The NY Slimes laments that ultra wealthy Hamptons residents may not have brown serfs to look over their mansions and attend to their needs.
View attachment 18677
Terrible idea sounds like Reagan 2.0 and will contribute to demographic replacement. All illegals must go. Showing the any kind of mercy or amnesty is CUCKED.I was speaking with someone who lives in the US and is Latina. I presented my plan which I call Second Chance. She says that is sounds reasonable. Here is the plan
1-all illegals and those who overstayed their visa must immediately register. Those who are convicted of a crime of moral turpitude are immediately subject to deportation.
2-after registration, they are required to pay a fine. Not sure of the amount yet, but it must be no less than 3K USD per person.
3- those remaining are required for a period of 10 years, to pay US income taxes. Some type of official IRS return is required.
4- each year the return verifies their residence and employment circumstances.
5- at the end of 10 years, the prize of citizenship is given if the person follows the registration, pays the initial fine, pays income taxes, AND (very important) NO crimes beyond a simple traffic offense.
6- birthright citizenship is ENDED.
I believe my plan is workable and practical. Thoughts?
And Segregation should Return. No if's, and's, or but's. Self Determination is a must if you want to Keep some semblance of your people or culture. What's left of it anyway.
Well, it's OK if the minorities choose to self-segregate, but if we Whites choose to do so, TPTB will have none of it.Segregation is already enforced de facto, most races separate naturally. Really no need to enforce it.
The “rational” users at rationalwiki think freedom of association is “pseudo-libertarian.”Well, it's OK if the minorities choose to self-segregate, but if we Whites choose to do so, TPTB will have none of it.
Just ask Sara, Rachel, and Elisheba Weaver.
Well, it's OK if the minorities choose to self-segregate, but if we Whites choose to do so, TPTB will have none of it.
Just ask Sara, Rachel, and Elisheba Weaver.
but with crap wages...and unobtainable home buying for shouldn't have to be a Rich Man to Segregate with Money. Money is the Problem since Usury is the Jewish Tactic of Deracinating the Homogeneous Culture.
I was speaking with someone who lives in the US and is Latina. I presented my plan which I call Second Chance. She says that is sounds reasonable. Here is the plan
1-all illegals and those who overstayed their visa must immediately register. Those who are convicted of a crime of moral turpitude are immediately subject to deportation.
2-after registration, they are required to pay a fine. Not sure of the amount yet, but it must be no less than 3K USD per person.
3- those remaining are required for a period of 10 years, to pay US income taxes. Some type of official IRS return is required.
4- each year the return verifies their residence and employment circumstances.
5- at the end of 10 years, the prize of citizenship is given if the person follows the registration, pays the initial fine, pays income taxes, AND (very important) NO crimes beyond a simple traffic offense.
6- birthright citizenship is ENDED.
I believe my plan is workable and practical. Thoughts?
I work at a golf course with almost all white workers. The work is basically landscaping. The owner pays us more than other courses, so the same crew keeps coming back every year. The course is maintained very well and does very well financially largely in part to how good it looks.