Hitler versus Rothschild: the Logistics and Background of World War Two


Trad Catholic
"Hitler fought a war against the Jews with an Army that was 2x the size of his enemy, and lost miserably because he was a complete idiot.
That's not correct. The jews declared war upon Germany in 1933, not the other way around. Hitler did everything he could to abstain from warfare. England and France were the main aggressors. Every single instance that was lambasted in the press from the late 1930s was all judaically warped and twisted to suit the "aggressor" narrative. This is your bias and not something historical, otherwise I would ask you where you're getting these sentiments from. I have to reply to this, not just for you, but because I am seeing these exact statements, word for word sometimes, other times in a permutation of what you have said, yet all of them defy the facts.

Hitler was entirely pragmatic and used Christianity, which was smart, but all of his ideas were materialistic in nature and his adoption of the Iron Cross (which barely looks Christian) wasn't his idea. It was just him being a pragmatic politician keeping to tradition.

As for Hitler being backstabbed, that was entirely his fault for not invading Britain. Hitler was not a good Christian, otherwise he would have crushed Talmudic Britain immediately. Instead he idolized race and believed his "Germanic" British brothers would come to good sense after the fall of France, which was laughable. He doomed the White race due to his race idolization, which proves my point about Pagan movements being abject failures.

Historically, Christian political movements were always the most successful; the failure of great empires such as Byzantium was due to the Catholic backstab and genocide of Constantinople in the 4th Crusade. Otherwise the Byzantine Empire would have preserved just fine. The other great loss of Byzantine territory occurred with the Jewish Revolt under Heraclius in the 6th century, which, again, shows the folly of not obeying Christ enough and casting pearls before swine, turning a blind eye to the Talmudic menace just as did the Tsar Nicolas did at the turn of the 20th century.
In the 'Christianity and Race' thread you said he was weak for not wiping out talmudic England, here he's fighting a war against the jews. If he was fighting a war against the jews, he would have made an attempt to wipe out talmudic England. He had no such desire. France was just as judaized and talmudic, yet they did not get wiped out, and a huge number of Frenchmen joined the Axis cause in defense of Europe. The French and the Walloon were more ardent than many other nationalities on the Axis side about the true purpose of the war: to keep communism out of Europe and for it to remain Christian. That is why after all the Germans surrendered, the French and Belgian divisions of the Waffen SS fought the Soviet hordes in Berlin to the last man. The jewish element had to be contained, and not cemented in European governance. There were many documents for homeland for the jews. As ridiculous as it sounds, the Madagascar plan was logistically developed but had to be scrapped after 1941, wherein the Pale of Settlement was then proposed, once more, hence the great move of the jews eastward.

In that thread you also state he was clever and smart, yet here he's a complete idiot. Which one is it? I see this back and forth of extreme opinion from plenty of people who claim to know the politics, the logistics, and the context of spiritual matters of that time. These sentiments are even in much of the post-WW2 literature that the narrative allows because its so confusing and could never lead anyone to the truth.

Also, what other reasons do men need "not" to take lives? You're posing a "damned if they do, damned if they don't" scenario. Would Tsar Nicolas II and Hitler have been better Christians if they slaughtered all the jews in their territories? Or all of their ethnic brethren who were under the control of the jews? That seems to be what you're implying here. The Soviet political movement was "successful" for 74 years and it was the most anti-Christian movement on earth since Nero's reign.

I implore you to read more on the truth of World War Two. I encourage you to read more about Hitler from sources that are not goyed, but it's going to be difficult to overcome your a priori bias. If you are only using theological stances to purport a view of history, then you are missing out on much. People like EMJ do this, and this is a source of contention between Catholic historians. People like EMJ are significantly misinformed and misaligned because they are not historians, only questionable theological historians.

Churchill was an unknown freemason politician who was bought and paid for to agitate for war with Germany from 1938 onwards because David Lloyd George and Neville Chamberlain wouldn't. FDR was the same, and his financiers were responsible for Huey Long's death. Stalin proved to be against all Europe when Operation Thunder became known.

with an Army that was 2x the size of his enemy
This is not correct. The claim that the German Army, or even the Axis coalition combined, was twice the size can be disproved with simple demographics. The Soviet forces alone outnumbered every other belligerent, they had over 20 million combatants. The United States had over 16 million men down on their luck from FDR's new steal, England had between 4 and a half to 5 million, and France had between 2 and a half to 3 million. The Germans had over 10 million men, but the exact numbers are lost when looking into the citizenship status of each man. Germans from Mexico and Argentina and other countries joined but were only de facto "German" citizens, and their statistic would be counted different. When the forces of judeo-masonry surrounded Europe, those odds were thinned at each front. In the east, the Soviets sometimes outnumbered the Germans 10 to 1, greater in the last days of the war.

The German military was even less-equipped than the Polish military when they had to rescue German citizens from being slaughtered by Bolsheviks in the re-drawn borders of the Bromberg region. They had very few supplies that couldn't be produced in-country due to the British Empire and France taking their colonies, and had to rely on clever countertactics to overcome a much larger enemy, even in France.

They forgot the last picture - With millions of dead White women as the picture.

The millions of dead women and children of the Germanic peoples were the results of English Marshall "bomber" Harris' campaign to specifically target civilian city centers to force a capitulation, along with the USAAF bombers joining these missions after 1941, and all the Soviet slaughters of the east. The German men perished after the war in Siberian Gulags, as well as labor camps in France and Eisenhower's Rhine-Meadows camps, which are still off-limits by the occupied German government of today because people find skeletons there all the time, some even with remains of Wehrmacht uniforms. I tried to trespass there unsuccessfully.

Also of the estimated 22 million dead Germans, only 8 million died during the war, with a majority of them being military-aged males, while over 13 million dead from starvation, disease, and murder after "peace" had been established between 1945-1955, a mix of women and children rivaling the adult male statistics.

his adoption of the Iron Cross (which barely looks Christian) wasn't his idea. It was just him being a pragmatic politician keeping to tradition

This is incorrect as well. Hitler was awarded the Iron Cross in WWI for his bravery in combat, so he did not "adopt" it when he became Chancellor for the German armed forces since it has been in use since Napoleonic times, and was Prussian in its military usage origin, not German. Do you know how many Cross designs there are, and have been throughout history? Who are you to say a Cross "barely looks Christian"? The Crux Immissa, the crutch Cross, the Fleur-de-Lis, and yes, even the Tetragammadion, otherwise known as Fylfot and Hakenkreuz, are symbolic of the Cross of Our Lord. I don't think the Orthodox Cross looks any less Christian than the Latin, representations of the faith hold different symbolic visuals which vary from place to place.The fact that there are non-Christian religions and cultures that interpret its meanings differently does not detract from its symbolic importance to historical Christendom, these symbols can be found with a unique presence in nature. Many of these designs were from the 13th century or prior, including the Formy and the Patonce, which is the clearest direct connection to the Iron Cross.


These are just the quadrate crosses, I'm sure you recognize many of these other ones:


There are Orthodox Churches in Ethiopia built between the700s and the 1300s that have Fylfot/Tetragammadion/Hakenkreuz on them, the Bete Maryam Church is one famous location:

a closeup:


Here is one from Byzantine Macedonia on the mosaic of the floor of the ancient Plaosnik Baptistery near the Basilica of St. Pantaliemon, estimated to be built in the 800s:


If you travel extensively through Europe, North Africa, Turkey, or the Levant, you will find many of these crosses in mosaics, carvings, wall designs, and more. If they "barely look Christian" then the viewer's scope of historical Christendom is either missing or severely undereducated.

all of his ideas were materialistic in nature
Usury is materialistic, and he got rid of that. Same with banning pornography, an easily profitable materialistic enterprise, but for spiritual reasons, they outlawed it. I also fail to see how a winter relief charity held every December in the 1930s to bring food for millions of starving Germans is materialistic. None of the so-called "Christian Political movements" who were allying with communists behinds closed doors in Germany, and who used the Church as a scapegoat for their lack of successes did this, and they accused the NSDAP of being Pagans the same way confused Christians do to any White who organize for themselves beyond the Church now. It's all so tiresome to see pretentious dogmatic types call someone "materialistic" or "pagan" when they are either gatekeeping by leading Christians away from solutions, or allowing the enemy in through the backdoor, as they were in those days just as they are now. Did not Christ teach us to feed the hungry? What about pushing the moralities of Christianity and rejecting the amoralities of various Paganisms? Are we not to cleave to one another in marriage only? The German state had virtually no out-of-wedlock births. No abortion clinics either.

Instead he idolized race and believed his "Germanic" British brothers would come to good sense after the fall of France, which was laughable. He doomed the White race due to his race idolization, which proves my point about Pagan movements being abject failures.

One of the most egregious things anyone can lie about with history, especially now that so much information is coming out all across the world due to ZOG and globohomo losing face and power, is to continue to come up with excuses to blame this man's ideas for imaginary crimes when they were working magnificently. I know you mean well, but this is not correct. With the advent of internet communications technology, they can no longer keep a lid on these subjects, instead all they can do is use barrages of mis- and dis-information dissemination mediums (e.g. sensationalized personalities). Millions of people are realizing that Hitler is not this caricature of insanity he has been painted by the vile jewish media and their stooges, and neither is the NSDAP, but damage control is still required. Hence in the Christian realm, where this truth hits hardest because of the struggle of Christianity against Communism, this subterfuge grew into the accusation of "race idolization," which is nothing more than a communist derivative from a trotskyite conception (Trotsky coined "racism"). It is pointing the finger at someone for doing something to protect themselves from those with evil intentions to their people, something that an antichrist Bolshevik devised in order to sow division among Christian populations and see that harm done.

The 20th century was when this racial vector of attack was normalized by all jewish assets in order to maintain their master's place on top.

Hitler did not "idolize" his race any more than Tsar Nicolas II, Tsar Nicolas I, Kaiser Wilhelm II, Otto Von Bismarck, King Charles I of England, King Charles V of Spain, King Leopold I of Belgium, Ivan the Great or any other historical monarchical leader did. The difference is that in Hitler's time, the racial tinder box had been lit by the Bolshevik Talmudics in occupied Russia, and they used this new language as a mask of their method for genetically wiping out an entire people. Russia was a White Christian nation until it was viciously and brutality mongrelized by world jewry, Tsar Nicolas I even sent navy ships to help protect US ports from jew-controlled British and French interlopers during the jew-instigated US civil war. Other countries were using similar tactics in the preceding centuries, it was known that certain breeding can lead to a victory or a defeat of your enemy, but now with endless hordes of Africans, Asiatics, Indians, and other atavists at jewish disposal, they could utilize this weapon to great effect, and knowingly so. There's a reason why more than half of Russia is mongoloid now, and everywhere you go in the west you see multitudes of mulattos completely unknown that their existence derives from ongoing jewish warfare. Coincidentally these people are the most unaware of history.

In contrast to accusations of race idolization, the jews are very prone to pushing a mongrelized idolatry for everyone but themselves. The mere efforts of resisting mongrelizing by any race, and continuing in natural pairs the way God intended, is combating the very materialistic jewish spirit that infests the modern world and contributes to antichrist behavior. It's not so much White men marrying White women having White children that bothers the jew, as much as European men marrying European women having European children that bother them. A White without their historical background is easy prey to the alien. A cultured European who speaks their ancestor's language and carries the same faith as his forefathers did a thousand years ago is not a hapless victim to identity theft and brainwashing.

The reason why there were Nuremberg laws in 1935 that made someone's pedigree a classification was mainly for citizenship purposes in the Reich, and this was because the German people were under a racial attack beforehand. The betrayal of the German jews to the Kaiser's Reich and their part in the defeat and humiliation of the Germans in WWI was never forgotten. Then the jews were pushing their bestial race-mixing on them during the Weimar to such a disgusting extent that it would even shame some of the present-day jewish pornographers who do it with reckless abandon and demonic intent. The French (under jewish control) were also guilty of using their colonial Senegalese divisions to rape German villages, creating an entire epidemic of mixed-race half-German half-Senegalese babies when they invaded western Germany in 1923 for "war reparations from their phony Versailles treaty. They were collectively known as "the Rhineland Bastards." We all know what this does to a country.

Most of this belongs in it's own Hitler thread, but it is relevant to the jewish question. They are the agent provocateurs for the racial strife that all of us face, no matter what race we are, or mix thereof.

In a way, the discussions we are having now are much more racial than the ones that took place in Germany between 1933-1945. Why is that I wonder? Have the jews played this variable too far? Or are we simply living in the result of a world where a biological element has been thrown to a completely chaotic reality and we realize that humanity made a collective mistake with all the blending the last hundred years? Ideally, as a population becomes more cohesive and monolithic, the discussions would become less racial. But as a nation's population becomes more "diverse" and "multi-cultural," the only benefits go to the aliens promoting the dissolution of that nation's population.
That's not correct. The jews declared war upon Germany in 1933, not the other way around. Hitler did everything he could to abstain from warfare. England and France were the main aggressors. Every single instance that was lambasted in the press from the late 1930s was all judaically warped and twisted to suit the "aggressor" narrative. This is your bias and not something historical, otherwise I would ask you where you're getting these sentiments from. I have to reply to this, not just for you, but because I am seeing these exact statements, word for word sometimes, other times in a permutation of what you have said, yet all of them defy the facts.

Nothing you've said contradicts a thing I've written. You're just repeating yourself with empty verbiage, as you tend to do.

They declared war on Hitler, yes, and Hitler was a trashcan commander who didn't defend his people or lead them to victory.

See how simply I can write things compared to your walls of text?

In the 'Christianity and Race' thread you said he was weak for not wiping out talmudic England, here he's fighting a war against the jews. If he was fighting a war against the jews, he would have made an attempt to wipe out talmudic England. He had no such desire. France was just as judaized and talmudic, yet they did not get wiped out, and a huge number of Frenchmen joined the Axis cause in defense of Europe. The French and the Walloon were more ardent than many other nationalities on the Axis side about the true purpose of the war: to keep communism out of Europe and for it to remain Christian. That is why after all the Germans surrendered, the French and Belgian divisions of the Waffen SS fought the Soviet hordes in Berlin to the last man. The jewish element had to be contained, and not cemented in European governance. There were many documents for homeland for the jews. As ridiculous as it sounds, the Madagascar plan was logistically developed but had to be scrapped after 1941, wherein the Pale of Settlement was then proposed, once more, hence the great move of the jews eastward.

Hitler idolized race and did not defeat his enemy. He doomed the White race because spiritually, he was weak. Your understanding of history is miniscule compared to mine. Seems like you only know a bit about the 20th century. Nothing you've said here is new to me, or even relevant to the discussion of why Hitler was trash.

Hitler did the right thing in France. He rounded up (((bankers))) and used their assets for war, just like he did in Germany. That he didn't go into Britain showed what an unbelievable fool he was.

In that thread you also state he was clever and smart, yet here he's a complete idiot. Which one is it? I see this back and forth of extreme opinion from plenty of people who claim to know the politics, the logistics, and the context of spiritual matters of that time. These sentiments are even in much of the post-WW2 literature that the narrative allows because its so confusing and could never lead anyone to the truth.

Quoting someone out of context is an easy way to produce contradictions. Hitler was clever for seizing on the important political topics of his day, yet at the end he was a complete idiot for not following through on these ideas to their logical conclusions. Hitler was a garbage commander who lost despite starting with gigantic advantages. His army was literally 2x the size of France, Britain, and Poland put together at the start of the war.

That he kept adding enemies without finishing off other enemies was simply more testament to his retardation.

Also, what other reasons do men need "not" to take lives? You're posing a "damned if they do, damned if they don't" scenario. Would Tsar Nicolas II and Hitler have been better Christians if they slaughtered all the jews in their territories?

Yes, and historically it is what great Christian commanders did in order to protect their people from vicious demons.

Jews were expelled from Jerusalem and were not allowed to settle within a three-mile radius. A general massacre of the Jewish population ensued. The massacre devastated the Jewish communities of the Galilee and Jerusalem. Only those Jews who could flee to the mountains or Egypt are said to have been spared.

And also not written in the Wikipedia article was the general expulsion of Jews from the Empire into Khazar in ~600 AD. As Khazaria disintegrated between 750-900 AD, chews migrated into what is now present-day Poland.

So the classic solutions to Talmuds who declare war on you: Kill them until they surrender, and expel or quarantine the rest afterwards. Heraclius wasn't the only one to do this, plenty of other great Christian leaders did so prior to the "Enlightenment."

Or all of their ethnic brethren who were under the control of the jews? That seems to be what you're implying here. The Soviet political movement was "successful" for 74 years and it was the most anti-Christian movement on earth since Nero's reign.

74 years is nothing. Communism was a failure, but hilariously still more successful than the abject failure known as Hitler. At least they had the smarts to kill their enemies, Hitler was a weakling who worshipped race and refused to invade Britain.

I implore you to read more on the truth of World War Two. I encourage you to read more about Hitler from sources that are not goyed, but it's going to be difficult to overcome your a priori bias. If you are only using theological stances to purport a view of history, then you are missing out on much. People like EMJ do this, and this is a source of contention between Catholic historians. People like EMJ are significantly misinformed and misaligned because they are not historians, only questionable theological historians.

The truth is exactly what I've stated, and evidenced by the fact Hitler lost despite starting with massive advantages.

It's crazy anyone can buy into the cult of Hitler in the modern times. There's a reason no one likes losers.

As for the irrelevant iron cross discussion, you didn't disprove anything I said: It barely looked like a cross (vast majority of people polled on the street would have no idea it is Christian), and that Hitler kept it as tradition and no other reason. Not a single sentence in your wall of text disproved that Hitler was being anything other than pragmatic. Not a single sentence about Hitler's personal beliefs to even contradict a thing I said, because you won't find anything.

And not a single sentence in the last half of your massive post did you contradict the fact that Hitler was a imbecilic commander, one of the worst in history, who idolized race to the point where he let Talmudically controlled Britain survive for literally no reason.

You keep defending the "righteousness" of Hitler's cause. I'm not disputing that, not even once. Hitler was a retard, that's my point, who doomed the White race through his idolization of it.
A little check I always use against boomer evangelical types who spew the “bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you” and “but they keep the old covenant” types. Maybe you guys can find this useful too:

I always look them in the eye and say “Ok. Give me one good reason to stay Christian and not convert to Judaism? If Gods chosen people why not join them? I’d get a backup country as America collapses, plus a free network and social circle and clout in our increasingly leftist dominated world. If they’re chosen why should I stay Christian and not convert.”

They often are left speechless
This thread is for the purpose of discussing Adolf Hitler, World War Two, and everything that occurred during this catastrophic conflict. As this was such a sensitive topic on RVF, I ask that people refrain from making hyper-sensationalized claims without evidence, as well as reductionisms and oversimplifications. This thread is mainly to present evidence and findings, and discuss why things happened the way they did. Anything regarding the NSDAP, Italian Fascism, The Empire of the Sun, any other Axis power or ally, or the various Allied Powers can be freely discussed here.

All reasonable criticisms are welcome too, debate is necessary especially on this topic. Any claims of what Hitler allegedly was or wasn't need to be backed up with evidence, not hearsay, and neither mainstream nor revisionist thought taken out of context. Regular sources like Wikipedia and Google and YouTube will not have any truthful information into this as it is one of the most heavily censored topics on earth with many countries harboring legal punishments for citizens who espouse dissidence to the narrative, especially when it comes to the hoax we know as the "Holocaust". There is already another thread where I broke down the lies surrounding this myth, in this thread I wish to not discuss this except anecdotally if it all.

Let this be where misconceptions about the War, and Hitler, among other figures from that time are put forth and resolved, though I do not believe someone such as historical as him will be simply resolved, at least many of the lies can be cleared up and further ones investigated.

For the introduction, I have three simple videos that describe little known perspectives on the war. The first is from a Chapter of Leon Degrelle's book titled "Hitler: Democrat" and the chapter is called "The Enigma of Hitler".

A bit of a background which can be elaborated on in later posts: Leon Degrelle, was a Belgian Nationalist, an ardent opponent of Communism, leader of the Catholic Rexist party in Belgium, and enlisted in the Waffen-SS after petitioning for a Walloon legion. He fought on the Eastern Front for four years and personally knew Hitler. He was promoted to General in the waning days of the war due to the lethal nature of the Eastern Front as well as his zeal and devotion to the fight. He was the only leader of Axis forces to remain untouched and unmolested by the Allies after the wars conclusion in 1945, being harbored by Francisco Franco in Spain in secret. This chapter is only 30 minutes, but it is highly informative.

A brief summary of the chapter:

Degrelle delves into the complexities of Hitler's character and leadership style. He argues that Hitler was a democrat in the true sense of the word, advocating for the will of the people and the empowerment of the German nation. He explores Hitler's rise to power, emphasizing his popularity among the German people and his ability to inspire loyalty and devotion. He highlights Hitler's vision for Germany and his efforts to revitalize the nation after the humiliation of World War I and the Treaty of Versailles. The chapter delves into Hitler's leadership qualities, portraying him as a charismatic and visionary leader who was deeply committed to his cause.

Degrelle examines Hitler's strategic decisions and military campaigns, offering insights into his mindset and motivations, as well as describes Adolf Hitler's unique and unconventional relationship with religion. He portrays Hitler as having a deeply personal and enigmatic connection with God, unlike anything Degrelle claims to have encountered before. Degrelle suggests that Hitler's faith was characterized by a profound sense of destiny and providence. Hitler believed that he was chosen by a higher power to lead Germany and fulfill a divine mission.

"Leon Degrelle - The Enigma of Hitler"

I've also attached a readable and downloadable copy of the pdf from archive.org:

https://ia902903.us.archive.org/34/...democrat./Leon Degrelle - Hitler Democrat.pdf

Leon's accounts of the war, historical personalities, and geopolitics offers a rare glimpse into the surviving Axis point of view which had been forced into extinction by the various powers after the war.

The second video is called "The Axis Cause" it is much shorter, and goes into the background of the war for those who do not understand the perspective of the European powers and Japan. It is a well-put together visual montage of the aims for each combatant, the noble ones for the Axis, and the ignoble ones for the others. The term Axis was coined by Mussolini as the

"World War II - The Axis Cause"

The third video is from the Australian Christian Fascist, a contemporary researcher in this subject matter. It is only 5 minutes. It is relevant to the forum, as the reason why I am posting this thread is to discuss the historical struggle of Christendom against its enemies from within and without. The Third Reich was not merely a political organization or a form of government, it sought to continue the tradition of Europe's history and culture in every way. I realize some of you will not like this one, but the truth is that Europe is Christian, it always was, and it always shall be no matter what enemies seek to destroy it. Without Christianity, it is not Europe, but just a gaggle of lost tribes. This video shows a montage of pictures of Christianity flourishing during the years of 1933-1945, to remind the historical viewer how Christian Europe was, and specifically Germany, during this time. The first picture is called "The Virgin Mother and the Holy Child," painted by Hitler in Vienna pre-WWI.

"The Holy Reich"

I will post various sources to anything people inquire of, any wartime question, any aspect about Hitler's life, any specific battle, by all means, ask away.
Nothing you've said contradicts a thing I've written. You're just repeating yourself with empty verbiage, as you tend to do.

They declared war on Hitler, yes, and Hitler was a trashcan commander who didn't defend his people or lead them to victory.

See how simply I can write things compared to your walls of text?

Hitler did the right thing in France. He rounded up (((bankers))) and used their assets for war, just like he did in Germany. That he didn't go into Britain showed what an unbelievable fool he was.

You write less than I, but you don't bring much of an explanation, simply inaccurate blanket statements. Do you think that hammering home this "race idolization" nonsense will suddenly manifest it as the correct historical answer? People will not accept your claims on face value. You must prove it. Throughout your replies I see consistent misrepresentation of historical facts, overgeneralizations, confirmation bias, a lack of empirical evidence, appeal to emotion (derogatory language and ad hominem attacks against Hitler and those who defend him. These emotional appeals distract from reasoned discourse), failure to address counter-arguments, and overreliance on personal opinion not objective analysis. This limits credibility.

Attributing Hitler's decision not to invade England solely to this alleged "race idolization" is a reductionist and misguided perspective.

Firstly, it presupposes that Hitler's racial ideology was the sole driving force behind his military decisions, which oversimplifies the complexities of his strategic thinking based on a myriad of variables. Racial ideology had virtually nothing to do with wartime decisions, given how multi-racial the Axis fighting force was.

Secondly, Hitler's military decisions and those of the German high command, were influenced by a multitude of factors, including real-time changing military assessments, logistical constraints, and geopolitical considerations with their various allies. They had already spent considerable resources breaking degenerate France into submission, and the Red terror still loomed on the east despite the non-aggression pact. The decision not to invade England cannot be boiled down to a simplistic belief of racial affinity in the "inherent goodness" of the English as a fellow Germanic people. You're taking revisionist sentiment to the extreme here.

Moreover the notion of "race idolization" as the primary reason for not attacking England is historically unsubstantiated and fails to account for the practical considerations that underpinned Hitler's wartime decision-making. It completely overlooks the strategic realities of the time, such as the challenges posed by the Royal Air Force and the Royal Navy which made a successful invasion operation highly risky. Germany couldn't do the same to England by breezing across the channel as they did to France by breezing through the Maginot Line in the low countries. They were not a naval power and never had the capacity to do overrun the entirety of the British Empire's seagoing forces, even with their U-boats.

Effectively the English and the Americans are the ones to blame for your perception of dooming of the White Race because they were the ones guilty of propping up jewry and giving backdoors handouts to Bolsheviks to defeat the Germans.

Hitler idolized race and did not defeat his enemy. He doomed the White race because spiritually, he was weak.
You keep saying he "idolized race" without providing any proof or explanation. Where it this racial idolization? He never put his race above God.

I'd like to see anyone who lives as a transient autodidact for years then spends the next four running through trenches suffering every kind of wartime injury short of dismemberment and death for that time emerge as "spiritually weak." He had visions of Christ coming to save him in the mud and of the Virgin Mother proclaiming a mission for him to save Europe. His leadership was marked by a strong sense of conviction and determination, clear evidence of spiritual strength. Despite facing immense challenges, he remained resolute in his vision for Germany and the protection of its people. His ability to inspire loyalty and commitment among his followers is also evidence for a depth of spiritual conviction. Therefore, to label him as "spiritually weak" fails to acknowledge the depth of his beliefs and their influence on his actions.

Your understanding of history is miniscule compared to mine. Seems like you only know a bit about the 20th century. Nothing you've said here is new to me, or even relevant to the discussion of why Hitler was trash.
That may be, but your understanding of this entire conflict is miniscule compared to mine. The history of the preceding centuries are anecdotally important at best in regards to this conflict, and much of this history is questionable the further back one goes. You write with pride and arrogance, whereas I give credit where it is due. All knowledge comes from somewhere else. You are not a European man with family that was involved on both sides of this conflict, you don't have stakes nor blood in this game which hasn't stopped since the war supposedly ended in 1945, and your position on oversimplifying and applying reductionism to all of it is evident of this.

Hitler was not trash. If he or someone like him had not come to power and rebuilt Germany from nothing into an economic powerhouse capable of withstanding the red terror, if the NSDAP had not built up such an anti-Communist ideology among the people, and more specifically if the combative zeal of the Waffen-SS had not held the road between Moscow and Berlin for 1000 days and nights after Stalin's ploy was discovered, the storm of blood and death that was Bolshevism would have ravaged more White Europeans than the huge percentage of them that were lost to these animals. The Soviets would have reached Paris if the Waffen-SS had only held for 600 days out of those 1000, well before any Allied invasion. Even Spain would have faced utter annihilation from them after their previous victory in expelling them from the country several years earlier (a victory they owe to Germany). Greece would be all lost to them, and Italy under the control of their barbaric communist partisans.

Because of the actions of Hitler, Mussolini, Codreanu (then later Antonescu), Pavelic, Horthy, Quisling, Degrelle, Franco, and the support of Laval, and Marshall Petain, the jews own plans for importing the third world to Europe and America had to be put on hold for at least one generation. McCarthy gets a mention here because he essentially pushed against this in America after the war. Everything was ready to go and drafted up during Weimar: the Bolshevization, the revolutions which happened in every single European country on varying levels of anti-Church and anti-Christian violence and chaos, and the schemes of deracination, miscegenation, and extermination of Europeans and Americans. When you study the long-term plans of the Talmudic jews, and put together a decade by decade look at what has happened since then, you begin to see the sacrifice of those who died in World War Two against Communism to be that: the sacrifice that gave us the chance to keep going and one day turn the tide back. Anyone can fantasize about them winning the war and living in a golden age without jews, with every race living in parallel harmonious societies, but as a Christian I see the immense value in their sacrifice, not the nihilism you say. I am grateful for Adolf Hitler and the Waffen-SS for holding out as long as they could. None of us would be here had they not.

Quoting someone out of context is an easy way to produce contradictions. Hitler was clever for seizing on the important political topics of his day, yet at the end he was a complete idiot for not following through on these ideas to their logical conclusions. Hitler was a garbage commander who lost despite starting with gigantic advantages. His army was literally 2x the size of France, Britain, and Poland put together at the start of the war.

That he kept adding enemies without finishing off other enemies was simply more testament to his retardation.
What is your idea of the logical conclusion of these political topics? Moving the jews elsewhere? They did that with huge success and with as little loss of life as never before seen in history. He put those lazy bastards to work for the nation while the German soldier was out shedding his blood for it. Do you also mean winning the war because of starting out with some advantage? The notion of "logical conclusions" presupposes a linear path of action and outcome, which is rarely the case in the chaotic and unpredictable environment of war. Any wartime commander's decisions are subject to the ever-changing battlefield dynamics and the inherent fog of war.

Your assertion that Hitler was a 'complete idiot' for not fully capitalizing on Germany's initial military advantages oversimplifies the complexities of the strategic landscape during World War II and fails to acknowledge the broader geopolitical context and the intricate web of alliances and conflicts that shaped Germany's military decisions.

Case in point: Germany's military campaign was not a series of unilateral decisions to wage war on multiple fronts. Instead it was often responses to external threats and commitments arising from diplomatic agreements and alliances. Germany's involvement in the Balkans and North Africa was driven by the obligations of the Tripartite Pact and the need to support their allies, such as Italy. The decision to launch Operation Barbarossa against the Soviet Union was also influenced by the perceived threat posed by Stalin's aggressive expansionist policies and border invasion force, as evidenced by Operation Thunder as well as a myriad of Bolshevik terror attacks and bombings across Europe in 1940 and early 1941.

Characterizing Hitler as a 'garbage commander' overlooks his strategic acumen and the initial successes achieved by the German military under his leadership. While hindsight may reveal flaws in certain decisions, and there were, but they were not his, wartime leadership involves navigating complex and unpredictable circumstances. Clearly you've never been in a nation's military and under the incompetent direction of a "garbage commander." I have. They're everywhere now.

Essentially, your reducing Hitler's military decisions to simplistic judgments of incompetence fails to grasp the intricate realities of wartime strategy and the multitude of factors that shaped Germany's actions during World War II. You may see White people, but you don't see the history and the culture behind them or discard these things as superficialities, hence why you tend to apply reductionism to many topics.

Yes, and historically it is what great Christian commanders did in order to protect their people from vicious demons.

Jews were expelled from Jerusalem and were not allowed to settle within a three-mile radius. A general massacre of the Jewish population ensued. The massacre devastated the Jewish communities of the Galilee and Jerusalem. Only those Jews who could flee to the mountains or Egypt are said to have been spared.

And also not written in the Wikipedia article was the general expulsion of Jews from the Empire into Khazar in ~600 AD. As Khazaria disintegrated between 750-900 AD, chews migrated into what is now present-day Poland.

So the classic solutions to Talmuds who declare war on you: Kill them until they surrender, and expel or quarantine the rest afterwards. Heraclius wasn't the only one to do this, plenty of other great Christian leaders did so prior to the "Enlightenment."
I don't disagree with you here, but how do you propose to bring back something that hasn't existed for over six hundred years?

Drawing direct parallels between Heraclius' actions in the 7th century and the situation in 20th-century Europe with Hitler and organized jewry is problematic for many reasons. Heraclius' actions against the jewish population occurred in a vastly different historical context than the events of World War II. The temporal gap of over a millennium between Heraclius' reign and Hitler's rule makes it difficult to draw meaningful comparisons. The demographics, the societal norms, and the political dynamics evolved significantly over this period, rendering these kind of direct analogies less relevant and informative.

Heraclius' actions were accepted and justified in his time, but applying the same standards to 20th-century events raises ethical and legal questions, and more barriers. The modern world operates under different moral and legal principles, including "human rights" norms and international law. The Red Cross were constantly at the labor camps in Europe during the five and a half years of the war. The only ones who got away with this behavior were the Soviets, which was natural given how they didn't have any neighbors telling them how to behave, they were essentially an unruly frontier with near-endless human slave labor available.

74 years is nothing. Communism was a failure, but hilariously still more successful than the abject failure known as Hitler. At least they had the smarts to kill their enemies, Hitler was a weakling who worshipped race and refused to invade Britain.

Your statement here reflects a disturbing perspective that prioritizes might over morality, a principle more aligned with pagan ideologies than Christian values. It's deeply troubling that you, as someone who claims allegiance to Orthodox Christianity, would regard the Soviet regime, which systematically persecuted and oppressed the Orthodox Church and its adherents, as more successful or preferable to Hitler's rule. The Soviet Union under communism unleashed a wave of violence and repression against religious institutions, clergy, and believers never before seen, leading to the destruction of countless churches, the persecution of priests, and the suffering of millions of faithful. I know you know this, but you don't seem to internalize it.

Moreover, your assertion that the Soviet Union was more successful than Hitler's Germany ignores the reality of how the USSR obtained much of its technological advancements. The Soviet regime did not innovate or create; it stole or acquired technology through coercion, espionage, and collaboration with Western powers. The USSR's progress was built on the exploitation and suppression of its own people, rather than genuine innovation or development.

Abject failures don't create the highest standard of living in the world. In contrast to the thieving hordes of the east under the whip of the jews, Hitler's Germany made significant strides in and pioneered advancements in aviation technology, created transportation networks now in use by every other country, implemented healthcare reforms, and achieved unprecedented levels of prosperity for its citizens. The German government invested in infrastructure, conservation efforts, and social programs, including pensions, vacations, and improved working conditions, which significantly improved the quality of life for ordinary citizens.

Furthermore, Hitler's regime prioritized the preservation and construction of cultural and religious institutions, including all Churches, Baptisteries, and Cathedrals, as well as relevant monuments, demonstrating their commitment to heritage, faith, and tradition.

74 years of purges, starvation, slave labor, squalor, demolition of Churches and heinous torture and murder of priests, and forcing an unnatural dictatorship of the proletariat, is a paltry comparison to 12 years not a slave.

The truth is exactly what I've stated, and evidenced by the fact Hitler lost despite starting with massive advantages.

It's crazy anyone can buy into the cult of Hitler in the modern times. There's a reason no one likes losers.

As for the irrelevant iron cross discussion, you didn't disprove anything I said: It barely looked like a cross (vast majority of people polled on the street would have no idea it is Christian), and that Hitler kept it as tradition and no other reason. Not a single sentence in your wall of text disproved that Hitler was being anything other than pragmatic. Not a single sentence about Hitler's personal beliefs to even contradict a thing I said, because you won't find anything.

And not a single sentence in the last half of your massive post did you contradict the fact that Hitler was a imbecilic commander, one of the worst in history, who idolized race to the point where he let Talmudically controlled Britain survive for literally no reason.

You keep defending the "righteousness" of Hitler's cause. I'm not disputing that, not even once. Hitler was a retard, that's my point, who doomed the White race through his idolization of it.
No, I've clearly demonstrated through explanation why the truth for these matters is not what you've stated. It's evident you are deeply entrenched in your perspective, but it's important to address the inaccuracies and biases in your assertions. Firstly, Hitler's defeat cannot be solely attributed to his supposed incompetence or the ideology you ascribe to him.

Calling admiration of Hitler a "cult" is another jewish smear tactic. Plenty of Kings and leading Politicians around the world met with him during his time as Chancellor and President and have said far more appraising things about him than I've ever uttered. His miracles were worked in peace, not war, and that is what people remember him for who do not have the brainwashing from the victor's injustice. There are no humans in modern times who can measure up to the enigma of Hitler and his stance against evil. So many of them from all sides are in on some jewish fix its revolting.

What normal street npcs think is a Cross and what isn't does not take away from the symbols historical significance as a Christian Cross. None of them had to scurry about in Etruscan catacombs leaving symbols for their fellow believers to find whilst eluding praetorians and spies. None of them lived in a sea-faring coastal kingdom in the Mediterranean that had one of over a hundred interpretations of Cross symbology. It barely looks like a Cross to them? Then they don't know their history and that is why they are disconnected.

As for your comments on Hitler's personal beliefs and motivations, it's challenging to definitively ascertain his inner thoughts and intentions, but evidence is available. I will be posting it in a Hitler-related thread. It is again reductionist to attribute them solely to a simplistic notion of "racial idolization."

Ultimately, historical analysis requires a nuanced and evidence-based approach that acknowledges the multifaceted nature of human history. Dismissing Hitler as a "retard" or reducing complex historical events to simplistic narratives does a disservice to the pursuit of historical truth and understanding.

I would ask that we continue this in the new thread I have created where you can freely bash with the proper evidence. The JQ doesn't deserve this kind of elaborate discussion.
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At the very least, Hitler was a complete idiot and moron when it came to anything military, he severely hampered Germany's war effort. For example he scuttled the Me262 program, which could have obliterated Allied bombers if it was produced in large numbers early enough, and he sacrificed his army in Stalingrad, with the same kind of idiotic mentality as Zelensky in Bakhmut.

But his main flaw is that he was a borderline satanist neopagan, into people like Blavatsky, hence a deeply flawed leader spiritually, who was naive enough to try to make peace with the masonic British leadership while antagonizing the Slavs.

Had Germany had a rational Christian nationalist leader instead of Hitler, they would have liberated Russia and established peace in Europe instead of obliterating Germany and letting the banksters and bolsheviks rule the world.
Okay. Many neo-pagans love to claim that Hitler was deeply anti-Christianity based on the so-called "Table Talks." What is the best evidence that you have against the validity of the "Table Talks?"
My question is if Hitler did it all wrong, fair enough, where all the Christian Nationslist in Europe and the United States fighting the Red Zionist Menace, you know besides writing books about it in a safe library?
At the very least, Hitler was a complete idiot and moron when it came to anything military, he severely hampered Germany's war effort. For example he scuttled the Me262 program, which could have obliterated Allied bombers if it was produced in large numbers early enough, and he sacrificed his army in Stalingrad, with the same kind of idiotic mentality as Zelensky in Bakhmut.
Do you know what resources were required to build 1 Me-262, let alone all that were produced? The Me262 program faced numerous technical challenges that were beyond Hitler's control, including the development of reliable jet engines, the adaptation of existing manufacturing processes to jet aircraft production, and the training of pilots to fly the new aircraft. These technical hurdles contributed to delays and setbacks in the program, independent of Hitler's decisions.

Also, the Allied bombing raids targeted German industrial infrastructure, including aircraft manufacturing facilities involved in the production of the Me262. These bombing campaigns inflicted heavy damage on production facilities, disrupted supply chains, and delayed production schedules. The impact of Allied bombing raids on the Me262 program was significant and beyond Hitler's control.

The Stalingrad rabbit hole is a huge one. If you read Leon Degrelle's work which I have attached, as well as his "Campaign in Russia" here:


There are more mentions of the background logistics surrounding the tragedy of Stalingrad.

It is too easy and simplistic to blame Hitler for Stalingrad. Look more into it. One factor here is that there was disobedience among German generals during the Battle of Stalingrad which stemmed from a combination of factors, including personal rivalries, conflicting strategic visions, and the influence of traditional military doctrines. Many of the senior officers in the German military, particularly those from the aristocracy, held deep-seated resentments towards Hitler for bringing all the Germans together (classes, social strata, and confessions). This led to a climate of insubordination and dissent within the German high command, which had significant consequences for the conduct of operations on the Eastern Front. There were High-born German aristocrats and sought to preserve their social status and wealth which they believed National Socialism undermined. This was mostly the group behind the July 20th bomb plot, but their "compatriots" still kept rank in other army groups.

One of the key instances of disobedience in Stalingrad occurred with the decision to split German forces into two separate army groups, a move that went against Hitler's directive for a unified approach to capturing Stalingrad. Generals such as Friedrich Paulus, commander of the 6th Army, and Hermann Hoth, commander of the 4th Panzer Army, pursued their own agendas and failed to coordinate effectively with each other. This lack of unity and cooperation weakened the overall German offensive and made it easier for the Soviets to counter their advances.

You are also completely ignoring several large realities of the war. The Lend-Lease Act, enacted by the United States in 1941, provided intense material support to Allied nations, especially the Soviet Union. Through this program, the Soviets received vast quantities of supplies, including food, fuel, ammunition, tanks, trucks, and equipment, which bolstered their military capabilities on the Eastern Front. The influx of Lend-Lease aid contributed to the Soviet Union's ability to sustain its war effort, including the defense of Stalingrad. With uninterrupted access to resources, the Soviet forces were better equipped to withstand the German onslaught and launch counteroffensives, ultimately turning the tide of the battle in their favor.

British intelligence, notably through initiatives such as the Ultra program, successfully intercepted and decoded German military communications during World War II. By gaining access to German operational plans and messages, British intelligence could gather vital intelligence and, in some cases, deceive German commanders. British intelligence spread confusing commands to German generals, leading them to make tactical errors or question the legitimacy of orders from Berlin. Such deception tactics contributed to disruptions in German command and control, undermining their ability to effectively coordinate military operations, including those at Stalingrad.

But his main flaw is that he was a borderline satanist neopagan, into people like Blavatsky, hence a deeply flawed leader spiritually, who was naive enough to try to make peace with the masonic British leadership while antagonizing the Slavs.

Had Germany had a rational Christian nationalist leader instead of Hitler, they would have liberated Russia and established peace in Europe instead of obliterating Germany and letting the banksters and bolsheviks rule the world.
This is absolutely false and unsubstantiated. You are behind the times with these claims. As usual you make a claim but bring no evidence. I'd like to see some quotes of him worshiping these occultists you claim he did (you won't find any). He was not a "borderline satanist neopagan," but a Catholic. Here are a few simple quotes taken from his authentic speeches and writings:

"We tolerate no one who attacks the ideals of Christianity! In fact, our movement is Christian."
- Adolf Hitler Dassau speech Oct. 27, 1928

"We will firmly defend Christianity as the basis of our morality"
- Adolf Hitler

"The fight against a materialistic world view and for the creation of a new Volksgemienschaft serves equally the interests of the German nation as those of our Christian faith"
-- Adolf Hitler, March 23, 1933

"We demand freedom of religion for all religious denominations within the state so long as they do not endanger its existence or oppose the moral senses of the Germanic race. The Party as such advocates the standpoint of a positive Christianity without binding itself confessionally to any one denomination. It combats the jewish-materialistic spirit within and around us, and is convinced that a lasting recovery of our nation can only succeed from within on the framework: common utility precedes individual utility."
- Adolf Hitler

"They should not suddenly speak of the great Christianity today... We will defend Christianity, and not just on paper, no! We want to burn out atheism! We want to burn out these phenomena of our culture, our theatre, the literature, the entire poison that flowed into our life the last 14 years"

- Adolf Hitler

Hitler was raised in a Roman Catholic family and maintained a connection to Catholicism throughout his life. He wrote doctrine emphasizing the importance of traditional Christian values in German society, promoting the concept of Positive Christianity which sought to align German society with Christian morals in the legal sense and purge it of subversive jewish influences.

Furthermore, there is no credible evidence to suggest that Hitler was involved in occult practices or held beliefs in ideologies such as Satanism or neo-paganism. In fact, Hitler's regime actively suppressed occultism and banned organizations and individuals associated with esoteric or neo-pagan beliefs. This included the banning of organizations like the Thule Society and the arrest and persecution of individuals involved in occult practices.

Hitler's actions as leader of Germany included measures aimed at combating perceived subversive elements within society, including Freemasonry. Hitler's regime actively suppressed occultism and esoteric beliefs. The NSDAP issued decrees banning Freemasonry and other secret societies, viewing them as spiritually incompatible and as threats to German unification of its people. Organizations associated with occultism, such as the Thule Society, were effectively shadow-banned (forced underground), and individuals involved in esoteric practices were targeted for persecution. Additionally, Hitler's policies targeted individuals and groups associated with international finance, including the arrest of members of the Rothschild family.

Specifically in regards to this Blavatsky claim, Hitler's worldview was shaped by a combination of factors, including his upbringing in Roman Catholicism, his experiences during World War I, and his exposure to various ideological influences, such as nationalism, counter-semitism, and anti-communism. Hitler's speeches and writings frequently referenced Christian imagery and values.

Therefore there is no credible evidence to support the claim that Hitler was a follower of Blavatsky or that he embraced theosophical teachings. Such assertions show a lack historical of basis and overlook the complex ideological landscape of Germany at this time.

Your last claim is highly ignorant. The Smolensk manifesto between Heinrich Himmler and General Anton Vlasov of the ROA in 1944 proves that they intended to liberate Russia and have it return to its full autonomy.

I suggest you, also as a Catholic, read this. It's short, succinct, and to the point.

"Was Hitler Catholic?"

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You're definitely wrong about the Me262, it is a subject I know well as I am pretty well informed on the subject of the air war in WW2. The Me262 program was set back 2 crucial years by Hitler stubbornly insisting it was converted into a fighter-bomber, despite the strong objections of Luftwaffe leaders like Adolf Galland, who were shocked by Hitler's stupidity.

Galland wrote about it in his memoirs, and here is his testimony about this. Galland affirms here that if only a few hundred 262s were built, it would have been enough to crush Allied bombing raids:

The Germans produced a lot of other fighters in very large quantities after the program was stalled, so it wasn't a problem of capacity, with 54,000 FW-190s and Me-109s produced, those were capable piston-engine fighters, but not gamechangers like the Me262, which would have destroyed bomber formations and protected Germany had it been used in numbers when it was ready.

The swastika and the black sun are quintessentially occult symbols, they also were quasi-religious symbols that are fundamentally incompatible with Christianity. The whole Aryan mythology had strong association with Germanic paganism and was also developed by Blavatsky and other occultists.

The Slavs (particularly Poles, Russians and Serbs) were considered Untermenschen by the nazis.

This whole pagan ideology was one of the main aspects that separated Hitler and the nazis from say, Franco.
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Okay. Many neo-pagans love to claim that Hitler was deeply anti-Christianity based on the so-called "Table Talks." What is the best evidence that you have against the validity of the "Table Talks?"

The "Table Talks" is quite clearly a work of fiction, being perpetuated across many mediums. Many fail to know the "Table Talks" book had its publishing funded by a jew royal-title bearer within England. This is the best source that takes it apart:

"Genoud, Heim & Picker’s “Table Talk”: A Study in Academic Fraud & Scandal"


-The "Table Talk" transcripts, as edited and published by François Genoud, Werner Jochmann (under the pseudonym Heinrich Heim), and Henry Picker, are highly unreliable and fraudulent. These transcripts suffer from numerous methodological flaws, inconsistencies, and instances of manipulation.

-The Table Talks are based on notes allegedly taken by Werner Koeppen, who operated under suspicious circumstances as a liaison for Alfred Rosenberg's FHQ. Koeppen's notes, purportedly containing top-secret military information, were passed to Berlin through an unnamed courier, which is doubtful of something authentic and reliable.

-Discrepancies exist between Koeppen's notes and other accounts of Hitler's conversations. The lack of consistency doubts the accuracy and credibility of the Table Talks and suggests either manipulation or fabrication of content.

-The translation process of the Table Talks introduces additional concerns, with clear evidence of mistranslations as well as discrepancies between translations. Translators have personal biases, and these influence their interpretations, leading to inaccuracies in the English versions of the Table Talks. One of the biggest misunderstandings of Germanic sentiment is by attempting to immediately translate it into English.

-Historians like Hugh Trevor-Roper played a role in validating the Table Talks for financial gain or personal prestige. The lack of thorough scrutiny and verification of the Table talks by experts highlights the questionable authentication process and undermines their credibility as a primary source.

-The Table Talks lack corroboration from Hitler's secretaries, who never noticed direct note-taking during Hitler's speeches. Without independent verification of the Table Talks content, their reliability is not guaranteed.

-The Table Talk transcripts, purportedly recorded by Martin Bormann's aides Heinrich Heim and Henry Picker, lack a clear chain of custody and original manuscript. Different versions of Table Talks in German, French, and English further complicate its authenticity, with evidence suggesting manipulation and alterations by François Genoud.

-The author highlights Heinrich Heim's testimony revealing that the notes attributed to Hitler were based on recollection rather than direct transcription, casting doubt on their accuracy. Additionally, Henry Picker's notes, derived from Heim's, lack authentication and contain embellishments. Despite these discrepancies, prominent historians like David Irving and Albert Speer have endorsed Table Talks as genuine, perpetuating its misleading portrayal of Hitler's beliefs.

-The collapse of Table Talks as a reliable source underscores the importance of authenticating primary documents and reevaluating historical narratives. The Table Talks should be considered worthless until original manuscripts are located, authenticated, and subjected to rigorous analysis.

The widespread acceptance of the Table Talks as an accurate portrayal of Hitler's beliefs has influenced scholarly research and public perception of National Socialist ideology, however, the revelations about their fraudulent nature call into question the conclusions drawn from the research and highlight the need for a reevaluation of Hitler's beliefs based on more reliable sources.

I suggest a different book from a single source, in addition to Degrelle's accounts of Hitler:

"He Was My Chief: The Memoirs of Adolf Hitler's Secretary by Christa Schroeder"

-Schroeder provides firsthand accounts of her interactions with Adolf Hitler, offering insights into his personality, habits, and leadership style. She describes him as polite, reserved, and often kind to those around him.

-The book details Hitler's daily routines and schedules, shedding light on his work habits, preferences, and leisure activities. Schroeder provides a behind-the-scenes look at Hitler's daily life, including his meals, meetings, and downtime.

-Schroeder offers observations on the dynamics within Hitler's inner circle, including relationships with other high-ranking Nazi officials such as Joseph Goebbels, Hermann Göring, and Heinrich Himmler. She provides insights into the power struggles and rivalries that existed among Hitler's closest advisors.

-The memoir covers the events of World War II from the perspective of someone working closely with Hitler during the conflict. Schroeder recounts her experiences during key moments of the war, including the invasion of Poland, the Battle of Stalingrad, and the Allied bombing campaigns.

-Schroeder describes the final days of Hitler's life and the fall of the Nazi regime. She recounts the chaos and despair as Germany faced defeat, and provides details of Hitler's final days in the bunker in Berlin.

-Throughout the book, Schroeder offers her reflections on the historical events she witnessed and the role she played in Hitler's inner circle. She provides context and commentary on the actions and decisions of Hitler and other Nazi leaders.

Here is an excerpt from it, as the book is hard to find on the internet. The narration is done by a man but the speaker is Frau Schroeder from the book:

"Excerpt from He Was My Chief - Part 1"

The funny thing is that David Irving defended vehemently the authenticity of "Table Talks" against establishment academics, who thaught it was fake.

David Irving has been shown to be a turncoat and a liar. However, some of his earlier work is accurate, but his later treason to the truth requires those seeking truth to question everything he has done. He has lost all credibility since his ridiculous semi-revisionism and "limited gassings" in the white house or red house, complete and total nonsense. There is, however, a chance Irving was coerced and had his life threatened to backtrack on his original findings that the entire Holocaust was a hoax. He did expose the Testament and Hitler Diaries as fakes, so he must be given credit early on. Nonetheless, Irving can no longer be trusted as a respected historian because of his compromise.

David Irving has admitted he's never read Mein Kampf, yet references from it in several of his speeches. He claims he thinks Hitler didn't write Mein Kampf but that the "Table Talks" are authentic. Here is an example of him doing this:

"David Irving: Hitler foresaw the state of affairs in Palestine"

David Irving while a revisionist, is still a British classical-liberal, he still needs Hitler ultimately to be "evil." He now believes there were gas chambers at Auschwitz, just not the ones jews claim, when he spent decades being harangued for promoting the opposite. He's not a Christian, yet also felt he could proclaim whether Hitler was a Christian without any objective criteria. Since Hitler was Catholic, one would need to look to what the Catholic Church says is required of a Catholic to remain a member of the Church.
You're definitely wrong about the Me262, it is a subject I know well as I am pretty well informed on the subject of the air war in WW2. The Me262 program was set back 2 crucial years by Hitler stubbornly insisting it was converted into a fighter-bomber, despite the strong objections of Luftwaffe leaders like Adolf Galland, who were shocked by Hitler's stupidity.

Galland wrote about it in his memoirs, and here is his testimony about this. Galland affirms here that if only a few hundred 262s were built, it would have been enough to crush Allied bombing raids:

The Germans produced a lot of other fighters in very large quantities after the program was stalled, so it wasn't a problem of capacity, with 54,000 FW-190s and Me-109s produced, those were capable propeller fighters, but not gamechangers like the Me262, which would have protected Germany had it been used in numbers when it was ready.

Yes Galland says this, but I explained why it was not feasible logistically. Pilots do not have authority over logistics, and there's usually a reason why these two argue in every military's Aviation. Resource limitations were a significant factor, much greater so than "Hitler's stubbornness". Germany's war economy was strained, and there were shortages of critical materials and skilled labor, which affected aircraft production across the board. What materials were needed for the 190's and the 109's was a different requirement than for the 262.

Even without Hitler's minimal interference, it would have faced challenges in reaching operational readiness in the numbers Galland says would be required to perform the counterattack on Allied bombers due to the complexities of its design. Do you know how many hours of maintenance would have had to be put in for each one of these for every sortie they would have been supposed to fly? The Me262 required meticulous maintenance. Its jet engines were prone to technical issues, and specialized ground crews were needed to service them. The turnaround time between sorties for Me262s was significantly longer than for piston-engine aircraft like the FW-190 and Me-109. This meant that even if a sufficient number of Me262s were available, they would have been unable to conduct multiple sorties in a single day like their piston-engine counterparts.

Galland's assertion that only a few hundred Me262s would have been sufficient to repel Allied bombing raids oversimplifies the logistical challenges of maintaining a large fleet of jet aircraft. In reality, the Luftwaffe lacked the infrastructure and trained personnel to support a widespread deployment of Me262s.

The decision to prioritize fighter-bomber roles was not solely due to Hitler's influence but also reflected the perceived strategic needs of the Luftwaffe at the time with the ongoing campaigns. You cannot make a claim of idiocy on his part based on this, nor that it would have changed the outcome of the war based on the assumption of Galland only.

The swastika and the black sun are quintessentially occult symbols, they also were quasi-religious symbols that are fundamentally incompatible with Christianity. The whole Aryan mythology had strong association with Germanic paganism and was also developed by Blavatsky and other occultists.

The Slavs (particularly Poles, Russians and Serbs) were considered Untermenschen by the nazis.

This whole pagan ideology was one of the main aspects that separated Hitler and the nazis from say, Franco.
Where is your evidence? You are relying on sensationalism imbued with lies.

The Hakenkreuz was appropriated by occultists and non-Christians as the "Swastika," how do you explain Christianity's use of Hakenkreuz? It is quintessentially a symbol used by Christians throughout history, and predates National Socialism in its Christian usage since nearly the inception of the faith.

The use of the swastika as a symbol of the Cross dates back to early Christianity and can be found in the catacombs where early Christians worshipped during times of persecution. In these underground burial chambers, Christians often decorated the walls with symbols and images. The swastika, with its cross-like shape, was one of the symbols used by early Christians to represent the cross of Christ.

Due to the persecution, they needed to communicate their faith and identity in clandestine ways. The swastika, with its simple yet distinctive design, allowed them to convey the central symbol of Christianity, the cross, without attracting unwanted attention from authorities or persecutors.

Just as the Cross symbolizes the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ in Christianity, the swastika, with its association with eternity and cyclical renewal, complemented this symbolism. It conveyed the timeless nature of Christ's victory over death and the promise of eternal life for believers.

Other than the Romanesque Churches, swastika motifs have been discovered in Byzantine churches, mosaics, and manuscripts.

Here are several modern examples of it:

"Tsar Nicholas II's favorite car hood ornament"

"Tsarina Alexandra's Diary cover"

Corenliu Codreanu and his wife at their wedding:

As for these racial lies, easily disprovable. Despite the mountains of judeo-Allied propaganda stating otherwise, the Germans did not view the Russians as 'sub-humans' or the pathetically popularized term 'untermenschen'. Millions of Russians fought communism side-by-side with the Germans. The idea of Slavs as inherently inferior is not supported by credible historical evidence.

Here is an example: Otto-Ernst Remer (August 18, 1912 – October 4, 1997) was a highly respected German Wehrmacht officer who played a decisive role in stopping the July 20, 1944 plot against Adolf Hitler. During the war he was wounded nine times in combat and ultimately promoted to Generalmajor (brigadier general). After the war he co-founded the Sozialistische Reichspartei (SRP). He remained a fervent National Socialist until the end of his days and is seen as a 'Godfather' in the postwar underground. The enemies of mankind sought to imprison him for denying the jewish 'holocaust'. Here is an interesting quote from a 1990 interview with General Otto Ernst Remer by Stephanie Schomen:

Schomen: Is it true that the Germans referred to the Russians as "subhuman"?

Remer: 'Nonsense! The Russians are human beings just like everyone else. Your question, whether we called the Russians "subhuman," is nonsense. We had a first-class relationship with the Russian people. The only exception, which was a problem we dealt with, was with the Soviet Commissars, who were all jews. These people stood behind the lines with machine guns, pushing the Russian soldiers into battle. And anyway, we made quick work of them. That was according to order. This was during a war for basic existence, an ideological war, when such a policy is simply taken for granted.'
Schomen: Did you agree with Hitler's policies, particularly his policy toward Russia?

Remer: 'Regarding the military campaign against the Soviet Union: First of all, it should be clearly understood that at the time of the Balkans campaign in Yugoslavia and Greece in early 1941, when we had ten divisions on the entire length of the Soviet border, the Russians had stationed 247 major military formations on our border. After the conclusion of the Balkans campaign, we then quickly placed at most 170 major military units on the border with the Soviet Union. The Russians had readied themselves for an attack.

The initial successes of our forces against the Soviets were due to the fact that the Russians were not stationed in defense positions, but were instead positioned right at the front for attack, which made it possible for us to quickly encircle large Soviet forces. Thus, in the first weeks of the war, we were able to capture more than three million prisoners of war as well as enormous quantities of war equipment, all of which was on the frontier, positioned for attack.

That's the truth of the matter, which can be proven. I recently spoke with a Mr. Pemsel, who was a long-range aerial reconnaissance pilot. In the period before the beginning of the Soviet campaign, he flew as far as the Don River and observed and reported on this enormous concentration of Soviet forces on the border.

I also know from my own experience in the Russian campaign, and with the Russian prisoners, about the preparations by the Soviets for an imminent attack against Europe. The Russians were hoping that we would move against Britain so that they could then take advantage of the situation to overrun Europe.'

Another example disproving your claim below: The infamous "Der Untermensch."

We were taught that this book was overflowing with hatred for the Poles, Russians and Slavs in general. But like most things we've been taught about WWII it is a lie. It's recently been reprinted so you can see for yourself, as I did. The truth is there is no racial hatred at all within its pages. The Untermensch is more a character of man. Read the back of the book here for a detailed description.


The concept of an Aryan race predates National Socialism and has been interpreted in various ways throughout history. Moreover, attributing the entire Aryan mythology to alleged Germanic paganism ignores its complex origins and multiple interpretations. Aryan mythology has roots in ancient Indo-Iranian cultures and has been studied and interpreted by scholars across different disciplines, including linguistics, anthropology, and archaeology. You have it backwards, it is always occultists who latch on to something pre-existing and warp and twist it, not the other way around. It is incorrect to characterize it as a product of occultism. The Church used the Aryan lingo in much of their descriptions. Look here in the Catholic encyclopedia of 1913 under the Europe entry, specifically, the paragraphs on its demographics:

"POPULATION, POLITICAL DIVISIONS, AND RELIGIONS.—The greater part of the population of Europe belongs to the European or Mediterranean race. The main race-groups are the Teutonic, Romanic, and Slavonic. To the Teutonic division belong: the Germans, Dutch, Flemish, English, and Scandinavians; it contains in all 127,800,000 souls or 32'1 per cent of the whole population; included in the Romanic group are: the French, Walloons, Italians, Friulians, natives of the Rhaetian Alps, Maltese, Spaniards, Portuguese, and Rumanians, in all 108,100,000 or 27'1 per cent; included in the Slavonic are: the Russians, Ruthenians, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Wends, Slovenes, Croats, Serbs, Bulgarians, Letts, and Lithuanians, in all 124,-600,000, or 3l'3 per cent. A smaller number, about 9,500,000 souls or 2'4 per cent is composed of other Aryan races: Celts, Greeks, Albanians, Gypsies, Armenians, etc. There are also about 27,900,000, or some 7 per cent, of non-Aryan races: Basques, Magyars, Finns, the tribes of the Ural region, Turks, Kalmucks, and Jews. The total population of Europe amounts to about 420,000,000."


Both definitions of classical Aryanism which was used in Europe prior to the 20th century, and Hitler's elaboration of the term in his writings, primarily refer to the Aryan people as an ethnolinguistic group, encompassing individuals who speak Indo-European languages. In the Catholic Encyclopedia, the term "Aryan" is used to describe the various European peoples who share linguistic and cultural connections. Similarly, Hitler's concept of Aryans emphasized linguistic and cultural ties among European populations. The Catholic Encyclopedia's classification of European peoples based on linguistic and cultural criteria implicitly reinforces a sense of racial identity among Aryans. Both definitions contribute to a nationalistic narrative that emphasizes the unity and strength of the Christian Aryan peoples. In the context of European history, the concept of Aryans has often been invoked to celebrate the shared heritage and achievements of European nations under Christendom.

Please bring evidence to support your claims like you did with the Galland and the Me-262 claim if you wish to prove your point. Don't just accept lies on face value, especially spiritual and racial ones.

The bottom line is that occultists always take from something genuine to build their mythos because occult is not meant to be anywhere in God's natural order, it is a derivation of stealing and twisting of information and truth. The perception of Hitler and the NSDAP as occultists is largely a result of post-war Allied-victor propaganda and subsequent misinformation campaigns. This misconception gained traction due to a combination of factors like deliberate efforts to discredit the NSDAP, sensationalist media portrayals, and the absence of accurate historical context. Allied authorities and intelligence agencies promoted sensational stories about occult rituals, secret societies, and farcical mystical beliefs within the NS leadership to tarnish their image.

The widespread destruction of Christendom iconography, churches, and documents during and after the war by the Allies contributed to the erasure of historical truth. Allied bombings and post-war occupation policies resulted in the destruction of many religious artifacts and monuments. The deliberate targeting of Christian symbols and institutions by the Allies may suited this purpose to further reinforced the perception of NS occultism post-war, when they had complete control of the narrative.

From a Christian perspective, this revelation reaffirms the importance of discernment and critical thinking when evaluating historical narratives. It serves as a reminder that sensationalized accounts and exaggerated claims distort the truth leading to misunderstandings and misinterpretations of historical events and figures.

Edit: you deleted your post! What a waste, it is good to have the debates, please keep asking whatever you want to know and I will provide evidence for as best I can.
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Yes Galland says this, but I explained why it was not feasible logistically. Pilots do not have authority over logistics, and there's usually a reason why these two argue in every military's Aviation. Resource limitations were a significant factor, much greater so than "Hitler's stubbornness". Germany's war economy was strained, and there were shortages of critical materials and skilled labor, which affected aircraft production across the board. What materials were needed for the 190's and the 109's was a different requirement than for the 262.

Even without Hitler's minimal interference, it would have faced challenges in reaching operational readiness in the numbers Galland says would be required to perform the counterattack on Allied bombers due to the complexities of its design. Do you know how many hours of maintenance would have had to be put in for each one of these for every sortie they would have been supposed to fly? The Me262 required meticulous maintenance. Its jet engines were prone to technical issues, and specialized ground crews were needed to service them. The turnaround time between sorties for Me262s was significantly longer than for piston-engine aircraft like the FW-190 and Me-109. This meant that even if a sufficient number of Me262s were available, they would have been unable to conduct multiple sorties in a single day like their piston-engine counterparts.

Galland's assertion that only a few hundred Me262s would have been sufficient to repel Allied bombing raids oversimplifies the logistical challenges of maintaining a large fleet of jet aircraft. In reality, the Luftwaffe lacked the infrastructure and trained personnel to support a widespread deployment of Me262s.

The decision to prioritize fighter-bomber roles was not solely due to Hitler's influence but also reflected the perceived strategic needs of the Luftwaffe at the time with the ongoing campaigns. You cannot make a claim of idiocy on his part based on this, nor that it would have changed the outcome of the war based on the assumption of Galland only.


You think a Luftwaffe general in charge of running several elite squadrons doesn't understand logistics??

Germany produced 25,000 planes in 1944, their production went up 250% from 1943! They could have easily churned out several thousand more Me-262s had they started in 43, and used them properly, and would have been able to fine tune the few flaws the Me-262 had. The Germans did not use fancy materials and alloys for the engine parts, which were the only components that were somewhat different from the other planes they produced by the tens of thousands.

The Me-262 is not that hard to maintain, the engines were designed to be easily accessible and replaceable. The Jumo 004 jet engines were actually cheaper to produce than the DB 605 or BMW 801 piston engines used by the Me-109s and FW-190s, and the later versions with ceramic blades had long lifespans.

Goering and Hitler were complete idiots with regards to this and other military decisions.

(I would recommend using shorter responses for the other items, appreciate the effort but I don't have the time to keep up.)
I disagree that Hitler was a bad military commander and I certainly disagree that he (or his socialist movement) had anything to do with Christianity.
But the first claim is at least in the realm of plausibility and it's debatable. The second is simply wishful thinking, no matter how many walls of text one writes.

@MusicForThePiano can you explain what Hitler is doing with the flags after 1:32 in this video?

As for the claim that the swastika was found in a Christian church. It was found in a heretical temple.
You can find "Christian" (in reality Cathar) temples in France depicting Christ and the Eucharist as a magic mushroom.
Once people go down the road of schism and heresy, there is no limit to the stupidity they can stoop to.

And why are you defending Positive Christianity as something good? This coming from a Catholic is especially weird.
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@MusicForThePiano can you explain what Hitler is doing with the flags after 1:32 in this video?

It's from a rally anytime during or before 1934, given that Ernst Rohm is seen walking behind Hitler in some of the frames. The paramilitary nature of the NSDAP's hierarchy and ranking seems to be doing a flag cross and handshake. All kinds of militaries have their own ceremonial formalities, this must have just been the peculiarity of the SA. It seems that every troop of four or more of the standard bearers come and greet him and pass through on their way to the rest of the parade.

Germanic military parades and celebrations were embedded with choreography from the days of Prussian precision. It has nothing sinister in its gestures, it is purely martial. The commenters who draw abstract conclusions like the guy saying "Hitler is transmitting the power of the Blood Flag to each SA and SS standard, pure esoterism" is wrong. There is nothing esoteric about the Blutfahne, it was considered important and historically symbolic because of the 16 men killed by the communist police in Munich during the Putsch.

Everything about Him being associated with mystical practices is pure speculation and conjecture, like village superstitions.

I disagree that Hitler was a bad military commander and I certainly disagree that he (or his socialist movement) had anything to do with Christianity.
But the first claim is at least in the realm of plausibility and it's debatable. The second is simply wishful thinking, no matter how many walls of text one writes.
The goals of the NSDAP were for seeking unity among Christians, they actively promoted positive Christian values as part of their platform for this reason. The way Christianity looked in authoritarian countries differs from culture to culture. The way it looked in Germany was different from Catholic Fascist Italy, different from pure Catholic Fascist Spain and Portugal, and from Orthodox Fascist Romania and Bulgaria, and from Orthodox Fascist Greece under Metaxas. The other authoritarian countries did not have a heaping half of their population in a different confession. Germany did, given their historical role in the Protestant reformation. So Positive Christianity was that attempt to unite their citizenry on every level without them having to abandon their confessions.

Your assertion that the NSDAP's embrace of Christianity is wishful thinking disregards the historical evidence that suggests otherwise. Throughout the party's rise to power, there were instances where NSDAP leaders, including Adolf Hitler, made public statements expressing support for Christianity and its role in German society. and not for being "pragmatic" or "paying lip service" but because it was an essential element of the framework for the party's plan to rebuild Germany. Additionally, the party took steps to establish positive relations with Christian Churches, as evidenced by agreements such as the Reichskonkordat with the Vatican (the first foreign power Germany established ties with under Hitler).

You can find "Christian" (in reality Cathar) temples in France depicting Christ and the Eucharist as a magic mushroom.
The Albigensian movement was merely a religious sect that emerged in the Languedoc region of southern France during the 12th century. Cathars did not build traditional temples or churches in the same way that Apostolic Churches did. While there is evidence of Cathar presence in southern France, including remnants of their fortifications and other historical artifacts, there is no widely accepted evidence to suggest that Cathar temples ever existed that would be mistaken for a Church. They mostly held their rituals in their homes. The only mushroom imagery I've ever seen in anything Christian was a mosiac of mushrooms in a giant basket on the floor of the Basilica of Aquileia in Italy. This was built in the 4th century, way before any schism. Of course an addictive personality would be eager to twist the miracle of Christ into some fungal "magic" to justify their own highs. These mushrooms make people hallucinate as a defense mechanism to get people to stop eating them.

As for the claim that the swastika was found in a Christian church. It was found in a heretical temple.
Once people go down the road of schism and heresy, there is no limit to the stupidity they can stoop to.

Decades of lies and centuries of amnesia cannot be overcome with simple statements. Let me elaborate. In the earliest days of persecution when only the gloomy Catacombs could be counted on for asylum, the hunted Christians made use of secret symbols to safeguard the disclosure of themselves to friends and brothers in Christ. The ichthus I-X-0-Y-2, fish, is a well-known illustration of this ; and so also perhaps the swastika, the most ancient prophetical symbol of our Blessed Lord's coming, was also found of value in concealing the sign of the cross from those ready to betray or destroy any Christian whose profession became known.

"Very God of Very God, Begotten not made. Agnus Dei, Who taketh away the sins of the world."

Diogenes, the grave digger of the Catacombs, immortalized in the ancient frescoes that shrine of the martyrs, is depicted as holding in his hands a lighted lamp with which he finds his way in the dark labyrinths, and lays to rest the remains of faithful Christians. The swastika symbols of Agni are placed upon him. Does this not signify a type of Christ whose light illumines even the recesses of the grave?

The simplicity and beauty of these ancient Swastikas painted on the walls of the Catacombs as early as the first or second century have deep significance in the history of Christian martyrdom. It is therefore not surprising that we find on the mitre of Blessed Thomas a Becket embroidered the symbol of swastika. There is also one to be found on a memorial brass in Lewknor Church, Oxfordshire. England (11th century). The inscription in the Catacombs of the mural painting is as follows: "Diogenes Fossor in Pace Depositus" (laid to rest in peace) etc.,—pick, lamp and other instrument ; swastika on shoulder and one on each flap of skirt. Another swastika has been found upon the slab of a grave in a Catacomb.

The swastika is also found amidst the paintings of the Catacombs of Rome ; on the pulpit of St. Ambrose in Milan ; on early Christian monuments of Scotland and Ireland and in the museums of Toulouse and Rouen. The form known as the fylfot is frequently introduced on the vestments of the Greek Church and is found also somewhat more sparingly in the West, both in ecclesiastical and heraldic work.

It was most commonly employed amongst the Western peoples in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries; and many examples of it may be seen on monuments, brasses etc. Amongst the various mediaeval textile fabrics we find one called Stauracin, a material taking the name from the Greek word for a cross, and so called from its being figured over with the form of the cross, the design being sometimes of the simplest character, and in other examples of very elaborate enrichment of detail. This was also known as gammadion. In the Greek alphabet the letter Gamma consists of two lines at right angles to each other, like an English letter L : and many of the mystical writers of earlier days have seen in this form a symbol of Christ as the corner stone.

On this idea as a basis the mediaeval designers combined these L-like forms into many more or less decorative arrangements. Four of them placed with their four angles towards each other create the form of the Greek cross; at other times they were so arranged as to form the letter H ; or placed with their angles outwards a square is produced. By far the most ancient and most common form fashioned out of the Gamma, is that known as the fylfot. This may be found even in the Catacombs, and from its resemblance to two rough S's or Z's crossing each other,—S and Z in old work being often interchangeable,—it has been conjectured that it was probably the cross represented as signum, the sign, i. e., of faith in the Crucifix. "It is true that the Swastika, together with the Egyptian symbol of life (crux Ansata ☥) was used by the early Christians as a symbol of their religion, and in the Catacombs, the swastika was sometimes combined with the Christogram ( ☧ ) .

It was explained by early Christian authors as a combination of two Z's which were said to mean ζωσεις, "thou shalt live." It might also be explained to mean Christ, who calls himself the "Life". Every swastika conceals the sign of the cross, and just as the books of the Bible are prophetic of the coming of our Lord so this symbol is prophetic of the coming of the Founder of Christianity.

So the examples I gave specifically in one of my above posts, of Plaosnik Baptistery in Macedonia and the Bete Maryam in Ethiopia, both of which were built before this great schism, which means so were their swastika crosses in their mosaics and walls. This symbol's usage in Christianity also clearly predates the great schism in Christendom as I have shown above, and therefore cannot be attributed to whatever political association or separation of dogma inherited the physical Church location afterwards.

In light of this evidence, it becomes clear that the swastika is not an aberration within Christian symbolism but rather a symbol with deep roots in the Apostolic tradition. To dismiss its significance based on misconceptions does a disservice to the rich tapestry of Christian history and symbolism intertwined with that history.

And why are you defending Positive Christianity as something good? This coming from a Catholic is especially weird.
in a nation like Germany, where there was a near-equal division between Catholics and Protestants/Lutherans, fostering unity and social cohesion required a delicate approach. Unlike countries with a dominant religious denomination representing their entire demographics, such as Catholic Spain under Franco or Catholic Italy under Mussolini, or Orthodox Romania under Codreanu, Orthodox Greece under Metaxas, where the majority of the population adhered to a single religious tradition, Germany's confessional-diverse religious landscape posed unique challenges.

Positive Christianity emerged as an attempt to bridge the divide between Catholics and Protestants/Lutherans in Germany by emphasizing common Biblical values and social principles shared by both traditions. By promoting a unifying moral framework rooted in Christian ethics rather than specific theological dogma, Positive Christianity sought to create a sense of solidarity among Germans regardless of their religious affiliation.

In this context, Positive Christianity was not about imposing a particular religious doctrine but rather about providing a moral compass for a society marked by religious diversity. It aimed to foster a sense of national unity and shared values that transcended sectarian divisions, recognizing the importance of righteous virtue and social responsibility in building a cohesive society.

Thus, in a nation like Germany, where religious diversity of confession was a defining feature of the population, Positive Christianity served as a necessary tool for promoting unity and social cohesion across religious lines. As a Catholic, I see no wrong in this approach because it did not infringe on the Church's authority or seek to supplant religious doctrine with state ideology. In essence, it offered exclusion protection to all Churches under a government which recognized the vital role of religion in shaping the ethical fabric of the nation.

They could not have climbed their way out of the pit of Weimar with anything but a Christian ethos.
You think a Luftwaffe general in charge of running several elite squadrons doesn't understand logistics??

Germany produced 25,000 planes in 1944, their production went up 250% from 1943! They could have easily churned out several thousand more Me-262s had they started in 43, and used them properly, and would have been able to fine tune the few flaws the Me-262 had. The Germans did not use fancy materials and alloys for the engine parts, which were the only components that were somewhat different from the other planes they produced by the tens of thousands.

The Me-262 is not that hard to maintain, the engines were designed to be easily accessible and replaceable. The Jumo 004 jet engines were actually cheaper to produce than the DB 605 or BMW 801 piston engines used by the Me-109s and FW-190s, and the later versions with ceramic blades had long lifespans.

Goering and Hitler were complete idiots with regards to this and other military decisions.

(I would recommend using shorter responses for the other items, appreciate the effort but I don't have the time to keep up.)

It's not a question of Galland's understanding of logistics but rather the practical constraints faced by the Luftwaffe and the German war economy as a whole. His perspective may have been focused more on operational effectiveness rather than the broader logistical challenges of sustaining a large fleet of jet aircraft.

While Germany did increase its aircraft production in 1944, reaching around 25,000 planes, the majority of these were conventional piston-engine aircraft. Shifting production to jet-powered aircraft like the Me-262 would have required significant retooling of factories and training of workers, which would have taken time and resources from other more critical areas.

While the Me-262's engines were designed for accessibility and ease of maintenance compared to piston engines, they still required specialized knowledge and spare parts. Additionally, the introduction of a new type of aircraft would have required logistical adjustments in terms of training personnel, establishing supply chains, and coordinating maintenance efforts. While the Jumo 004 engines may have been less expensive in terms of materials, they were more complex and technologically advanced, requiring skilled labor and precise manufacturing processes.

Even if more Me-262s had been produced, their effectiveness would have depended on factors beyond sheer numbers. The Luftwaffe faced challenges in training pilots to fly jet aircraft, developing appropriate tactics for their use, and countering overwhelming Allied air presence once the USA was joining the Brits for the bombings.

Blaming individuals like Goering and Hitler oversimplifies the complex realities of wartime decision-making, like I've said in other posts. It is literally a cog with millions of components going at the same time, and this was a war like no other in our history. What other military decisions do you believe were solely made by an individual that led to disaster? Let's look at all of them.
Let me elaborate.
Your googling powers are most impressive but I can match them.
Or maybe you happen to be William Thornton Parker, M.D. (Formerly US Surgeon Indian Services).
If you're not, then you're plagiarizing, presenting his text as your own.

Here is a quote from the book "The Swastika: A Prophetic Symbol" by William Thornton Parker, M.D. (Formerly US Surgeon Indian Services), a chapter of which you can read in this link (warning: don't, it's a waste of time):
"In the earliest days of persecution when only the gloomy Cata- combs could be counted on for asylum, the hunted Christians madeuse of secret symbols to safeguard the disclosure of themselves to friends and brothers in Christ. The ichthus I-X-0-Y-2, fish, is a well-known illustration of this ; and so also perhaps the swastika,the most ancient prophetical symbol of our Blessed Lord's coming, was also found of value in concealing the sign of the cross fromthose ready to betray or destroy any Christian whose professionbecame known."
You wrote:
In the earliest days of persecution when only the gloomy Catacombs could be counted on for asylum, the hunted Christians made use of secret symbols to safeguard the disclosure of themselves to friends and brothers in Christ. The ichthus I-X-0-Y-2, fish, is a well-known illustration of this ; and so also perhaps the swastika, the most ancient prophetical symbol of our Blessed Lord's coming, was also found of value in concealing the sign of the cross from those ready to betray or destroy any Christian whose profession became known.

Here is another quote from the same book, a few paragraphs down:
"Diogenes, the grave digger of the Catacombs, immortalized in the ancient frescoes that shrine of the martyrs, is depicted as holding in his hands a lighted lamp with which he finds his way in the dark labyrinths, and lays to rest the remains of faithful Christians. The swastika symbols of Agni are placed upon him. Does this not signify a type of Christ whose light illumines even the recesses of the grave?

The simplicity and beauty of these ancient Swastikas painted on the walls of the Catacombs as early as the first or second century have deep significance in the history of Christian martyrdom. It is therefore not surprising that we find on the mitre of Blessed Thomas a Becket embroidered the symbol of swastika. There is also one to be found on a memorial brass in Lewknor Church, Oxfordshire. England (11th century). The inscription in the Catacombs of the mural painting is as follows: "Diogenes Fossor in Pace Depositus" (laid to rest in peace) etc.,—pick, lamp and other instrument ; swastika on shoulder and one on each flap of skirt. Another swastika has been found upon the slab of a grave in a Catacomb."
You wrote:
Diogenes, the grave digger of the Catacombs, immortalized in the ancient frescoes that shrine of the martyrs, is depicted as holding in his hands a lighted lamp with which he finds his way in the dark labyrinths, and lays to rest the remains of faithful Christians. The swastika symbols of Agni are placed upon him. Does this not signify a type of Christ whose light illumines even the recesses of the grave?

The simplicity and beauty of these ancient Swastikas painted on the walls of the Catacombs as early as the first or second century have deep significance in the history of Christian martyrdom. It is therefore not surprising that we find on the mitre of Blessed Thomas a Becket embroidered the symbol of swastika. There is also one to be found on a memorial brass in Lewknor Church, Oxfordshire. England (11th century). The inscription in the Catacombs of the mural painting is as follows: "Diogenes Fossor in Pace Depositus" (laid to rest in peace) etc.,—pick, lamp and other instrument ; swastika on shoulder and one on each flap of skirt. Another swastika has been found upon the slab of a grave in a Catacomb.

Another quote from the book:

"It is also found amidst the paintings of the Catacombsof Rome ; on the pulpit of St. Ambrose in Milan ; on the ancientsacred books of the Persians ; on early Christian monuments of Scotland and Ireland and in the museums of Toulouse and Rouen. The form known as the fylfot is frequently introduced on the vestments of the Greek Church and is found also somewhat moresparingly in the West, both in ecclesiastical and heraldic work.
It was most commonly employed amongst the Western peoples in the54- TIIK OPEN COURT.thirteenth and fourteenth centuries; and many examples of it maybe seen on monuments, brasses etc. Amongst the various mediaevaltextile fabrics we find one called Stauracin, a material taking the name from the Greek word for a cross, and so called from its beingfigured over with the form of the cross, the design being sometimesof the simplest character, and in other examples of very elaborate enrichment of detail.
This was also known as gammadion. In the Greek alphabet the letter Gamma consists of two lines at rightangles to each other, like an English letter L : and many of the mystical writers of earlier days have seen in this form a symbol of Christ as the corner stone. On this idea as a basis the mediaevaldesigners combined these L-like forms into many more or less decorative arrangements. Four of them placed with their four angles towards each other create the form of the Greek cross; at othertimes they were so arranged as to form the letter H ; or placed withtheir angles outwards a square is produced. By far the most ancient and most common form fashioned out of the Gamma, is that known as the fylfot. This may be found even in the Catacombs,and from its resemblance to two rough S's or Z's crossing eachother,—S and Z in old work being often interchangeable,—it hasbeen conjectured that it was probably the cross represented as signum, the sign, i. e., of faith in the Crucifix."

You wrote (you changed the word it for the word swastika in the beginning, everything else is the same):
The swastika is also found amidst the paintings of the Catacombs of Rome ; on the pulpit of St. Ambrose in Milan ; on early Christian monuments of Scotland and Ireland and in the museums of Toulouse and Rouen. The form known as the fylfot is frequently introduced on the vestments of the Greek Church and is found also somewhat more sparingly in the West, both in ecclesiastical and heraldic work.

It was most commonly employed amongst the Western peoples in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries; and many examples of it may be seen on monuments, brasses etc. Amongst the various mediaeval textile fabrics we find one called Stauracin, a material taking the name from the Greek word for a cross, and so called from its being figured over with the form of the cross, the design being sometimes of the simplest character, and in other examples of very elaborate enrichment of detail. This was also known as gammadion. In the Greek alphabet the letter Gamma consists of two lines at right angles to each other, like an English letter L : and many of the mystical writers of earlier days have seen in this form a symbol of Christ as the corner stone.

On this idea as a basis the mediaeval designers combined these L-like forms into many more or less decorative arrangements. Four of them placed with their four angles towards each other create the form of the Greek cross; at other times they were so arranged as to form the letter H ; or placed with their angles outwards a square is produced. By far the most ancient and most common form fashioned out of the Gamma, is that known as the fylfot. This may be found even in the Catacombs, and from its resemblance to two rough S's or Z's crossing each other,—S and Z in old work being often interchangeable,—it has been conjectured that it was probably the cross represented as signum, the sign, i. e., of faith in the Crucifix.
Then you jump to page 545 of the book, to find this phrase and paste it in your answer:

""It is true that the Swastika, together with the Egyptian symbol of life (crux Ansata ^- ) was used by the early Christians as a symbol of their religion, and in the Catacombs, the swastika is sometimes combined with the Christogram ( ☧ ).

It was explained by early Christian authors as a combination of two Z's which were said to mean ζωσεις, "thou shalt live." It might also be explained to mean Christ, who calls himself the "Life". "
"It is true that the Swastika, together with the Egyptian symbol of life (crux Ansata ☥) was used by the early Christians as a symbol of their religion, and in the Catacombs, the swastika was sometimes combined with the Christogram ( ☧ ) .

It was explained by early Christian authors as a combination of two Z's which were said to mean ζωσεις, "thou shalt live." It might also be explained to mean Christ, who calls himself the "Life".
You skip afew paragraphs and paste this into "your" answer:

"Every swastika conceals the sign of the cross, and as the books of the Bible are prophetic of the coming of our Lord so this symbol is prophetic of the coming of the Founder of Christianity."
Every swastika conceals the sign of the cross, and just as the books of the Bible are prophetic of the coming of our Lord so this symbol is prophetic of the coming of the Founder of Christianity.
Wow, you inserted the word "just" in there, what a scholar.

You conveniently omitted these two phrases:
There are several different kinds of swastika : the Arabian, the Scandinavian, the Phoenician, the Hindu or Indian.
The pagan type of Christ, the Hindu "Agni," or God ofFire, whose symbol is the oldest form of the cross known, was in general use in all the ancient pagan world
Maybe you thought words like "pagan" and "Hindu" would detract from your argument, which they do, something the original author seems to be largely unconcerned with, perhaps because he doesn't try to hide the fact that he is a Gnostic.

P.S. It is interesting that you capitalized the word Him, in reference to Hitler.
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