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Vaccination in The Sports World

One of the main item here that is missing is an injured athlete, or the family of a dead one, publicly fighting back against big pharma and the vaccine scam.
Some are, but who are you going to fight against? You cannot win when the whole system is locked up against humanity.

You may win a court case and get compensation, does it really replace living a fruitful, healthy life?
Screenshot (6162).png

Screenshot (6163).png

The mRNA vax creates an autoimmune response where the body's immune system attacks the nerves and their myelin coating, causing the nerves to misfire and register pain, this is what creates this condition. His hand-eye coordination is going to come down a notch, unfortunately for him.
Nba star Joel Embiid apparently has Bells palsy. Seem like an unprecedented case in the NBA. We'll see how he progresses.

Bells Palsy was actually very common even before COVID. I would blow this off as being anything related to a shot at this point. It's just filler like that crap put in processed food. Leaves you hungry for more. Stick to the big guns.
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Was this vax related?

Anyways, Woot Woot!!!

One of the best plays ever by a lineman. From a stand still he catches up to a linebacker who was already running!

(the forum won't show it, but definitely cilck on the link and watch one of the most impressive plays in the NFL)

from a guy who could bench 700lbs

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