The more I see of such debauched behavior, the more I want to join a monastery. Quo vadis, western woman? Men, stop simping!
Apparently, all that sex is making her go bald.The more I see of such debauched behavior, the more I want to join a monastery. Quo vadis, western woman? Men, stop simping!
There's just something wrong with someone who does this - man or woman. Demonic possession?
Perhaps this has always been true..
I've posted extensively on this topic through the years, and the biggest issues seem to be that a) women have either no awareness of just how short their (high SMV) window is, for whatever reason and b) as a result, they are clueless and lack all humility in what they should be doing, which is playing the long game. Of course, this is mostly true for women of above average attractiveness, since most women (not all) that are average to below average must have other characteristics that they might use to even have a chance at attracting a man.I can't disagree with this, however it only tells part of the story. Most highly attractive women are also narcissists or on the BPD spectrum, especially the older they get. Additionally, most highly attractive women have a huge body count that no self-respecting man will want to marry or deal with long-term.
A lot of this in the modern, developed world is the combination of excess and wealth, also with a huge influx of mostly males, and many of those from ancestral regions where all manner of behavior and attitude is demonstrated. Put a different way, another one of my favorite topics that basically controls the sexual dynamic, M:F ratio, is the most important aspect in determining what behaviors (or fitness) men accept from women.The modern woman is being destroyed because the modern man is being destroyed. If men ceased accepting the behaviour, the phenomena of women sleeping around, drinking their faces off, and being "sarcastic and sassy" would end overnight.
Fix thyself, and the world around you gets a little brighter.
With due respect, you must be living in an oasis of rather self-aware, prudent and introspective men.90% of western men today are within inches of chucking it all and living in a mountain cabin.
Meanwhile 90% of women are still window shopping at Tiffanys, thinking the world revolves around them.
Men and women are NOT the same.
I agree that men should cease accepting the behavior. The thing is, most men struggle to have and keep women, and if a lot of these men check out, women will continue to behave in their way with increasingly smaller percentages of "high-value" men. How can men with little sexual market value recontrol the narrative around women's behavior? I have no answers except the percentage of "high-value" men decreases to the point where women must start changing their behavior in order to have the kind of relationship they are looking for and for knowledge of the unsuccessful woman who has slept with many men, or even only a few, to be increasingly about them being utterly miserable.The modern woman is being destroyed because the modern man is being destroyed. If men ceased accepting the behaviour, the phenomena of women sleeping around, drinking their faces off, and being "sarcastic and sassy" would end overnight.
Fix thyself, and the world around you gets a little brighter.
The more I see of such debauched behavior, the more I want to join a monastery. Quo vadis, western woman? Men, stop simping!