Vaccine thread

Like I said this is a thread to discuss ALL vaccines and it's effects.
Which is a more pressing topic.

On RVF pre-COVID I posted about not vaxing my children. A number disagreed. Also had family members who literally would not let my son near their family until he was two years old? I still fail to understand the logic but something about him putting their entire family at risk. Of course that would mean their children's vaccines didn't protect them and the adults should go rush and get re-vaccinated, since their protection ended decades ago.

But enough of attempting to rationalize with those folks.

Lots of people have children who will suffer long lasting vax effects because they injected them in alignment with the CDC schedule.
I remember being vaccinated when I was about 2-3 years old. At that age you barely know anywhere in the world. You know home, school, maybe a few relatives' homes and shops. And they are like disparate islands, connected by car journeys through mythic hinterland. Yet I can remember the room I was vaccinated in, where it is located and in what hospital. I remember crying and screaming in protest. I probably had a few more over in childhood and I remember having more in order to go on holiday to a tropical country at about age 8. In about 2000-1, in the UK there was a scare about some disease. I don't remember what it was now. I was queuing at school for my mandatory injection, that I did not want. Directly in front of me was a spindly boy who didn't eat vegetables. He was laid down on something like a doctor's chair and injected. He passed out, which caused the needled to snap off in his arm. I used the ensuing drama to slip away and that was the last time I've been in line to be vaxxed.
Have people here done thorough research on the typical vaccines that doctors ask to inject into our babies? This is something that Roosh probably made an article on, but unfortunately he deleted them all.

Yes. I used to post quite a bit on this. I can't remember if I posted here too. There is a tremendous amount of information on vaccines but there are a few books that stand out to me. Murder by injection by Eustace Mullins is a good start.

Here's an interview with him:

What is interesting about vaccines is that you will find well studied people in the medical field objecting to its use in every decade (and from its inception). You would think that these objections would have gained more traction but vaccination has really been shoved down our throats by the medical machine.
We dont have a general thread on how incompetent doctors are but it needs to be said. on average do they cause more harm than good ?. I have gotten misdiagnosed personally and almost lost an eye and was suffering for months. I have seen other relatives misdiagnosed and suffering for months nearly costing their life.

WHAT IS WRONG WITH DOCTORS. how can you spend your whole life being a medical practitioner and yet be so clueless and overlook obvious signs and symptoms. does this profession attract a personality type that is just arrogant, lazy and self righteous ?. I really don't understand how they keep hurting people day in and day out and not stop out of shame to do more research to expand their knowledge to become better. Are they so far up their own A.. that they cant see how poorly they are doing. Or is it that they are all corrupt and evil and during the process of becoming a doctor you are selling your soul for status and a good salary (i doubt this). Here is just one example of a man who was on deaths door and the doc just wrote him a pill for depression.

It is un christian like but there is nothing i despise more besides the police and politicians than doctors.
