US Border Crisis

Hard to predict what the 2nd and 3rd order effects of this will be, but at least the leaders of the cartels will most likely restrain their dudes, rather than risk being on the wrong side of a midnight no-knock raid by a bunch green-eyed punishers or the receiving end of a hellfire.
FAFO seems to be the mantra from the White House, so things will most likely remain quiet on this front until/unless something big happens. I expect that Pres. Trump's team wants to deport as many of the worst of the worst as possible before going kinetic on the cartels, if they even do anything significant (or publicly) at all.

Securing the border long term will be interesting to see. This whole "treating illegals with kid gloves" is just astounding, in many countries even just ATTEMPTING to cross the border will earn one a lead pill from a watchful guard or missing limbs from strategically placed minefields.
Why is there this expectation of being welcomed with open arms for flagrantly disobeying this nation's laws at your first encounter? Peak clown world...
Hard to predict what the 2nd and 3rd order effects of this will be, but at least the leaders of the cartels will most likely restrain their dudes, rather than risk being on the wrong side of a midnight no-knock raid by a bunch green-eyed punishers or the receiving end of a hellfire.
FAFO seems to be the mantra from the White House, so things will most likely remain quiet on this front until/unless something big happens. I expect that Pres. Trump's team wants to deport as many of the worst of the worst as possible before going kinetic on the cartels, if they even do anything significant (or publicly) at all.

Securing the border long term will be interesting to see. This whole "treating illegals with kid gloves" is just astounding, in many countries even just ATTEMPTING to cross the border will earn one a lead pill from a watchful guard or missing limbs from strategically placed minefields.
Why is there this expectation of being welcomed with open arms for flagrantly disobeying this nation's laws at your first encounter? Peak clown world...
Its a combination of being told of and then seeing first hand on media devices how weak, stupid, emasculated, and gullible the average American population and its entire government has become towards handling crime and bad behavior. In all matters of interaction: legal, civil, social, professional, and personal. These people have a deep rooted hatred of light skinned and european/european lookalikes that likely goes back centuries. Only difference was before the european had a backbone, fighting spirit, and weren't willing to tolerate disrespect from outsiders. Now these outsiders have tested the waters over the decades and with technology as advanced and easily accessible as it is now these types can easily share information and embolden each other about how to mistreat their host countries and its peoples.

Subconsciously liberals know the sins they commit in public and private is wrong. To "atone" for that they grasp on to whatever media tells them is right and dial it exponentially. Voting for and expressing support for illegals is the most.public display of how much of a "good and righteous" person they are to be supporting (what the media overhypes) poor immigrants escaping crime, poverty, and persecution from their home countries. Of course there's no substance to this support as in the end its only to stroke liberals' own egos without really having to actually use their personal resources.

Wealthy republicans see them as nothing but cheap labor and a way to maximize their profits.

Businesses and owners renting property see them as a golden goose since these migrants often live many to a house, spend like mad since they now having a way higher purchasing power than back home, and will pay almost any price on rent since there are many people working in the sane apartment.

Everyone plays a part in the blame.

The ones suffering are the common man.


One of the indications that a people is completely given over to their depravity that Paul gives in Romans 1:31 is ἀστοργος. "Storge" is one of the four Greek words for love, and this kind of love is familial piety, or the duty to have affection for your parents and children, and your kin more broadly. The prefix "a-" of course means "without.
"We often focus on them the most, but it isn't just perverted forms of fornication that reveal a society circling the drain, it is also the inversion of natural affection.
The heatmap meme is an example of this. Instead of having affection for parents, siblings, children, then your community, then your nation, those who are "astorgos" will have more affection for "all of humanity" than they do for their own family.
This is the setting in which Owen makes these seemingly righteous, pietistic claims. You have an entire society that is "astorgos," without natural affections" and he will give it a Christian justification that "that's okay, since they aren't Christians, your lack of natural affection is actually righteous! You should care more about the Haitian migrant living tax money who is claiming to be a Christian than you do your own grandmother. That's actually true holiness.
"This is little different than the Pharisees telling a man, who has been given an inheritance to care for his elderly parents in their old age, that donating it to the temple to spite them and leave them in poverty is actually extremely holy and righteous.
Jesus condemned them in the sharpest terms for this. Through your traditions, you explicitly violate the duties set forth in the Fifth Commandment, to honor your father and your mother.
Owen does the same thing. "If your mother and father are not Christians, you have no duty to show them affection, and the faceless Christians on the other side of the globe are your *true family.*"This is monstrous, but thanks be to God that this kind of liberalism is dying off before our eyes.

Romans 1:31
King James Version
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
Pretty sure this is fake. I searched her booking # in the Maricopa county information website and it said no data found.
How do you know it is fake? Look at the URL path above the booking date. I'm pretty sure the MC server is being overloaded by people who are trying to check out her mugshot.
How do you know it is fake? Look at the URL path above the booking date. I'm pretty sure the MC server is being overloaded by people who are trying to check out her mugshot.

You can go the website yourself and search by the booking number. It says no data found. You can do the same thing using her full name and date of birth, same result. There’s that and the fact that her picture doesn’t even look like a mugshot, but an airbrushed photo or an AI image. Then the word booking is spelled wrong, not to mention the black text with the word deportation underneath looks it was written in with a photo editor. Arizonagram is also a meme insta website. They are using this image to promote their ig page.

Verdict: Totally fake.
You can go the website yourself and search by the booking number. It says no data found. You can do the same thing using her full name and date of birth, same result. There’s that and the fact that her picture doesn’t even look like a mugshot, but an airbrushed photo or an AI image. Then the word booking is spelled wrong, not to mention the black text with the word deportation underneath looks it was written in with a photo editor.

Verdict: Totally fake.
We shall see.

“The Paradox of Tolerance”. In a nutshell: Tolerating the Intolerance of a group that wishes the other to be completely extinguished results in the complete destruction of the tolerant group. Thus, no more tolerance when the intolerant group is all that’s leftover.

Now, tolerance being eaten by tolerance makes the tolerant people bitter, which results in accelerationism something Ted Kaczynski would approve of.

So tolerance is still good, just as Jesus dying to absolve our sins was obviously still good even if he died. The spirit of tolerance lives on as Jesus did, within us all, it now turns out, even Hitler liked people of different religions and ethnic groups, he just loved his own a lot more. As anyone should.

It’s 100% fake. I’d bet money on it. The image is AI and look at her name. Ana Franquez which is the Mexican equivalent of Anne Frank. In the original image it even says she kept a diary. They are trolling.

Well now, on the topic of accelerationism... we all know how our ladies would react if all the illegal immigrants were attractive girls.
