Thomas Sowell


Thomas Sowell is an economist and historian, he wrote some pretty good books and did some really good research, Im not sure if he is still alive he might be in his 90's, In my eyes he is a really smart guy.

Here is a short clip about him discussing slavery, the left doesnt like him because he talks about slavery not being about race and he mentions white slaves and talks about African and Muslim slave owners who captured white people, the left goes nuts over this it destroys their world.

I enjoyed his book affirmative action around the world, wealth poverty and politics, black rednecks and white liberals, he wrote about 50 books, most of the topics were more relevant before the lockdowns though so since then I havent touched his stuff, but its still worth sharing, lots to learn from him.

After binge watching a bunch of Sowell's YouTube videos, I've decided to read his book "The Quest For Cosmic Justice".

It's very good so far! Very based & redpilled. I might do a full review here once I'm finished :)