Words and Phrases You Don't Hear Anymore

It's not "jerry-rig", it's "jury-rig." It's a corruption of the French word "jour" (day) referring to something which is a temporary fix, i.e., " for the day." It's an old nautical expression.
Jerry rig is definitely used. I have heard it and seen it in writing since the 70s. Jury rig is also used, but it's not one or the other. N-word rig is used, and probably some others.
Broad (for any woman)
You know what's weird...I've seen Alec Baldwin use that term in two different movies he was in, Glengarry Glen Ross and The Edge, neither of which was from the era that term was popular. It makes me wonder if he's going to the director and asking if he can use that word instead of whatever else was in the script.
You know what's weird...I've seen Alec Baldwin use that term in two different movies he was in, Glengarry Glen Ross and The Edge, neither of which was from the era that term was popular. It makes me wonder if he's going to the director and asking if he can use that word instead of whatever else was in the script.

Well he was the mega Chad back then:

Don't have a clue what he did since then.
Not a word no longer in use, but do any Americans or Canadians here remember members of the 'Greatest Generation' (parents of the Boomers) pronouncing 'diabetes' as 'diabeetus', a la actor Wilford Brimley? I sure do :unsure: