Young People Converting to Islam

Islam is only superficially "based", if you can even call it that. Muslims all too often do not have issues with paedophilia or inbreeding. Generally they are pretty degenerate. Their notion of paradise is essentially a 15 year olds coomer fantasy.

They are barbaric thugs. Whilst people might commend them for not being cucked to feminism, they tend to go too far to the opposite extreme. They do not treat women with anything like Christian love and dignity. Female genital mutilation being a prime example of this.

Their theology is retarded and based on fundamental ignorance of both Old and New Testaments.

All these "based Taliban" folks should go and live in a s**thole like Pakistan and then come back and report on how wonderful Islam is.
I think one of the biggest advantages Islam has at this point is it hasn't cucked on the feminism issue like a lot of Christian churches/authorities have. Young Muslim men are often able to marry young virgin Muslim women. Whereas Christianity in the past 30 years as a whole has offered nothing to young men. To me its quite clear why so many young men are turning to Islam.
So you are right in saying that but I would also like to mention that the Orthodox church has not gotten into feminism at all, a woman is never allowed to be a priest, same sex marriage and relationships are forbidden and even if a priest finds out that you support abortion he can prevent you from partaking of Holy communion as abortion is a great sin in Orthodoxy, so authentic Christianity has a lot to offer men but orthodoxy is less than 2% in USA its still growing give it time its also still growing in Western Europe.

Regarding the virginity of Muslim woman I dont know for sure, maybe in Sharia law countries but Muslims in western countries Im not too convinced as there is no heavy punishment if they do have sex they cant get stoned, human beings have the same sin nature and desires all over the world even in Islamic countries they have high porn consumption, I once read that some of the most searched words on google in Islamic countries is sex, they also have the highest hyman surgery for woman so when they get married it looks like they are still virgins which is quite suspect to me but I do like the fact that Muslims are pro life, no feminism and they dont support same sex marriage and that they value family, so do we Orthodox.

Regarding the virginity of Muslim woman I dont know for sure, maybe in Sharia law countries but Muslims in western countries Im not too convinced
as there is no heavy punishment if they do have sex they cant get stoned, human beings have the same sin nature and desires all over the world even in Islamic countries they have high porn consumption, I once read that some of the most searched words on google in Islamic countries is sex, they also have the highest hyman surgery for woman so when they get married it looks like they are still virgins which is quite suspect to me but I do like the fact that Muslims are pro life, no feminism and they dont support same sex marriage and that they value family, so do we Orthodox.
Muslim women are honestly some of the biggest offenders when the social ramifications for bad behavior are taken away. Especially teens and early adult women. Whether this is because they are irresponsible with handling new found freedom, extremely corruptible western influence, or something in their genetics which makes them more prone to this type of behavior, or a mix of the three, is yet to be really discovered.

Maybe this is just the cycle for how degeneracy starts and runs? Most of us are around the 20 - 50 yr old age group so we weren't around to witness the before and after of the original hippie and feminist movements where all of this started. We've basically grown up with this behavior already somewhat normalized but getting continually worse.
Until Christianity as a whole stops cucking on the feminism issue it’s not going to gain mass adoption with young men. Chruches need to drum into women's heads every single week the importance of them keeping their virginity until marriage.

Muslims are successful because they do things forcefully. Not all Muslims are equal though, they have serious structural problems where some ethnicities lack conviction in Islam, their upper class admiring European hedonism, social media brainwashing, trying to compete with other men perceived to be successful/Chads, Jewish meddling etc.

The advantage of Muslims is their legacy religious nepotism. They will always help their own and take their side. This is done as a power maintance strategy. They feel powerful inside their religion and they want to maintain it. Nothing of the sort exists in the west except with criminals. This is why there’s such a big correlation between white nationalism and crime. Once you experience the brotherhood that exists between criminals, especially of the same race as is usually the case, you realize how powerful such a thing is and how much you need it. That’s why I always try to preach that they stripped you of your power as a man. You should be dangerous. You should be forceful and unapologetical. As a kid my life at home was undemocratic, I literally had no say. Every other white kid was living in an episode of Friends. People can’t even raise kids anymore.

There is no teaching women that feminism is wrong. You can’t teach a woman she is beneath you. You have to use force. There is zero indication western men have even pondered this idea. I literally clicked on some prison interview yesterday where the guy said other races don’t think raping a white woman is a violation of prison rules and it’s actually cool unlike the noble whites who kill white rapists. The math doesn’t check out here, killing your own + other races embracing anti-white criminals = no word of consequences.

If you don’t think your world view is worth enforcing regardless of laws and people’s opinion, why even believe in it? Omg I wish feminism would disappear and I’ll wait until people stop believing in it so I can start living my life.
Until Christianity as a whole stops cucking on the feminism issue its not going to gain mass adoption with young men. Chruches need to drum into women's heads every single week the importance of them keeping their virginity until marriage.
Until Christianity as a whole stops cucking on the feminism issue its not going to gain mass adoption with young men. Chruches need to drum into women's heads every single week the importance of them keeping their virginity until marriage.
The Orthodox church is doing a good job dont worry.
Anyone who thinks Islam has anything to offer should go and live in an Islamic country for a time and report back.

There is a reason why European and by extension American civilization has something to offer. It was built on Christianity. That's the reason why Muslims want out of their countries and into ours. Secularists fail to understand this and think that we can slice the branches we are sitting in from the tree and maintain prosperity. We can't.

Islam is not the answer. The Islamification of the West would be the destruction of everything that makes us great. You might get your virgin with a bedsheet on her head but it would be at the expense of a functional society. And if you disagree, again, you can go and give Pakistan a try and report back to me in a year