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World Economic Forum - Davos

I considered myself quite well read on the "conspiracy" side of things.

That was until I learnt about the WEF in Davos during the Covid and BLM wars. I used to listen to a lot of Alex Jones, David Icke, Jeff Rense and the late Alan Watt from Cutting Through the Matrix but I had heard nothing about the WEF despite it being around for a while.

Had anyone here heard of the WEF before the election year Covid release?
Watching the output from the current WEF conference, I think they should rebrand it "UEF," the Useless Eater Forum.
I considered myself quite well read on the "conspiracy" side of things.

That was until I learnt about the WEF in Davos during the Covid and BLM wars. I used to listen to a lot of Alex Jones, David Icke, Jeff Rense and the late Alan Watt from Cutting Through the Matrix but I had heard nothing about the WEF despite it being around for a while.

Had anyone here heard of the WEF before the election year Covid release?
I have heard of the Davos meetings for a long time. I used to like NPR for a long time, and they would cover it. I can't listen to NPR anymore though. They've gone insane.
It looks like me not knowing about the WEF until the Covid Wars was due to one massive blindspot.
I've followed news about these various international groups since I first learned about the Trilateral Commission in high school, around 1980. You've got the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg group, the WEF, the Council on Foriegn Relations, the G20 and G8 summits, and others like them. The global government, finance, corporate, and academic elites have been getting together to scheme and conspire for a long time.

I'm not super wrapped up in following these things, but if I see news items about them I"ll usually read or watch a little, similar to how the current WEF meeting is in the news now.
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He's supposed to take over for his father, I'm simply not impressed, going on like a 8th grader fulfilling a word limit for a group project. People like Soros and Kissinger were terrible people but they knew who, when and where to strike, you had to respect it. It's being replaced by punks like this. I try to take these guys seriously, trying to ruin everyone's lives but then they mumble around like this and they make it really hard to.

When I see Alex Soros one word always comes to my mind.

Looks like MicroSchwartz is hinting at removing an undesirable candidate for Pres.

I considered myself quite well read on the "conspiracy" side of things.

That was until I learnt about the WEF in Davos during the Covid and BLM wars. I used to listen to a lot of Alex Jones, David Icke, Jeff Rense and the late Alan Watt from Cutting Through the Matrix but I had heard nothing about the WEF despite it being around for a while.

Had anyone here heard of the WEF before the election year Covid release?
Yes, I knew about it in the 90s. My boss at the time was invited to go.
Looks like MicroSchwartz is hinting at removing an undesirable candidate for Pres.

The news article interprets it wrong. Alex is actually saying that since crime and inflation are down, this puts a bullet into those who were predicting the defeat of Joe Biden, thus, he should be able to win again easily.