Transnistria / Pridnestrovie Situation




⚡ 🇲🇩 The situation in Moldova is boiling

Officials in Transnistria will meet on Feb 28th supposedly to officially ask to be annexed by Russia.

The head of Transnistria, Vadim Krasnoselsky, is convening a congress of deputies at all levels, most likely next week.

The congress may issue an appeal to Putin requesting the admission of Transnistria into Russia.

Such a risky move could lead to a military attack by Moldova and the Ukrainian army.

A white paper issued by the Institute for the Study of War, authored by two women, a Kagan, and another guy, with footnotes "Powered by babelstreet."

Anyway, the issue is pertinent.

This is another entry point for the "multi-polar world." These regional hotspots are too much for an overspread USDOD to cover to Neocon desire. Russia is likely pulling strings to agitate the situation, as it is an asymmetrical tug that is not easily countered by the USG. If they (Russia) lose Transnistria, well they never really had it to begin with. If Transnistria secedes from Moldova and is accessed by Russia, then it gives Putin some legalese he needs to press forward through Odessa Oblast to "reunify."

The Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts also petitioned reunification with Russia. Russia shortly thereafter used this petition as evidence to support their accession into the Russian Federation.

I wonder if this is all pre-text to a big Russian summer push.

Been there a few years ago.

Fascinating place.

No graffiti, young mothers, I saw no drunk people on the streets, young fit guys playing football and basketball, no girls dressed as prostitutes.

I felt, if this is communism, I like it.

It was also a bit eery, because it was so unfamiliar to me. Their own currency. My mobile phone didn't work, my credit card didnt work.

If you don't join the system, they fully disconnect you.

Official contents of the resolution adopted by the 7th Congres of Transnistrian elected officials:

1. Apply to the Federation Council and the State Duma of Russia with a request to implement measures to protect Transnistria in the face of increasing pressure from Moldova. More than 220 thousand Russian citizens live in Transnistria. Russia is participating in the peacekeeping mission on the Dniester and is a guarantor and mediator in the negotiation process.

2. Apply to the Secretary-General of the United Nations with a request to take into account the inalienable rights of the Pridnestrovian people, guaranteed by international norms, to stop the violation by neighboring Moldova of the rights and freedoms of the citizens of Pridnestrovie and to prevent provocations leading to an escalation of tension.

3. Contact the participants in the international negotiation process in the “5+2” format.

4. Appeal to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe with an appeal to influence the leadership of Moldova in order to return to an adequate dialogue within the framework of the international negotiation process and provide conditions for a civilized resolution of the conflict.

5. Accept an appeal to the Interparliamentary Assembly of States Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States with a call to prevent escalation on the Dniester.

6. Accept an appeal to the Parliament of the European Union with a request to make efforts to prevent pressure from Moldova and violation of the rights and freedoms of Pridnestrovians.

7. Accept an appeal to the International Committee of the Red Cross with a call to ensure conditions for ensuring the social and humanitarian rights, interests and inalienable freedoms of all residents of Transnistria.
I wonder about the timing of this, it sounds like desperation, with things starting to unravel for Ukraine/NATO on the front.
I was in Moldova about six years ago and the vibe I got was that they were hoping to join the EU for more stability and perhaps a chance at a higher standard of living, so my guess is that they will probably align with NATO on this one. I did go to Transnistria as well and I recall passing through a Russian checkpoint, so I'm curious how this will all work out. Will it be like a sliver under NATO's fingernail?
This will end up as a nothingburger.
How many times before have we heard about ukrainians preparing to cross the Dniester (in conjunction with a Moldovan invasion from the west) to seize the soviet era ammo storages ? Nothing happened back then (when ukraine still had manpower to spare) and nothing will happen now. Neither Moldova nor ukraine are in a position to invade.
And Russia is not in a position to provide Transnistria with anything, due to lack of any communication routes between them. Russia also showed itself to be pretty reluctant when it comes to annexing new territories; even when they are adjacent to the Russian border like Abkhazia or South Ossetia, or the Donbass which they left in limbo for almost a decade.
It would take a direct Romanian intervention to change the situation.
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My friends big scandal in moldavia, in moldavia Maia sandu is president, she is granddaughter of famous romania nazi. She want continue hitler job and make war with Russia. She now go to court because people call her nazi.

In moldavia there is fight between neo nazi globalist West and Russia. Moldavian citizen anna Michalaki call Sandu nazi now she go to court even though her grandfather is nazi and she hate Russia!

All Moldovia pro Russia leadership is Jewish my friends I tell you here I don't read this in thread.

Ilan shor, marina taubner, abramiuc. All jews fighting for russkiy Mir. Ilan shor and taubner also Israel citizen

This happen before my friends, marina taubner before accuse Maia sandu of making new holocaust in Moldovia because she always attack jews.

Marina Tauber's scandalous claims were made in the context in which it was sanctioned by the EU for attempts to destabilize the Republic of Moldova, along with others.

„I want European states to remember the crimes committed against Jews during World War II. With immense pain I remember my relatives who were burned alive in the gas chambers in the Nazi concentration camps. And when I found out that the European Union included me on the list of sanctions, I just smiled and said to myself: Thank you Europe! You're making fun of my family again. And all the excuses, expressed so far, are only dust in the eyes of the world community. Currently, together with Maia Sandu, you are committing a new genocide against the Jews, against me, against Ilan Șor and our entire team, here on the territory of the Republic of Moldova ”, said the parliamentarian of the Șor party, a party that organizes the anti-government protests in Chisinau.

My friend this is reality in moldovia. Always anti semitism, always anti russia.
