US College protests -Israel/Palestine

"The house just passed a bill , 320-91, where the following speech is now illegal:

Denying the Holocaust or claiming it was exaggerated. Even historically debunked claims about soap.

Accuse a Jewish person of having dual loyalty to Israel EVEN if that person has dual citizenship to Israel or openly admits to having dual loyalty to Israel

Saying Zionism is racism or denying the right of the Zionist terror state to exist over the top of Paleatenian land Applying “double standards” to Israel you would expect from another nation - like demanding they don’t commit a genocide.

Using the symbols associated with antisemitism (e.g. claiming Jews killed Jesus or using a blue octopus plush toy, fire extinguisher, upside down red triangle etc.

Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis. Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel distributing books and material deemed Antisemitic."

Is the current bill directed and limited to US Department of Education people and projects/funds? Not that I trust them, but it is good to know precisely where we stand as the ratchet strap tightens notch-by-notch.
It's basically antifa versus (((antifa))) now. This will only cement the jewish prostitutes known as American politicians in their fetid mire of corruption and backstabbing, enabling these Iscariot's to make laws against criticizing or questioning anything a jew says or does. However, not a single White Nationalist is harmed during all of this, and more Whites are being race-pilled daily so the long-term consequences have yet to be seen. It is good in a sense, to watch the various enemies of Europeans see their own truly-desired reality without Whites leading a proper Christian moral basis for what it really is: a complete and utter clown-fest.

These protests are examples of a world without any White Christian reason or ethos:

-The jews own every institution that houses, feeds, and clothes the human population. Their only error is attempting to override the human consciousness of other races by transplanting a false history of White "crimes" into textbook manifestation through repetition ad nauseum, strategies they know they must use if they are to gain control, so they vilify it when anyone else does what is best for their people (keep racial solidarity, expel foreign invaders, keep a monolithic faith). They think that by transplanting their crimes on White Europeans that they can get off scotch free, but no matter how intelligent or stupid a man is, how civilized or how barbaric he is, there is a trace of the human heart that knows wrong and recognizes wrong on some level, even if it is tempered with constant impulse and regret. The way the jews have been doing a complete bait-and-switch on history has civilized some of these barbarians, but not to the extent that they become organized and civilized and guided enough to defeat the jew. They simply have recognition on some level. Thus the recognition becomes a vehicle of transplanting the false White crimes onto jews true crimes, but nothing more. The jews should have been more clever in this aspect of programming the darker races. Their own racial-supremacist hubris, which in itself is folly due to their own miscegenated background, is something the Aryan races have never possessed, because it was never about being top dog for them. The jews have misplaced a love of one's own people with a love of being in control of all peoples. It's essentially what the Talmud is: a complete operation of mind-control. Man was never meant to live like this, and thus their dysgenics copulates with their spiritually-dead creed and produces a schizophrenic worldview. Then they contrived to maintain this ill frame of life through all manner of deception and lies and trickery and violence to hide said deception, lies, and trickery.

With the above in motion, we have now come to the fruition of their puppeteering:

-The Whites have been successfully nullified from this society that was once a host to jews, is now riddled with them like a cancer, their White heroes and ancestors are still trampled upon by various non-Whites for purposes of siphoning gibs from other non-Whites further up the victim totem pole. They are effectively persona non grata as a race.

-The leftist protestors (all to happy to abort White babies) all go to great lengths to call out Zionists but never all jews because they are still, against their own lack of judgment, programmed by jews in the dialectical position of "problem" or "reaction" depending on the needs of the jew agenda (the need now is overt control so laws are required, hence the precedence for those laws must be born, hence they attack themselves and start killing everyone around them in Palestine, sparking these revolts in the west)

-The traitor politicians simply tuck tail and avoid public confrontation, and all who once bowed to ZOG in secret now do so in public. The contracted hellyweird actors, musicians, and anyone else bought and owned also follows the lockstep uniparty memos.

-Deracinated zogpigs always do the bidding of their masters, especially White male order-takers, who have completely sold out their own people for their 30 pieces of pension. They will march with violence on these protestors yet yield as commanded when the blacks burn and loot cities for no reason. A dog has more loyalty to do the right thing in more dire situations than these servants could ever be paid to ignore. It's the same for the traitor police in Europe who stomp out anti-immigration protests and attack their own people. Financial slaves, but at some point they do it because they have indeed betrayed their kin. Having immigrants make up the police force, or non-Whites, accelerates this.

-The various ethno-blends of browns, blacks, yellows, and mystery meats will join the ranks of the protestors because it's been fed to them for several generations now that evil Whitey the colonialist brought them out of ignorance into a modern age and they are sanguinely resentful of this. They also misnomer Israel's "colonization" for historical White colonization, and the cross-association immediately starts certain programs in their brains.

-Few remaining mudsharks and coal-burners not dead yet join the fray over their psychotic hatred for anything resembling White order (they misguidedly view jews abuse of Palestinians as Whites abusing non-Whites, and their self-hatred overrides any sense of intelligence, this goes for the male oil-drillers too). Their self-depreciating worldview despises anyone else who has risen above the miscegenation lie, and though the jews are the source of this racial malady, they are now attacking them for a scripted and stupefied reasoning.

-White soyjacks popping up like a "Where's Waldo" in these crowds are a miniscule presence, but typical of their atrophied hormone levels and political and racial cluelessness.

-Genuine White's with big hearts for those suffering from jewish violence are stricken with a sense of caution about these protests especially after the J6 treachery from Trump.

-Blind slaves to fake israel like young White Americans who go to these to counter-protest on behalf of fake israel are also just cannon fodder.

The only one absent from this entire picture is the true White and European nationalist, as well as many old-schooled traditional Catholic and Orthodox men, who are wise to trust their discernment to avoid these volatile events. Patriot Front and other Nationalist groups do not go near these either, yet they protest ZOG in their own way. Many of the other Nat Soc's and Nationalist's I've come across in Europe see this the same as I do:

This is but a foretaste of the world of chaos the jew has planned for non-Whites, and a preview of their future planned world without Whites in it. The farcical history they've concocted over the last century will implode to a nauseating cacophony of cannibalism, vigilantism, starvation, kleptocracy, identity totem poles of injustice, seething lies, and sheer violence to maintain order of the various orc hordes, which will not work and perpetuate further endless wars.

The jew justifies great violence of hellish levels to maintain their position at the top of the house of cards, and everyone else who falls into place in this madness is utterly clueless in that their actions are pre-programmed for the most part. Except for the Palestinian and other Middle-Eastern Arab and non-Arab peoples who are born in these lands which are being murderously cleansed by ZOG forces, anyone else is essentially a Hegelian dialectical state actor. You must be outside the dialectic to not only see it, but operate beyond its mechanisms. True Christianity is not part of this process, it's humanistic levers of control cannot warp divinity, and true Nationalism cannot be bound up in something so multi-layered and full of opposing aliens, it goes against the desire for one's own people to flourish on their own land, which takes priority over every other matter.

Here are two full cycles on the ladder:

-jews attack themselves in a border clash, begin bombardment of Gaza, kill thousands of children

-massive protests against fake israel, at first seemingly organic, but now infused with NGO money and crisis actors and other "organized" groups like antifa. Specifically agitating college campuses for the reason of introducing laws.

-laws passed in congress with a huge swath of definitions of "anti-semmitism" that block funding to universities which allow this "behavior". A step ladder to the next law of banning this talk in public, in libraries, in personal conversations, phone records, texts, emails, etc.

-American public becomes very jew-aware, bread and circuses are turned up, anti-Christian phonies like Trump (or whoever the next prez is, doesn't matter, agenda doesn't change because of a public figure) are brought in again to corral the remaining patriotic but easily misguided Americans needed as cannon fodder for the next war on fake israel's enemies that will decimate both sides

-Further weakening of both the American people and the stronger militant anti-globohomo nations of the Middle East, more solidifying of regional control with fake israel.

That's how they see it, but things don't always go according to plan. The protests could have a completely different outcome if millions of people do not back down. I highly doubt they will allow the United States to become a militarized police state that would jail and deport leftists, invading immigrants, and non-Whites simply because they don't like israel. These pawns are supposed to be attacking the White masses and slaughtering them, and they will find some way to push that trajectory onto these mobs. They are the masters of manipulation, and I expect them to live up to that name. Everyone should prepare their minds and their keen sense of skepticism accordingly.
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It's essentially what the Talmud is: a complete operation of mind-control. Man was never meant to live like this, and thus their dysgenics copulates with their spiritually-dead creed and produces a schizophrenic worldview.
Talmud is less mind control and more lawyer ball for the Torah. It’s a bunch of works of various sages written from after the Bar Khobar (130s AD) revolt to the early 500s. It’s basically “ok, there’s the Torah, we’re going to tell you what to do to keep the Torah.” If someone followed the Torah there’s actually a great amount of freedom in how you do it. The Talmud also has discussions of sages navel gazing on subjects such as “how to be a fair merchant (lmao)” “what is work on the sabbath” and “what constitutes good sex.” A lot of excuses and almost goofy ways to violate the Torah without violating the Torah.

Evangelicals say magisterial Christianity (Orthodox Catholic and High Protestants) are works based and not faith based. We have works yes but we’re ultimately saved by faith. Same with Islam. You need to believe in God and the last day. Judaism is unique because it is entirely works based. Jesus taught the law is written on the heart and you’re circumcised on the heart. He cares more about the point of the law and why it exists rather than doing exactly what it says word for word. Jews however think “doesn’t matter, kept them law. I can be a complete box but followed the commandments.” Maybe not all but you can have that mindset in Judaism. That was the entire point of Jesus’ ministry in Palestine. He was fed up with their works based salvation while being a den of vipers. And when they can’t debate and prove their position that God cares more about works and following his arbitrary laws than the spirit of the law and faith, they just blaspheme. I never said Moses Mimonedes or the guy who founded the Ashkenazim the is boiling in a vat of poo in hell.

I spent some time in the Talmud because I do apologetics against evangelicals who love Jewish eggplant spread. It also gives you a better understanding for confronting religious Jews.

Also I want to throw this out there - I still find the Torah important. Christians are still subject to it. Jesus said circumcisions on the heart but the apostles do require all Christian’s to follow a dumbed down Torah in Acts:

- do not consume blood
- do not commit idolism by eating food in pagan rituals and sacrifices
- abstain from sexual immorality
- do not eat the meat or strangled animals
Plus the new commandment
- Love others as you love yourself

If you think about it that’s the Torah in one paragraph.
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The most active campuses are elite private schools like Columbia, Yale, Brown, Emory etc where a lot of the students come from very affluent backgrounds. As well, many student groups on campus are funded by their universities and umbrella student groups.
Note the misfits' shields, which were from plastic garbage cans.

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It’s easy to make fun of these kids, but I see them as victims. Brainwashed misfits, looking for a purpose.

They don’t know what they support or why. They are just mad at the system that they don’t understand.

Their emotions are being manipulated to push a nefarious agenda.

With that being said, I feel extremely comfortable about our chances in a hypothetical civil war.


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