Vaccine thread

Dennis Lyxzén "Get Vaccinated" 51 year old Frontman of Swedish Punk Band Refused suffered a massive heart attack in his hotel room in Sweden.

I don't understand how schools suspending children can work in countries with mandatory schooling? So you force children to go to school because the government says its mandatory to send your children to school then you force them not to go to school because they aren't vaccinated? How does it work in practice?
Coercion - most people just fold and comply.
Dennis Lyxzén "Get Vaccinated" 51 year old Frontman of Swedish Punk Band Refused suffered a massive heart attack in his hotel room in Sweden.

Man, I enjoy their music. Sad news.....Shame he fell for the lie but that's pretty sad and scary for the dude. Hope he recovers well and finds the truth.
I've got a question for an extended family member.

Does anyone have any links to well credentialed/certified sources concerning early menopause as a vaccine side effect?
So if you want to get your kids out of the school system which is compulsory then just don't vaccinate them?

Move to a country where homeschooling is legal or stay in the one where it's legal, in that regard Australia doesn't suck so bad.

Actually vaccinations are only mandatory for pre-school (kindergarten, daycare etc) but not for primary or secondary schools. But putting kids in public school these days is like putting them through the sodom meat grinder.

I know in the USA it's mandatory to shoot your kids up even for primary and secondary school unless you are very wealthy and can put them through private school. But you can homeschool there too.

Avoid any country that made homeschooling illegal, biggest red flag for parents there can be.
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The only thing with home school is kids probably won't make as many friends or get the same level of socialization with other kids. Yes I get that there are groups where you can take your kids to play with other home-schooled kids but I think its not quite the same.
The only thing with home school is kids probably won't make as many friends or get the same level of socialization with other kids. Yes I get that there are groups where you can take your kids to play with other home-schooled kids but I think its not quite the same.

It's worth the sacrifice, especially these days if you know what "socializing" means.