as opposed to the conclusions you have arrived at from reading about historical military campaigns, even passionately which is something we both share.
Your assessment of military commanders, specifically in regards to the framework of the complexities of the 20th century is not completely realistic. You cannot compare 20th century warfare and geopolitics to be the same as Renaissance, Medieval, early Byzantine, or pre-Christian times. Some tactics and stratagems remain, but the nature of war changes the more cultures and ethnicities are involved, human abilities have improved, inventions that changed the reality of warfare, and the morality of an "international community" which arises and encompasses all of these.
The Danzig situation was a tinderbox, Hitler treaded carefully for a long time logistically. He knew what England and France were trying to do by goading Poland into inciting press-enraged mobs of Bolsheviks into massacring Germans. What wasn't clear at the time to everyone was why they only declared war on Germany and not the USSR which did the same "action" as Germany only from the East and not the West. This now shows any pre-emptive doubts about England and France's judeo-masonic loyalty never would have went to war against the USSR, despite any theoretical pre-war geopolitical discussions to the opposite. They still never declared war on the USSR when it invaded Finland in 1939, yet hyper-focused all of their rage on Germany and deceived many nations in the world that this was the "aggressor nation" they should be afraid of.
Ergo he did not "pick a fight" or desire any war to take place. The fight was forced upon Germany by every vector from Churchill, at the behest of the Focus Group who funded him, and by FDR, at the behest of his Brain Trust group who played a very sinister game of international manipulation among other countries like France and Poland. There were far-left agitators within Germany as well, obstacles at every turn. First the Strassers, then Rohm's planned insurrection, then political clergy working with communists, then partisans. The man was never intending to fight any war but only to undo the illegality of Versailles and begin a way of life for his countrymen that was independent of the international bankers. There was no 21st-century retrospect to see the level these madmen would have gone to keep slaves on the plantation then, the depths of deception these trifecta of jewish puppets in charge of the three largest and most powerful countries in the world at the time: USA, England, and USSR, all being held together by the mortar of international jewry.
The people he intended to save from the outset were the Germans trapped in the redrawn borders of the world map after Versailles, and ultimately the German nation as a whole suffering from economic, moral, and spiritual despair. His only military goal was being capable of defending against external threats. We can fault Hitler for being a bad military commander if that is what he set out to be, but it isn't. He was a man of peace forced into becoming a man of war.
There was no clear path to victory, but this was what awakened the world to the full nature of the beast afterwards. It was a sacrifice, ultimately, which is very different than a blunder of chance. The storm of genocide was going to come down on all of Europe sooner or later, how they weathered it was up to them. If they did not have a strong defense in place, then many more would have died.
Biblical wartime commanders had a simpler and harsher life, and could get away with so much more, and many people we will never read about in any history book are likely not there because all memory of them has been scourged from the earth.
Would you blame every Saint and Martyr who lost their lives, the lives of their villages, or their armies, in defense of Christendom for losing?
Let's play hypothetical history for a minute, so I can parallel your logic against Hitler:
The battle of Yarmouk in 636 happened under Heraclius' reign, the man you like to bring up as the perfect Christian victorious military commander, only here Muslim Arab forces decisively defeated the Byzantine Empire's forces. This specific defeat led to the Islamic conquest of Syria and Palestine, resulting in the loss of Byzantine territories in the Levant and paving the way for further Islamic expansion into the Byzantine Empire. Constantinople would have fared much longer had this not happened. By Domino effect, Heraclius had a greater responsibility than Hitler ever did for defending Christendom and he dropped the ball big time. That changed the course of history with ramifications we are still dealing with now.
Next at the Battle of Manzikert in 1071, Seljuk Turk forces defeated the Byzantine Empire once more, leading to the loss of Anatolia and weakening Byzantine control over the region. This time the Byzantine forces were led by Emperor Romanos IV Diogenes, whose capture hastened the defeat. This particular defeat contributed to the gradual decline of Byzantine power in the region. It also led to increased Seljuk Turk incursions into Byzantine territory. Romanos IV compounded on Heraclius' loss, which only made the perpetual geopolitical situation worse for Europa. Is he not to blame too?
The Siege of Jerusalem and the Battle of Hattin in 1187 were valiant charges but they too failed. Are all those Crusaders worthless too?
The Battle of Mohacs in 1526 saw the Ottoman forces defeat the Kingdom of Hungary under King Louis II, leading to the partition of Hungary and the establishment of Ottoman suzerainty in the region. Is he not to blame for putting the war-bound Mohammedans on Europe's doorstep?
It is a fact that in every single one of these defeats, massive executions, tortures, rapes, and genocides took place in the conquered territories of the European peoples then, just as in 1945 and beyond. That is the nature of man. Despite all of these losses in antiquity, in the last millennium, and in this one, Christendom endures, even if battered and somewhat retreated. However, despite the losses of these Kings and Emperors which forever changed the landscape and demographics of Europe, I do not fault them for losing. The struggle in this life is what is worth it, the battle, the purpose, even if you don't win it.
For us to be here typing on these keyboards to one another about the sacrifices of past men is proof that if you lose on this earth you are not a loser but have only guaranteed the struggle, and thus the purpose, continues for the next generation.
The seeming deathblow dealt to Europeans and European Christendom after WW2 is not the last straw, for the blood of the people will not be put down so easily, despite how the odds are statistically and rationally against a victory in the present day. That is where the spiritual comes in. Faith will grease the gears, pump stale blood into fresh arteries, and fire up the eyes with a glaze of the heavens to reclaim what is rightfully theirs by God-given authority.
Please consider this, and please consider blaming the men who lied to you rather than the ones who show the truths. I don't expect you to praise Hitler, but you must consider our reality is not his fault, but the blame lies on the men who deceived in order to create our current predicaments.