Did Man Land On The Moon?

Did man fly to and land on the moon, and return to earth in 1969?

  • Yes, it was on teevee

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • No, it appears to be technically impossible

    Votes: 47 95.9%
  • We went but forgot how (official NASA position)

    Votes: 1 2.0%

  • Total voters
No one can "land" on something that isn't a solid matter. Deception from the usual suspects as always.

Here is some moon stuff for you curious minds:

"20 Proofs NASA faked the moon landings"

I've annotated the points here for those who don't have time to sit through 20 minutes of a video:

1. The moon is a simply a luminary, a non-physical light in the sky, not a spherical terrafirma planetoid as maintained by NASA and modern astronomy.

On clear days we can see on a waxing or waning cycle the blue sky can be seen through the moon. On clear nights during a waxing or waning is is possible to see stars directly through the surface. With each new moon, the moon disappears and remains invisible for that one day.

Even members of the royal astronomical society have recorded their confusion at being able to see stars through the moon Sir James South of the Royal Observatory in Kensington wrote that "On my first looking into the telescope, a star of about the 7th magnitude was some minutes of a degree distant from the moons dark limb, I saw that its occultation by the moon was inevitable, but the star, instead of disappearing the moment the moon's edge came in contact with it, apparently glided on the moon's dark face, as if it had been seen through a transparent moon, or as if a star were between me and the moon. I have seen a similar apparent project several times. The cause of this phenomenon is involved in impenetrable mystery."

2. The entire concept of a "vacuum" of space is impossible.

3. The amount of radiation claimed to exist in space, especially in the so-called "Van-Allen Belt" was far too strong for the astronauts flimy suits, starting at an altitude of 1,000 miles upt o 15,000 miles NASA claims there exists a deadly band of radiation that would kill or seriously injure anyone passing through in a matter of minutes.

4. Temperatures on the moon supposedly range from 279 degrees below zero during the night time, which is far colder than Antarctica's coldest winter, and up to 243 degrees above zero during midday, which is hotter than boiling water. NASAs suits could not withstand these temperatures. The kodak film in their cameras would not survive these temperatures.

5. In photos of Apollo 11, Buzz Aldrin can be seen wearing different colored gloves and different length boots in pictures supposedly taken within minutes of each other.

6. None of the Apollo missions brought with them any extra studio lighting with them on the lunar lander, so the sun should be the only light source on the moon and in all pictures taken there. The light should only come from one direction and the shadows should be cast in the opposite direction, however in dozens of official NASA photos there are shadows being cast in up to three directions simultaneously, often at up to 90 degree angles, which can only be the result of multiple light sources not present on the moon.

7. Many pictures purportedly showing the sun from the moon are clearly studio spotlights and not the sun. For example, Apollo 12 photo AS12466765, after computer enhancement, reveals a large light bulb in the center of the "sun".

8. Several Apollo images show a defined separation line where the ground meets with what can only be a studio backdrop. If they were filming on an actual planetoid, the ground would seamlessly meet the background, leaving no such dividing line. NASA has been found using the same contours and repeated backdrops on allegedly completely different parts of the moon.

9. Computer enhancement of NASA images reveal photo manipulation and evidence of pstudio trickery. For example, as the Apollo 17 lunar lander lifts off, photo AS1715123201 shows a clear shadow being cast on the ceiling of the studio.

10. Computer enhancements done on images of "the earth" taken from "the moon" reveal clear photo trickery. By gradually removing the hues comprising black from the backgrounds, a bright rectangular artifact appears around the earth, proving it to be a composite image. There are numerous of these rectangular doctored "earth" photographs that can be found.

11. In the original Apollo 16 photo AS1610717446 there is a rock with the letter "C" engraved into it, and another "C" drawn in the dirt next to it, which is characteristic to fake stage rocks on a set where a set designer demarcates prop positions. After being exposed for this, NASA doctored the two "C's" out of the photo.

12. In several bits of video footage from the Apollo missions, there is evidence of the astronauts using wires to achieve a more weightless appearance. During Apollo 14, there are many occasions where light reflects off the wires attached to their backpacks, making them momentary become visible.

13.Obvious video anomaly of the Flags flapping around in the non-existent "space wind."

14. Another video anomaly, when watching at double speed, the gravity illusion disappears whether they are "moon" walking or in a "moon" buggy.

15. No stars in the background of any moon photos in any of their appropriate positions, more evidence of studio fakery.

16. The Apollo 11 photo AS11405922 of the lunar lander, supposedly on the moon will see a pathetic 1969 attempt at creating high-tech-looking equipment using flimsy construction paper, gold foil, scotch tape, and metal shower rods. The idea that the piece of junk shown in the photo flew to the "moon" and back is laughably ludicrous.


17. Apollo 11 image AS11495926 shows a closeup of the foot pads of the lunar lander without a speck of dust on them and without a burn print or crater under its 10,000 lb thrusters, as if the lander was gently set down with a crane.

18. During the Apollo 11 mission, Richard Nixon made a "historic" phone call from DC to Neil Armstrong on the moon, showing both men live on split screen TV. The call allegedly went from the oval office in DC to Houston where it was "routed" into space via mission control through the "capsule communicator". There was no discernable delay in the phone call whatsoever.

19. Examinations of the many supposed "moon rocks" given museums to the world over by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. Shortly after Apollo 11, private investigator Paul Jacobs reported asking the US department of geology head whether he had examined the moon rocks, and if he could verify their authenticity, to which the geologist simply laughed and insinuated that "people high up in the US government knew all about the cover up." More recently in 2009, curators at Amsterdam's Rijkamuseum investigated their moon rock personally given to them by Armstrong and Aldrin in 1969, only to find that it was just a worthless of petrified wood from earth.

20. Not only is the entire video record fraught with fraud, but after years of ignoring freedom of information act requests, NASA finally officially claimed in 2001 that all the original Apollo 11 videos had conveniently "disappeared" from their records, so no one could analyze them.They have also claimed to have lost all original audiotapes from the Apollo missions, and that their "contractors" have lost all prints and plans for the lunar rover, the LEM lander, and Apollo ship engines.

The preponderance of evidence is stacked so high against NASA that anyone who honestly and unbiasly investigates the so-called "moon landings" comes to the same undeniable conclusion: all of the Apollo missions were faked on earth using a variety of hollywood trickery.



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Fact: everyone knows the Moon is made of cheese.

Several years ago, I happened upon a charity auction at a local VFW and was fortunate to purchase the actual pair of spacewalking boots that Neil Armstrong wore during the Apollo 11 mission. Immediately upon taking possession of the boots, I noticed a faint orange tint along the underside tread, which excited my suspicions. At great expense, I had the boots spectroscopically and chemically analyzed by a team of researchers, who were able to confirm that the coloration in question was indeed that of cheddar cheese. Ever since that day, I have used Neil Armstrong's boots as bowls to hold queso cheese dip, in honor of this great achivement.

Checkmate, space deniers.
"20 Proofs NASA faked the moon landings"

1. On clear nights during a waxing or waning is is possible to see stars directly through the surface [of the moon].


20. NASA finally officially claimed in 2001 that all the original Apollo 11 videos had conveniently "disappeared" from their records, so no one could analyze them.

That video lacks references and comments on Bitchute or Youtube. You typed in 20 annotations, but couldn't supply any links?

1. I have never seen stars through the moon. If this happens, there should be photos all over the web, just like eclipse photos.

20. The original tapes Apollo 11 broadcast tapes were written over, but backups were restored: www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE56F5MK/.

Again, where are the links to all this photographic proof?
1. The moon is a simply a luminary, a non-physical light in the sky, not a spherical terrafirma planetoid as maintained by NASA and modern astronomy.

On clear days we can see on a waxing or waning cycle the blue sky can be seen through the moon. On clear nights during a waxing or waning is is possible to see stars directly through the surface. With each new moon, the moon disappears and remains invisible for that one day.

Even members of the royal astronomical society have recorded their confusion at being able to see stars through the moon Sir James South of the Royal Observatory in Kensington wrote that "On my first looking into the telescope, a star of about the 7th magnitude was some minutes of a degree distant from the moons dark limb, I saw that its occultation by the moon was inevitable, but the star, instead of disappearing the moment the moon's edge came in contact with it, apparently glided on the moon's dark face, as if it had been seen through a transparent moon, or as if a star were between me and the moon. I have seen a similar apparent project several times. The cause of this phenomenon is involved in impenetrable mystery."

The fact that this is the first point makes me think it was intentionally used to poison the well against the other points, which are sound. This sounds like sheer nonsense, otherwise how would a solar eclipse work?

Moreover, pics of stars through the moon or it didn't happen.
The first thing that came across my radar that seemed like obvious nonsense to me was 9/11. Moon landings also seem like nonsense.

I've seen a model or replica or whatever it is of that moon landing module at some event I went to. It looks exactly as described in the video and is obviously not robust enough to go into space.
The first thing that came across my radar that seemed like obvious nonsense to me was 9/11.

I've seen a model or replica or whatever it is of that moon landing module ... and is obviously not robust enough to go into space.

I was there on 9/11. Should I mistrust my lying eyes?

You don't need to look at replicas or "whatever". See the actual Apollo 11 Command Module in the National Air and Space Museum.

The fact that this is the first point makes me think it was intentionally used to poison the well against the other points, which are sound. This sounds like sheer nonsense, otherwise how would a solar eclipse work?

Moreover, pics of stars through the moon or it didn't happen.

Anyone who's ever operated a telescope knows that point 1 is total lunacy.

Not one of the space is fake crowd has convinced me one bit. The moon landing with people jumping around racing buggies was obviously fake.
I was there on 9/11. Should I mistrust my lying eyes?

You don't need to look at replicas or "whatever". See the actual Apollo 11 Command Module in the National Air and Space Museum.

Your eyes don't lie and I don't doubt the buildings came down. It's how they came down that is the obvious lie.

Once your government tells you such an obvious lie then you start to wonder what else they lied to you about.
That video lacks references and comments on Bitchute or Youtube. You typed in 20 annotations, but couldn't supply any links?

1. I have never seen stars through the moon. If this happens, there should be photos all over the web, just like eclipse photos.

20. The original tapes Apollo 11 broadcast tapes were written over, but backups were restored: www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE56F5MK/.

Again, where are the links to all this photographic proof?
There are comments, depending on which link, the video is uploaded on Bitchute about 12 times. Most of it is just rock-mooners and non-rock-mooners going back and forth so it seems irrelevant to a civilized discussion. Does something need to have comments in order to prove a veritas? If commenting is disabled, then I am usually skeptical, but this is freely able to be commented on. The one on jewtube has comments, so why are you saying it does not? The video is called "20 Proofs NASA faked the moon landings". I don't post jewtube links here, but it's there if you go look it up.

If the moon is allegedly out in the blackness of space some quarter-million miles away, how is it possible for there to be a blue sky behind it? Stars can be seen during its waxing or waning phases in the sections of where the other portions of the moon supposedly are.


Also clouds can be seen both in front of and behind it at the same time, which further clarifies its existence as a luminary, likely an entity that changes its state of matter, which is closest to plasma. It is something that is divine and has a Holy purpose which was written about in Scripture and other ancient scrolls numerous times:

"Clouds in Front of and Behind The Moon"

It is self-illuminating and partially transparent depending on whether or not it is in a state of flux.

The tapes, whether they are original or re-edited are still damning to the concepts of the frame of physics we are given for Earth and the imaginary ones for the imaginary moon rock. When we have an atmosphere, things can float, and we see the "astronauts" jumping in the videos. They land back because of the presence of excess atmosphere which allows them to float, which is further proved by the vacuum experiment. When a vacuum is created, a feather and a ball land instantaneously when dropped, at the same time. Their jumps would be immediately halted and brought to the moon surface instantaneously if they were in an environment with no alleged atmosphere. This is because there is atmosphere present, which is not the moon but only the surface of our Earth.

I may not be a rocket scientist but if I were, the Van Allyn belt would be my greatest enemy, followed closely by Joule's free expansion.

The fact that this is the first point makes me think it was intentionally used to poison the well against the other points, which are sound. This sounds like sheer nonsense, otherwise how would a solar eclipse work?

Moreover, pics of stars through the moon or it didn't happen.
Perhaps he put it as the first point because it was establishing the larger perspective of the moon not being something that the following 19 points would work with. It is more clever ordering than the idea of poisoning the well, because it reinforces how bogus NASA's claims are. As for the observation of objects through the transparency of the moon, there is no current widely-known mainstream explanation for this visual phenomena, there are only assumptions based on their pre-existing framework. Some scientists will say its moon mountains whose peaks are shining through the lunar terminator, others will say its the ISS, crossing the path of the moon the very same second the picture was taken, some will say it's "craters" on the moons surface, yet none will all agree with each other.

There are pictures which show numerous red, blue, and white stars through the moon, but these are attained using cameras and telescopes, our eyes can only make out very few of the stars in them without using equipment. There is a centuries old description for this phenomena called the "Coleridge effect," named after the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge who first described it, refers to the phenomenon where stars become visible through the crescent of the moon, particularly during certain phases when the moon is waxing or waning. This effect occurs due to the combination of factors including the moon's translucent nature, its plasma composition, and its self-illumination, which I will explain below. Here is one picture from an independent astronomer hobbyist:


I could find you any number of pictures of this phenomena but like I said to see more of the stars through it the picture will be more grainier and less clear, but if this were some great council and we had people under our employ who could run all these videos and photos through analysis, I'm sure we would see the same thing the astronomers of old have been noted for seeing: stars in the moon.

This video is a short explanation by a telescope hobbyist who took pictures of the eclipse on September 27th, 2015 that shows many of these stars in the dark portion of the moon:

"Stars seen shining through moon"

The phenomena of "occulting" or passing in front of certain stars or "planets" also yields this effect:


The mainstream does not have an explanation for why occulted luminaries can also be seen during the waxing and waning phases on the dark portions where the other luminary is not supposed to be visible but is visible. They usually make up something for the things they can't explain.

However, there are explanations for this that take into account things which the mainstream has discarded when the "astronauts went up." The moon is not a passive reflector of sunlight. Instead, the moon generates its own light, akin to a celestial light source, it possesses inherent luminosity, which contributes to the illumination of its surface and surrounding environment. Experimental studies have documented various phenomena associated with moonlight, distinct from sunlight. The moon is not a solid object but rather a plasma luminary, an energetic entity composed of ionized gases and electromagnetic fields. Plasma luminaries exhibit dynamic behavior and interactions with surrounding energy fields. The moon interacts with energetic plasma fields present in the heavens, whose origins not even NASA claims to know, at least not to a gullible public, but I believe they are celestially magnetic These plasma fields influence the behavior and appearance of the moon, causing fluctuations in its emitted light and frequency.

Moonlight has been observed to have a cooling effect compared to sunlight, influencing temperature variations and environmental conditions. Moonlight exerts influence on various organisms and biological processes on Earth. Nocturnal animals, plants, and human circadian rhythms are all affected by the presence and characteristics of moonlight. For example, nocturnal animals exhibit changes in behavior in response to varying levels of moonlight, while plants may show growth patterns influenced by lunar cycles. These phenomena provide empirical evidence for the existence and properties of moonlight as a tangible and effectual variable, just like sunlight. The translucent aspect of its nature is also undeniable.

This transparency enables observers to see celestial bodies beyond the moon's surface, even during phases when only a portion of its disk is illuminated. The translucent nature of the moon facilitates the visibility of stars, planets, and other celestial objects against the lunar backdrop. What if this is just a trick of light? I don't think it is. Despite the moon's self-illumination, stars and celestial bodies beyond its surface remain visible to observers on Earth. The contrast between the illuminated portion of the moon's surface and the dark backdrop of the heavens enhances the visibility of celestial objects against the lunar background. This phenomenon allows astronomers and stargazers to observe stars, planets, and other celestial bodies through the translucent circle of the moon,

The Lunar wave phenomena supports these explanations, yet the conventional mainstream communities leave it as a subject of scientific interest and debate, with "no definitive explanation currently available." They give multiple hypotheses for why it exists but these are farcically laughable:

First so you can see it, develop your own opinion. This video shows a man's careful recordings of each event. Skip directly to 4:50 in the video to see the waves. The evidence in the camera footage has been analyzed by numerous experts and there is nothing wrong with the equipment and what we are seeing is a real phenomena and filmed events.

"Lunar Wave Events"

They give multiple hypotheses for why it exists but these are easily disprovable:

-Some researchers have suggested that the lunar wave may be caused by unusual atmospheric conditions or optical distortions that affect the light reaching the camera or recording device. However, this explanation is challenged by the consistent and uniform appearance of the lunar wave across different recordings and locations.

-Another hypothesis is that the lunar wave is an artifact produced by the digital sensors or processing algorithms used in modern cameras and video equipment. However, this explanation fails to account for the fact that the lunar wave has been observed by individuals using a variety of cameras and recording devices, including both digital and analog systems.

-A more speculative hypothesis proposes that the lunar wave may be caused by gravitational lensing effects produced by massive objects in space. According to this theory, the distortion observed on the moon's surface could be the result of gravitational waves or fluctuations bending the light from distant stars or galaxies as it passes near the moon. However, this explanation is purely speculative and lacks any empirical evidence to support it.

I will give one instead.

Continuing with the transparency description, as the moon interacts with these plasma fields, it undergoes rapid changes in luminosity and frequency, leading to the appearance of wave-like distortions on its surface. These distortions manifest as sudden horizontal ripples or waves that traverse the moon's circle, creating the observed lunar wave phenomenon. Explaining further, the interactions between the moon and surrounding plasma fields result in frequency modulation of the light emitted by the moon. This modulation produces visible distortions in the form of wave-like patterns, which appear to pass across the lunar surface as the plasma interactions fluctuate over time.

"Video: lunar wave enhancement footage"

After NASA's takeover of the airwaves and their gaggle of self-flagellating astro-worshipers to back them up, any attempt at re-examining our universe outside their control has been met with flak. The Earth cosmology is one great source of contention for many people, but even the concept of the moon as a self-illuminating entity challenges conventional cosmological models and prompts reevaluation of our understanding of celestial bodies and their interactions.

So it's not what the conspiratorially-minded people have suggested for years in it being a hologram, although this is similar to how holograms are made on a smaller scale, it is more or less likely close to the description that was found in Genesis, a light for its own purpose. The workings of the Lord are not all known to us, I do not think human science can break through this, no matter how hard it tries. They still can't perfect genetic studies despite all the blasphemous intentions and experiments that have been conducted. It just goes to show that working against God never yields any results.

The moon landing was a hoax but space is real.

Why is this such a talking point? I wonder why:

View attachment 7199

Glowies don't care about cosmology, astronomy, paleontology, meta-physics, nor do they care about praying, fasting, and adhering to the commandments, not even other things like gardening, nutrition, and philosophy. They care about their arrest quotas, their ability to infiltrate a paramilitary group who doesn't like the glowie's check-cutters and steer them to violence to further their own justification for existence, and their barking orders from their Rothschild masters, nothing more nothing less. Today's orders are to suppress any ethnic, racial, or cultural individuality that resists the jew, no matter where it is found. They also have a standing interest in keeping serfs believing in voting and trusting sellout politicians because it keeps their corrupt consortiums on life support. They are given free reign to harass parents who don't want their kids trannified, they don't have the energy to be everywhere at once, especially in a "diversity-hire" ocean full of mediocre lames. They had more involvement directly in "space" affairs during the tenures of American presidents Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Reagan because it was the true beginnings to the massive money laundering results in setting up the citizen spy networks. Everything is about fags, troons, muds, kvetching jews and whining women now.

For a hypothetical example: the minute this forum would start aggressively recruiting people to para-militarize an effort, everyone here should expect there to be considerable jewish funds spent on corralling it to either serve their ends as a golem or to get people to join and then commit acts of violence so they can use their dialectic to shut down what would have been a threat to them. That is cognitive infiltration in a nutshell. Merely distracting or leading people away from truth isn't good enough for these jackals, they want violence and bloodshed because it is all that their demonic masters care for.
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There are comments, depending on which link, the video is uploaded on Bitchute about 12 times. Most of it is just rock-mooners and non-rock-mooners going back and forth so it seems irrelevant to a civilized discussion. Does something need to have comments in order to prove a veritas? If commenting is disabled, then I am usually skeptical, but this is freely able to be commented on. The one on jewtube has comments, so why are you saying it does not? The video is called "20 Proofs NASA faked the moon landings". I don't post jewtube links here, but it's there if you go look it up.

If the moon is allegedly out in the blackness of space some quarter-million miles away, how is it possible for there to be a blue sky behind it? Stars can be seen during its waxing or waning phases in the sections of where the other portions of the moon supposedly are.

View attachment 7261

Also clouds can be seen both in front of and behind it at the same time, which further clarifies its existence as a luminary, likely an entity that changes its state of matter, which is closest to plasma. It is something that is divine and has a Holy purpose which was written about in Scripture and other ancient scrolls numerous times:

"Clouds in Front of and Behind The Moon"

It is self-illuminating and partially transparent depending on whether or not it is in a state of flux.

The tapes, whether they are original or re-edited are still damning to the concepts of the frame of physics we are given for Earth and the imaginary ones for the imaginary moon rock. When we have an atmosphere, things can float, and we see the "astronauts" jumping in the videos. They land back because of the presence of excess atmosphere which allows them to float, which is further proved by the vacuum experiment. When a vacuum is created, a feather and a ball land instantaneously when dropped, at the same time. Their jumps would be immediately halted and brought to the moon surface instantaneously if they were in an environment with no alleged atmosphere. This is because there is atmosphere present, which is not the moon but only the surface of our Earth.

I may not be a rocket scientist but if I were, the Van Allyn belt would be my greatest enemy, followed closely by Joule's free expansion.

Perhaps he put it as the first point because it was establishing the larger perspective of the moon not being something that the following 19 points would work with. It is more clever ordering than the idea of poisoning the well, because it reinforces how bogus NASA's claims are. As for the observation of objects through the transparency of the moon, there is no current widely-known mainstream explanation for this visual phenomena, there are only assumptions based on their pre-existing framework. Some scientists will say its moon mountains whose peaks are shining through the lunar terminator, others will say its the ISS, crossing the path of the moon the very same second the picture was taken, some will say it's "craters" on the moons surface, yet none will all agree with each other.

There are pictures which show numerous red, blue, and white stars through the moon, but these are attained using cameras and telescopes, our eyes can only make out very few of the stars in them without using equipment. There is a centuries old description for this phenomena called the "Coleridge effect," named after the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge who first described it, refers to the phenomenon where stars become visible through the crescent of the moon, particularly during certain phases when the moon is waxing or waning. This effect occurs due to the combination of factors including the moon's translucent nature, its plasma composition, and its self-illumination, which I will explain below. Here is one picture from an independent astronomer hobbyist:

View attachment 7262

I could find you any number of pictures of this phenomena but like I said to see more of the stars through it the picture will be more grainier and less clear, but if this were some great council and we had people under our employ who could run all these videos and photos through analysis, I'm sure we would see the same thing the astronomers of old have been noted for seeing: stars in the moon.

This video is a short explanation by a telescope hobbyist who took pictures of the eclipse on September 27th, 2015 that shows many of these stars in the dark portion of the moon:

"Stars seen shining through moon"

The phenomena of "occulting" or passing in front of certain stars or "planets" also yields this effect:

View attachment 7263

The mainstream does not have an explanation for why occulted luminaries can also be seen during the waxing and waning phases on the dark portions where the other luminary is not supposed to be visible but is visible. They usually make up something for the things they can't explain.

However, there are explanations for this that take into account things which the mainstream has discarded when the "astronauts went up." The moon is not a passive reflector of sunlight. Instead, the moon generates its own light, akin to a celestial light source, it possesses inherent luminosity, which contributes to the illumination of its surface and surrounding environment. Experimental studies have documented various phenomena associated with moonlight, distinct from sunlight. The moon is not a solid object but rather a plasma luminary, an energetic entity composed of ionized gases and electromagnetic fields. Plasma luminaries exhibit dynamic behavior and interactions with surrounding energy fields. The moon interacts with energetic plasma fields present in the heavens, whose origins not even NASA claims to know, at least not to a gullible public, but I believe they are celestially magnetic These plasma fields influence the behavior and appearance of the moon, causing fluctuations in its emitted light and frequency.

Moonlight has been observed to have a cooling effect compared to sunlight, influencing temperature variations and environmental conditions. Moonlight exerts influence on various organisms and biological processes on Earth. Nocturnal animals, plants, and human circadian rhythms are all affected by the presence and characteristics of moonlight. For example, nocturnal animals exhibit changes in behavior in response to varying levels of moonlight, while plants may show growth patterns influenced by lunar cycles. These phenomena provide empirical evidence for the existence and properties of moonlight as a tangible and effectual variable, just like sunlight. The translucent aspect of its nature is also undeniable.

This transparency enables observers to see celestial bodies beyond the moon's surface, even during phases when only a portion of its disk is illuminated. The translucent nature of the moon facilitates the visibility of stars, planets, and other celestial objects against the lunar backdrop. What if this is just a trick of light? I don't think it is. Despite the moon's self-illumination, stars and celestial bodies beyond its surface remain visible to observers on Earth. The contrast between the illuminated portion of the moon's surface and the dark backdrop of the heavens enhances the visibility of celestial objects against the lunar background. This phenomenon allows astronomers and stargazers to observe stars, planets, and other celestial bodies through the translucent circle of the moon,

The Lunar wave phenomena supports these explanations, yet the conventional mainstream communities leave it as a subject of scientific interest and debate, with "no definitive explanation currently available." They give multiple hypotheses for why it exists but these are farcically laughable:

First so you can see it, develop your own opinion. This video shows a man's careful recordings of each event. Skip directly to 4:50 in the video to see the waves. The evidence in the camera footage has been analyzed by numerous experts and there is nothing wrong with the equipment and what we are seeing is a real phenomena and filmed events.

"Lunar Wave Events"

They give multiple hypotheses for why it exists but these are easily disprovable:

-Some researchers have suggested that the lunar wave may be caused by unusual atmospheric conditions or optical distortions that affect the light reaching the camera or recording device. However, this explanation is challenged by the consistent and uniform appearance of the lunar wave across different recordings and locations.

-Another hypothesis is that the lunar wave is an artifact produced by the digital sensors or processing algorithms used in modern cameras and video equipment. However, this explanation fails to account for the fact that the lunar wave has been observed by individuals using a variety of cameras and recording devices, including both digital and analog systems.

-A more speculative hypothesis proposes that the lunar wave may be caused by gravitational lensing effects produced by massive objects in space. According to this theory, the distortion observed on the moon's surface could be the result of gravitational waves or fluctuations bending the light from distant stars or galaxies as it passes near the moon. However, this explanation is purely speculative and lacks any empirical evidence to support it.

I will give one instead.

Continuing with the transparency description, as the moon interacts with these plasma fields, it undergoes rapid changes in luminosity and frequency, leading to the appearance of wave-like distortions on its surface. These distortions manifest as sudden horizontal ripples or waves that traverse the moon's circle, creating the observed lunar wave phenomenon. Explaining further, the interactions between the moon and surrounding plasma fields result in frequency modulation of the light emitted by the moon. This modulation produces visible distortions in the form of wave-like patterns, which appear to pass across the lunar surface as the plasma interactions fluctuate over time.

"Video: lunar wave enhancement footage"

After NASA's takeover of the airwaves and their gaggle of self-flagellating astro-worshipers to back them up, any attempt at re-examining our universe outside their control has been met with flak. The Earth cosmology is one great source of contention for many people, but even the concept of the moon as a self-illuminating entity challenges conventional cosmological models and prompts reevaluation of our understanding of celestial bodies and their interactions.

So it's not what the conspiratorially-minded people have suggested for years in it being a hologram, although this is similar to how holograms are made on a smaller scale, it is more or less likely close to the description that was found in Genesis, a light for its own purpose. The workings of the Lord are not all known to us, I do not think human science can break through this, no matter how hard it tries. They still can't perfect genetic studies despite all the blasphemous intentions and experiments that have been conducted. It just goes to show that working against God never yields any results.

Glowies don't care about cosmology, astronomy, paleontology, meta-physics, nor do they care about praying, fasting, and adhering to the commandments, not even other things like gardening, nutrition, and philosophy. They care about their arrest quotas, their ability to infiltrate a paramilitary group who doesn't like the glowie's check-cutters and steer them to violence to further their own justification for existence, and their barking orders from their Rothschild masters, nothing more nothing less. Today's orders are to suppress any ethnic, racial, or cultural individuality that resists the jew, no matter where it is found. They also have a standing interest in keeping serfs believing in voting and trusting sellout politicians because it keeps their corrupt consortiums on life support. They are given free reign to harass parents who don't want their kids trannified, they don't have the energy to be everywhere at once, especially in a "diversity-hire" ocean full of mediocre lames. They had more involvement directly in "space" affairs during the tenures of American presidents Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Reagan because it was the true beginnings to the massive money laundering results in setting up the citizen spy networks. Everything is about fags, troons, muds, kvetching jews and whining women now.

For a hypothetical example: the minute this forum would start aggressively recruiting people to para-militarize an effort, everyone here should expect there to be considerable jewish funds spent on corralling it to either serve their ends as a golem or to get people to join and then commit acts of violence so they can use their dialectic to shut down what would have been a threat to them. That is cognitive infiltration in a nutshell. Merely distracting or leading people away from truth isn't good enough for these jackals, they want violence and bloodshed because it is all that their demonic masters care for.

Bro, I cut down your diatribe to one image, I appreciate your contributions to this forum in general but sometimes you just need to look in a telescope.

Did you watch the eclipse?
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There are comments, depending on which link, the video is uploaded on Bitchute about 12 times. Most of it is just rock-mooners and non-rock-mooners going back and forth so it seems irrelevant to a civilized discussion. Does something need to have comments in order to prove a veritas? If commenting is disabled, then I am usually skeptical, but this is freely able to be commented on. The one on jewtube has comments, so why are you saying it does not? The video is called "20 Proofs NASA faked the moon landings". I don't post jewtube links here, but it's there if you go look it up.

If the moon is allegedly out in the blackness of space some quarter-million miles away, how is it possible for there to be a blue sky behind it? Stars can be seen during its waxing or waning phases in the sections of where the other portions of the moon supposedly are.

View attachment 7261

Also clouds can be seen both in front of and behind it at the same time, which further clarifies its existence as a luminary, likely an entity that changes its state of matter, which is closest to plasma. It is something that is divine and has a Holy purpose which was written about in Scripture and other ancient scrolls numerous times:

"Clouds in Front of and Behind The Moon"

It is self-illuminating and partially transparent depending on whether or not it is in a state of flux.

The tapes, whether they are original or re-edited are still damning to the concepts of the frame of physics we are given for Earth and the imaginary ones for the imaginary moon rock. When we have an atmosphere, things can float, and we see the "astronauts" jumping in the videos. They land back because of the presence of excess atmosphere which allows them to float, which is further proved by the vacuum experiment. When a vacuum is created, a feather and a ball land instantaneously when dropped, at the same time. Their jumps would be immediately halted and brought to the moon surface instantaneously if they were in an environment with no alleged atmosphere. This is because there is atmosphere present, which is not the moon but only the surface of our Earth.

I may not be a rocket scientist but if I were, the Van Allyn belt would be my greatest enemy, followed closely by Joule's free expansion.

Perhaps he put it as the first point because it was establishing the larger perspective of the moon not being something that the following 19 points would work with. It is more clever ordering than the idea of poisoning the well, because it reinforces how bogus NASA's claims are. As for the observation of objects through the transparency of the moon, there is no current widely-known mainstream explanation for this visual phenomena, there are only assumptions based on their pre-existing framework. Some scientists will say its moon mountains whose peaks are shining through the lunar terminator, others will say its the ISS, crossing the path of the moon the very same second the picture was taken, some will say it's "craters" on the moons surface, yet none will all agree with each other.

There are pictures which show numerous red, blue, and white stars through the moon, but these are attained using cameras and telescopes, our eyes can only make out very few of the stars in them without using equipment. There is a centuries old description for this phenomena called the "Coleridge effect," named after the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge who first described it, refers to the phenomenon where stars become visible through the crescent of the moon, particularly during certain phases when the moon is waxing or waning. This effect occurs due to the combination of factors including the moon's translucent nature, its plasma composition, and its self-illumination, which I will explain below. Here is one picture from an independent astronomer hobbyist:

View attachment 7262

I could find you any number of pictures of this phenomena but like I said to see more of the stars through it the picture will be more grainier and less clear, but if this were some great council and we had people under our employ who could run all these videos and photos through analysis, I'm sure we would see the same thing the astronomers of old have been noted for seeing: stars in the moon.

This video is a short explanation by a telescope hobbyist who took pictures of the eclipse on September 27th, 2015 that shows many of these stars in the dark portion of the moon:

"Stars seen shining through moon"

The phenomena of "occulting" or passing in front of certain stars or "planets" also yields this effect:

View attachment 7263

The mainstream does not have an explanation for why occulted luminaries can also be seen during the waxing and waning phases on the dark portions where the other luminary is not supposed to be visible but is visible. They usually make up something for the things they can't explain.

However, there are explanations for this that take into account things which the mainstream has discarded when the "astronauts went up." The moon is not a passive reflector of sunlight. Instead, the moon generates its own light, akin to a celestial light source, it possesses inherent luminosity, which contributes to the illumination of its surface and surrounding environment. Experimental studies have documented various phenomena associated with moonlight, distinct from sunlight. The moon is not a solid object but rather a plasma luminary, an energetic entity composed of ionized gases and electromagnetic fields. Plasma luminaries exhibit dynamic behavior and interactions with surrounding energy fields. The moon interacts with energetic plasma fields present in the heavens, whose origins not even NASA claims to know, at least not to a gullible public, but I believe they are celestially magnetic These plasma fields influence the behavior and appearance of the moon, causing fluctuations in its emitted light and frequency.

Moonlight has been observed to have a cooling effect compared to sunlight, influencing temperature variations and environmental conditions. Moonlight exerts influence on various organisms and biological processes on Earth. Nocturnal animals, plants, and human circadian rhythms are all affected by the presence and characteristics of moonlight. For example, nocturnal animals exhibit changes in behavior in response to varying levels of moonlight, while plants may show growth patterns influenced by lunar cycles. These phenomena provide empirical evidence for the existence and properties of moonlight as a tangible and effectual variable, just like sunlight. The translucent aspect of its nature is also undeniable.

This transparency enables observers to see celestial bodies beyond the moon's surface, even during phases when only a portion of its disk is illuminated. The translucent nature of the moon facilitates the visibility of stars, planets, and other celestial objects against the lunar backdrop. What if this is just a trick of light? I don't think it is. Despite the moon's self-illumination, stars and celestial bodies beyond its surface remain visible to observers on Earth. The contrast between the illuminated portion of the moon's surface and the dark backdrop of the heavens enhances the visibility of celestial objects against the lunar background. This phenomenon allows astronomers and stargazers to observe stars, planets, and other celestial bodies through the translucent circle of the moon,

The Lunar wave phenomena supports these explanations, yet the conventional mainstream communities leave it as a subject of scientific interest and debate, with "no definitive explanation currently available." They give multiple hypotheses for why it exists but these are farcically laughable:

First so you can see it, develop your own opinion. This video shows a man's careful recordings of each event. Skip directly to 4:50 in the video to see the waves. The evidence in the camera footage has been analyzed by numerous experts and there is nothing wrong with the equipment and what we are seeing is a real phenomena and filmed events.

"Lunar Wave Events"

They give multiple hypotheses for why it exists but these are easily disprovable:

-Some researchers have suggested that the lunar wave may be caused by unusual atmospheric conditions or optical distortions that affect the light reaching the camera or recording device. However, this explanation is challenged by the consistent and uniform appearance of the lunar wave across different recordings and locations.

-Another hypothesis is that the lunar wave is an artifact produced by the digital sensors or processing algorithms used in modern cameras and video equipment. However, this explanation fails to account for the fact that the lunar wave has been observed by individuals using a variety of cameras and recording devices, including both digital and analog systems.

-A more speculative hypothesis proposes that the lunar wave may be caused by gravitational lensing effects produced by massive objects in space. According to this theory, the distortion observed on the moon's surface could be the result of gravitational waves or fluctuations bending the light from distant stars or galaxies as it passes near the moon. However, this explanation is purely speculative and lacks any empirical evidence to support it.

I will give one instead.

Continuing with the transparency description, as the moon interacts with these plasma fields, it undergoes rapid changes in luminosity and frequency, leading to the appearance of wave-like distortions on its surface. These distortions manifest as sudden horizontal ripples or waves that traverse the moon's circle, creating the observed lunar wave phenomenon. Explaining further, the interactions between the moon and surrounding plasma fields result in frequency modulation of the light emitted by the moon. This modulation produces visible distortions in the form of wave-like patterns, which appear to pass across the lunar surface as the plasma interactions fluctuate over time.

"Video: lunar wave enhancement footage"

After NASA's takeover of the airwaves and their gaggle of self-flagellating astro-worshipers to back them up, any attempt at re-examining our universe outside their control has been met with flak. The Earth cosmology is one great source of contention for many people, but even the concept of the moon as a self-illuminating entity challenges conventional cosmological models and prompts reevaluation of our understanding of celestial bodies and their interactions.

So it's not what the conspiratorially-minded people have suggested for years in it being a hologram, although this is similar to how holograms are made on a smaller scale, it is more or less likely close to the description that was found in Genesis, a light for its own purpose. The workings of the Lord are not all known to us, I do not think human science can break through this, no matter how hard it tries. They still can't perfect genetic studies despite all the blasphemous intentions and experiments that have been conducted. It just goes to show that working against God never yields any results.

Glowies don't care about cosmology, astronomy, paleontology, meta-physics, nor do they care about praying, fasting, and adhering to the commandments, not even other things like gardening, nutrition, and philosophy. They care about their arrest quotas, their ability to infiltrate a paramilitary group who doesn't like the glowie's check-cutters and steer them to violence to further their own justification for existence, and their barking orders from their Rothschild masters, nothing more nothing less. Today's orders are to suppress any ethnic, racial, or cultural individuality that resists the jew, no matter where it is found. They also have a standing interest in keeping serfs believing in voting and trusting sellout politicians because it keeps their corrupt consortiums on life support. They are given free reign to harass parents who don't want their kids trannified, they don't have the energy to be everywhere at once, especially in a "diversity-hire" ocean full of mediocre lames. They had more involvement directly in "space" affairs during the tenures of American presidents Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Reagan because it was the true beginnings to the massive money laundering results in setting up the citizen spy networks. Everything is about fags, troons, muds, kvetching jews and whining women now.

For a hypothetical example: the minute this forum would start aggressively recruiting people to para-militarize an effort, everyone here should expect there to be considerable jewish funds spent on corralling it to either serve their ends as a golem or to get people to join and then commit acts of violence so they can use their dialectic to shut down what would have been a threat to them. That is cognitive infiltration in a nutshell. Merely distracting or leading people away from truth isn't good enough for these jackals, they want violence and bloodshed because it is all that their demonic masters care for.

Dude those are just satellites in front of the moon, or problems with the camera that took the photos. All of those "stars" are far too bright to be a star. Unless you are looking through a telescope, there's almost no way to tell what you are looking at in space.

None of your pictures are through a telescope = junk.

Likewise the clouds aren't going behind the moon, they are simply disappearing in the light of the moon.
I find it interesting to use a telescope to debunk a telescope. Like I said before; stare through one and you'll see the craters etc.

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If the moon is allegedly out in the blackness of space some quarter-million miles away, how is it possible for there to be a blue sky behind it?
The blue of the sky comes from sunlight deflected in the atmosphere. You see the part of the moon bright enough to penetrate that sunlight.