US Prison Reform

I've noticed cops doing this for decades, and I'm pretty sure it is Red pilled cops doing this so they can put these animals behind bars. If they put down the race of "Black" then activist judges will release these animals back out onto the streets.

Judges only read text, they do not see the pictures generally, so listing it as White means the judge thinks "Oh good, we need more White criminals in jail or else it will make us look bad for imprisoning so many Blacks."

I'm 99% sure the cops are doing this to protect society, so God bless them.
The real question is why judges are given the race in their paperwork in any case. To be unbiased they need to be just given a case number, no name or personal data. And the facts will speak for themselves.

By the way, anyone else noticed that the second convict's name is "Innocent"? Oh the irony....
The real question is why judges are given the race in their paperwork in any case. To be unbiased they need to be just given a case number, no name or personal data. And the facts will speak for themselves.
How would they combat historical bias if they didn't know the race?
The real question is why judges are given the race in their paperwork in any case. To be unbiased they need to be just given a case number, no name or personal data. And the facts will speak for themselves.

By the way, anyone else noticed that the second convict's name is "Innocent"? Oh the irony....

Unfortunately race has always been a factor in American legal proceedings. Slavery was overwhelmingly based around owning Blacks, which meant keeping track of Black behavior, location, and production. All this info was important for all civil and criminal suits involving Blacks.

Once legal precedents are set, it is exceptionally difficult to get rid of them.
And other good ideas have been used to the point of corruption. For example "allowing" inmates to reduce their sentence by working at recycling centers or other menial jobs. Seems like a good idea, but with millions of inmates and for-profit prisons, the prison-industrial complex starts to look like the defense industry, begging for more "problems to solve".
Yeah the concept of prison workers should be to benefit society not to benefit the profit margin of the prison-industrial complex. Just another section of our country that’s corrupt and needs torn down and rebuild with better checks and balances in place to weed out ability for corruption to take over control.
Nobody cares about prisons. That’s the problem. Prisons are golden gooses for corruption. General population doesn’t give a rat ass.

A good way to reform the prison system would be to make judges and DA’s pass at least 30 days behind bars. As their instructional course.

Death penalty shouldn’t be allowed anywhere. Convicting an innocent man to death cause a failure in system is completely retarded.

Life sentence is a different story. If caught on the act pedophiles should have life sentences. In theory death sentences. But the system is not perfect.

I know of two cases ex husbands were falsely accused of being pedos. One of them was a lawyer and completely lost his mind. He went so hard on the questioning of his ex wife mother who was acting as a witness she confessed everything was a lie. He was broken forever.

The other one don’t know much details but he basically had cheated his wife. And she made up the story to punish him.

Prison should have mandatory Christian classes. And mandatory courses just like in army. Which the inmates should pay back when their out.

Most of inmates when they leave are employed by state doing garbage collection. And later most of them go to construction.

You can see the difference between construction people who’ve been in jail and those who haven’t. The first ones always steal.

For you to be safe inside prison you need to pay someone outside which will instruct leaders inside for that nothing happens to you.

Some lawyers give comissions for inmates to bring other inmates as clients.

Lawyers who do criminal law normally end up in drug or alcohol abuse. Cause it’s so hard and heavy to deal with it everyday.

I’ve visited two clients in jail. Women jail some corruption case. Which I passed to another lawyer. The woman was always crying when I went there. There’s shouting everywhere. It’s like a madhouse.

Men jail is completely silent. It was probably 15 years ago. The guard told me: “the problem with prisons is that’s easier to get in than getting out.”

The US justice system is a joke. There needs to be a balance. You can’t send young people to a crime school for petty shit.

I don’t think the rapes in prison are so common as people believe. They exist but I would guess as a form of punishment.

Maybe one day I might do some light criminal law. But one thing I’ve noticed is poor clients are always the most retarded, troublesome and demanding. They would have to sign some kind of contract.

Sometimes wonder about my kids if they bang a whore and she falsely accuses them of rape. In US it’s pretty common. A friend of mine is still in the game in his 40’s and he avoids American girls. He likes Brazilians. There’s no me too in Brazil. Even though he says American girls are the sluttiest in bed. But he avoids them as much as possible.

Worth watching.
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