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World Economic Forum - Davos

Transdermal absorption can be lethal but the compounds are different than the ones injected intravenously. They would have to make patches with a significant chemical profile. Same thing with the aerosol-spray "vaccines." They know the best way to kill someone is with a direct injection, but that will not stop them from using every available means. I half-expected the heart attack gun method to be employed on a large scale with the induction of MRNA graphene injections coupled with controlled bursts from radiofrequency towers in densely-populated areas. If they could get the formula just right, they could do a mass genocide all at once. The slow kill-off is still part of their goals, but remember these self-proclaimed "elitists" are dying in their 100s even after a nearly a century of sacrificing children to satiate their decaying bodies, their patience is running out as the devil has not given them their promised fleshly "immortality". They will accelerate until they are stopped with physical violence and force of arms by those who refuse to be experimented on.

A more level headed look at this group. Either way, certainly not a benign group, and they have shown they do not care about the lives of those they deem lower than them. Comments section is encouraging.
He's supposed to take over for his father, I'm simply not impressed, going on like a 8th grader fulfilling a word limit for a group project. People like Soros and Kissinger were terrible people but they knew who, when and where to strike, you had to respect it. It's being replaced by punks like this. I try to take these guys seriously, trying to ruin everyone's lives but then they mumble around like this and they make it really hard to.

He's supposed to take over for his father, I'm simply not impressed, going on like a 8th grader fulfilling a word limit for a group project. People like Soros and Kissinger were terrible people but they knew who, when and where to strike, you had to respect it. It's being replaced by punks like this. I try to take these guys seriously, trying to ruin everyone's lives but then they mumble around like this and they make it really hard to.

The formerly human gadget fetishist forms the baseline for WEF membership/speakership. Some, like this one, come also with birthright decrepitude.
I would guess it will likely be the Microneedle array patch (MN) that is based on the venom delivery system of a rear fanged snake. Each needle has up to 6 grooves which draw the medication out when the patch is pressed into the skin. (2019)


MN Tech is big business too. It's assumed that it will likely greatly reduce the cost of production. You have a delivery system that bypasses the vital organs, removes the need for trained personnel, (ease of use) and needle phobia (pain free) and can be stored at room temp. Another incentive to make another big profit like last time with Covid.

Think of the masses using a "snake patch" to inject this poison? How easy it'll be just to do it all from home.
Back to the garden of Eden.
I would guess it will likely be the Microneedle array patch (MN) that is based on the venom delivery system of a rear fanged snake. Each needle has up to 6 grooves which draw the medication out when the patch is pressed into the skin. (2019)


MN Tech is big business too. It's assumed that it will likely greatly reduce the cost of production. You have a delivery system that bypasses the vital organs, removes the need for trained personnel, (ease of use) and needle phobia (pain free) and can be stored at room temp. Another incentive to make another big profit like last time with Covid.

Think of the masses using a "snake patch" to inject this poison? How easy it'll be just to do it all from home.
Back to the garden of Eden.
How would they verify compliance if you can take it home and toss it in the trash? I'd be curious how they see that working. They are a group that seems against anything involving choice.
How would they verify compliance if you can take it home and toss it in the trash? I'd be curious how they see that working. They are a group that seems against anything involving choice.

I don't know. It's certainly SCI-Fi stuff. Probably still some years away... but I do know they have wearable tech that can be associated with these patches. Programmable CRISPr Tech allowing real time monitoring. A study below:


....Here we show the synergetic effect of CRISPR-activated graphene biointerfaces, and report an on-line wearable microneedle patch for extraction and in vivo long-term monitoring of universal cell-free DNA.
He's supposed to take over for his father, I'm simply not impressed, going on like a 8th grader fulfilling a word limit for a group project. People like Soros and Kissinger were terrible people but they knew who, when and where to strike, you had to respect it. It's being replaced by punks like this. I try to take these guys seriously, trying to ruin everyone's lives but then they mumble around like this and they make it really hard to.

This guy has the verbal intelligence of an autistic 11 year old.

I'm not as worried with idiots like this at the helm of the evil Soros fund.
How would they verify compliance if you can take it home and toss it in the trash? I'd be curious how they see that working. They are a group that seems against anything involving choice.

Just to add, I'm not sure the need to verify compliance. At least not yet - In the same way many who took the PCR tests at home never felt that way. Most people will take it, depending on the level of fear and propaganda.

You could of course argue that PCR tests aren't the same as Vax compliance but I believe it's really about introducing Big Pharma to be user friendly, and a normal way of life. Including taking away the whole "mask wearing, line up for a jab" normality.
He's supposed to take over for his father, I'm simply not impressed, going on like a 8th grader fulfilling a word limit for a group project. People like Soros and Kissinger were terrible people but they knew who, when and where to strike, you had to respect it. It's being replaced by punks like this. I try to take these guys seriously, trying to ruin everyone's lives but then they mumble around like this and they make it really hard to.

He sounds like he's on ritalin or an upper.