Young People Converting to Islam

Religion of peace; Quran burner shot and killed:

Iraqis showing the world not only do they now allow marriage of 9 year olds but also support killing a man for burning a goddamn BOOK that you can buy for $10.

Anyways he is dead, remember Islamophobia isn’t a fear of Islam nor is it irrational, it’s a hatred of the devil and the impending threat that dark age barbaric Arab tribal gnostic cult has on the rest of the world.

A Jewish guy claiming to be Momika's friend is now saying they will burn the Qu'ran in Manchester.

I've recently learned that the claim of Islamic Countries being more advanced than Christian ones is a complete and total lie.

Because those middle eastern countries were more advanced than the western countries in some cases yes, but only when they were still mostly Christian.

When invaded in the 7th and 8th centuries by the Arab Conquests, some of them had 80% Christian populations with only 20% being Muslim.

634–638 CE
The Rashidun Caliphate annexed the Levant
The Muslim armies conquered Syria, Palestine, and Lebanon after the Battle of Yarmouk
The Muslim army defeated the Sassanid Empire in Iraq at the Battle of Qadasiya
The Umayyads conquered Hispania, establishing Islam's first foothold in continental Europe

The Middle East only became majority Muslim in the 12th Century, and the end of their scientific Golden Age is considered between the 14th Century and 16th Century. Notably, there are still Christians today in nearly all Middle East countries invaded in the 8th Century Conquests, with for example Egypt still have a large population.
Hold on, there's like two dozen more countries than this, including Christian Egypt, the three Nubian Kingdoms of Sudan, Somalia, Christian Libya, Christian Armenia, Christian Sicily, parts of Christian Russia and Christian Ukraine, Persia which had some Christians, and some raiders even reached deep into France of all places and threatened to conquer France before being beaten back.

Christian Pakistan, Christian Maghreb.

All of the ones mentioned in the original post were Christian. Christian Levant, Christian Palestine, Christian Lebanon, Christian Iraq, Christian Hispania which was reduced to nothing but 200 monks in the mountains who then spent nearly 800 years, starting from 720 and ending in 1492 when they expelled all of the Jews who didn't convert to Christian, because they opened the Gates of Toledo letting the Muslims conquer the whole country in the first place.