What’s the best pro free speech search engine?

You're right -

Although DuckDuckGo may offer more privacy it seems to find only SEO sites whatever you look for, see -
So I set my browsers to search automatically with Yandex. It returns eclectic pages quite quickly, things which are hidden behind everything generic, SEO and big tech owned. So you can enjoy free speech again, what TPTB like to call fake news but to go with Orwell's terminology would better be termed wrongthink.

In this thread I've posted a few links about how to set Yandex as standard in the various browsers.
Some of them are almost set up by default to stop you doing that, so it's not necessarily intuitive. It's not rocket science either and if you follow the links and the steps it can be done.

Unfortunately one still has to put up with CAPTCHA / turing tests from Yandex quite a bit. Not sure why, maybe it gets targeted by the West with cyberattacks.

There is a strange quirk of Yandex, that it can return a bunch of pornographic images and videos for very harmless searches which had nothing to do with that. Does not happen that often but I think the mainstream search engines are tuned to not do that. But Yandex is very free speech.. Have tried a few others, Mojeek, Quant, Startpage and it was the only one that seemed to really be good for free speech.
Without a doubt, it's Yandex, and now that it is back 100% in Russian hands, I expect it to get even better. Whenever I can't find something anywhere else, I use Yandex. That being said, if it returns pr0n, change your filter settings to moderate or strict.
Only issue I have with it, as mentioned above: it constantly gives me CAPTCHA challenges to prove I'm not a bot. It's probably because I use a VPN nearly all the time, but I don't know. I haven't found a solution for that yet.