US Lawyer Shoots Two Climate Activists in Panama

Yeah this is a little different than a BLM roadblock in Berkeley.
Yes and no. The issue is perhaps more just than BLM, but somehow the first thing lefties do when they're unhappy with public policy is interfere with ordinary people trying to go about their lives, and make them sit in a traffic jam.

I'm in favor of harsh, long term jail sentences for people who do this. I was (sort of) kidding earlier when I said they should be shot, but I can't feel too bad about these guys getting blown away the way they did. They were asking for it.

I think running them over is fair too. You ought to be able to slowly push the car through the blockade, and if they insist on laying down in front of the car and letting the wheel ride up over them, that's their own fault. If they gang up around the car and start smashing the windows in, the driver is justified in gunning it and blowing through them.
It's easy to feel that hard rush of emotion and think "yes, they deserved what they got", but once you cool down I cannot agree that their actions were deserving of death. Murderers, child abusers, and warmongers perhaps, but being a nuisance? In a less imperfect world the police would have dragged them off the road to allow everyone else to live their lives, and no one would have had to commit anything extreme, or suffer from it.

What's done is done, all I can do now is pray for both sides.
I think running them over is fair too. You ought to be able to slowly push the car through the blockade, and if they insist on laying down in front of the car and letting the wheel ride up over them, that's their own fault. If they gang up around the car and start smashing the windows in, the driver is justified in gunning it and blowing through them.
That last part sounds like what happened to James Fields at Charlottesville, if I recall correctly, but judging from a quick effort it's very hard to find clear video now. Most of the available video is from far behind the incident and doesn't give a good view. I remember thinking at the time that the leftie demonstrators clearly instigated things and Fields in is in fear for his life and trying to evade, so surely he'll be acquitted.

Now it seems strange to think that I trusted the system to this extent as recently as 2017.