US Lawyer Shoots Two Climate Activists in Panama

Shooting someone in the arm or leg is always a more sound option if you simply are acting in self defense. If you shoot to kill then expect no sympathy from a judge or jury.
Shooting someone in the arm or leg is always a more sound option if you simply are acting in self defense. If you shoot to kill then expect no sympathy from a judge or jury.
I mean no disrespect, but this is not a movie. That's not a real thing. If someone shoots you in the leg, you are still very likely to die. Legs are full of blood vessels. Also, that's not really going to stop an attacker. Adrenaline is very powerful.

You do not pull out a gun if your intention is not to kill. That's not what a gun is for. That's a job for pepper spray or knuckle dusters or something.
These statements are somewhat contradictory.
If you get shot in the leg you aren't going to die instantly. If you are near someone trying to kill you who was shot in the leg, he is probably still going to try to kill you as long as he's alive.

That is without mentioning the impracticality of aiming for a leg or arm in a life or death situation. Some people have spaghetti arms, and it's too distracting to aim for those anyway. Imagine you try to aim for someone's noodle arms, then miss. I don't think I need to say that the bullet is going somewhere else.
I live in Panama. The protest aren't really about climate change its about the mining contract the Panamanian government made with Canada giving them the rights over the only mine in Panama. Also in that contract Canada is given full rights to mine where ever in Panama they want including peoples property. Panamanians are also worked up about some environmental concerns from the mining. Some dumb cunt Panamanian living and going to college in Canada made a viral "TikTok" explaining the situation them blaming it on white supremacy and colonization. Then she mentions the mine made over a billion dollars and only gave the Panamanian government like 345 million and that "Panamanians wont see any of that money." Which isn't entirely true as 10% of schooling, medical, and retirement money comes from that mining contract. Like every time the USA makes some lucrative deal they cut its citizens a fat check with their share of the money. She also mentioned climate change but that's a after thought as far as the protest go. It's the same old story someone is paying the indigenous to block all the roads in Panama while also paying the farmers to battle it out with the indigenous only hurting themselves and regular people while the mine and the government just sit back and stay rich. Store shelves are empty, gas stations have no fuel, no one has propane to cook, and farmers can't get their crops into towns to sell..... again only hurt themselves with these "road blocking protest." People totally unaffected by any of this are taking to the streets to support "the cause" because they want to feel just and righteous and like they are part of something. No different then what happened in the USA. Pitting simpletons against each other while the massive corruption machine called the government just keeps on getting richer.
Afaik these were not leftist "climate change" activists but legit protesters against concessions given to a Canadian mining concern to continue mining and exploitation of Central America's biggest open-pit copper mine for at least another 20 years. In any case, it takes a psycho to shoot at people in another country because of a friggin roadblock. Such an entitlement complex is appaling.
Afaik these were not leftist "climate change" activists but legit protesters against concessions given to a Canadian mining concern to continue mining and exploitation of Central America's biggest open-pit copper mine for at least another 20 years. In any case, it takes a psycho to shoot at people in another country because of a friggin roadblock. Such an entitlement complex is appaling.
On top of that he was a guest in their country.
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These statements are somewhat contradictory.
Allow me to elaborate: Let's say you charge at someone with a knife and thet shoot you in the leg. You will get an adrenalin rush, and thanks to that, the shot will not stop your charge, and you will likely not even feel any pain until a couple minutes after the fact. The adrenaline rush will end, however, and you will bleed out and die. Thing is, by that time, you probably already stabbed the other guy to death, and had he aimed at your torso or head, he'd have lived.
Afaik these were not leftist "climate change" activists but legit protesters against concessions given to a Canadian mining concern to continue mining and exploitation of Central America's biggest open-pit copper mine for at least another 20 years. In any case, it takes a psycho to shoot at people in another country because of a friggin roadblock. Such an entitlement complex is appaling.
Roadblocks are highly egregious. I agree it is somewhat questionable for private citizens to go around shooting people unless it is self defense, but the government should definitely shoot people who do these roadblocks. You never see anyone blocking roads because they're trying to preach the gospel. It's always some lefty thing.
Roadblocks are highly egregious. I agree it is somewhat questionable for private citizens to go around shooting people, but the government should definitely shoot people who do these roadblocks. You never see anyone blocking roads because they're trying to preach the gospel. It's always some lefty thing.
They're right out of the leftist playbook. It's the same reason you see the conjured up race riots every election year. The goal is to bully and annoy you into complacency.
Allow me to elaborate: Let's say you charge at someone with a knife and thet shoot you in the leg. You will get an adrenalin rush, and thanks to that, the shot will not stop your charge, and you will likely not even feel any pain until a couple minutes after the fact. The adrenaline rush will end, however, and you will bleed out and die. Thing is, by that time, you probably already stabbed the other guy to death, and had he aimed at your torso or head, he'd have lived.
You can be shot in the heart and still live for a considerable amount of time, you can be shot in the hand and die almost immediately.

However, you cant aim for an arm or leg in a violent situation, it doesnt work, you aim for the largest target, the torso. If you are a cool customer, and a good shot, you can aim for the lower part of the body, the pelvis. A bullet to the pelvis instantly stops someone.
Afaik these were not leftist "climate change" activists but legit protesters against concessions given to a Canadian mining concern to continue mining and exploitation of Central America's biggest open-pit copper mine for at least another 20 years. In any case, it takes a psycho to shoot at people in another country because of a friggin roadblock. Such an entitlement complex is appaling.
Yeah this is a little different than a BLM roadblock in Berkeley.